Code:/* Added by Sommaire Paramétrable (Customize Menu) v2.0 installation script */
define("_SOMADMINTITLE","Administration Menu");
define("_SOMMSGNOTNUM","The value of this field must be numeric, please modify.");
define("_SOMMSGVOID","You must enter a value for this field !");
define("_SOMATTNSUPPRCAT","Attention !! You cannot cancel if you delete a category ! (The 'Cancel' button does not re-create the deleted category)");
define("_SOMCATNAME","Category's name");
define("_SOMIMGNAME","Image file's name");
define("_SOMCATLINK","Link on this category");
define("_SOMCATMODS","Modules in this category");
define("_SOMNOIMG","[No image]");
define("_SOMHR","Horizontal rule");
define("_SOMCENTER","Center title");
define("_SOMBGCOLOR","Background color");
define("_SOMEXTLINK","External link");
define("_TARGETBLANK","Open in a new window");
define("_SOMADDCAT","Add a new category");
define("_SOMNEWCATEGORY","Add a new category :");
define("_SOMREMARKS","<strong>Remarks :</strong><br><br>"
."- The WEIGHT is used to order categories (categories with a lower WEIGHT are displayed first). [number between 0 and 98]<br><br>"
."- You can create a category without a name : in this case, the image will not be displayed.<br>"
." (useful if you are using only horizontal rules to separate categories)<br><br>"
."- The IMAGE FILE'S NAME (for the category) is an image file inside /images/sommaire/. You can also put a FLASH file (.swf)."
."<br> The IMAGE (for category's content) is an image file inside /images/sommaire/categories/."
."<br> When you add an image file in these folders, it is automatically added in its list box.<br>"
." If you don't want to display an image before a category's name, put 'null.gif' (transparent 20x20 px image) in the field.<br><br>"
."- THE LINK ON THE CATEGORY could be any internet url or an url relative to your site.<br>"
." If you put an external link (beginnning with 'http://' or 'ftp://'), the link will be opened in a new window.<br>"
." If you put a relative url ('account-new_user.html'), the link will open in the current window.<br>"
." To open an internal link in a new window, put the exact, full url of your site.<br>"
." To open an external link in the current window, type 'HTTP://' (in uppercase).<br><br>"
."- The BACKGROUND COLOR must be a color code or a standard color name.<br>"
." ex: 'red' : <font color=\"red\">RED</font> -- '#ff0000' : <font color=\"#ff0000\">RED</font><br><br>"
."- The CLASS used to display categories' names msut be an existing class in all your themes.<br>"
." The classes are in the file /themes/YOURTHEME/style/style.css.<br>"
." You can add your own class, for example you can add this line in the style sheets of your themes :<br>"
." <i>.sommaire {FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 12px; COLOR: #363636; FONT-WEIGHT: bold} </i><br>");
define("_SOMCATCONTENT","Category's content");
define("_SOMLINKURL","link's URL");
define("_SOMLINKTEXT","link's text");
define("_SOMINVALIDWEIGHT","The WEIGHT value is invalid for the category");
define("_SOMMUSTBENUM"," This value MUST be a number between 0 and 98 !!");
define("_SOMCATS","The categories");
define("_SOMSAMEWEIGHT","have the same WEIGHT !!");
define("_SOMMODIFWEIGHT","Return back to the previous page and modify the WEIGHT value of one of these categories.");
define("_SOMBACKADMIN","Back to Menu administration");
define("_SOMSUCCESS","Your block has been successfully updated !");
define("_SOMGOADMIN","Configure your Menu");
define("_SOMUPGRADESUCCESS","Your Menu was successfully upgraded !!");
define("_SOMV1DETECTED","Sommaire parametrable v.1.0 detected !");
define("_SOMCLICKTOUPGRADE","To upgrade your menu, click");
define("_SOMWARNINGDELETECAT","Are you sure you want to delete the category");
define("_SOMGENERALOPTIONS","General Options");
define("_SOMDISPLAYMEMBERSONLYMODULES","Display of 'members only' modules");
define("_SOMCATEGORIESCLASS","Class for categories' names");
define("_SOMDISPLAYMODULENORMAL","Normal (always displayed)");
define("_SOMDISPLAYMODULEWITHICON","Displayed with icon");
define("_SOMDISPLAYMODULEINVISIBLE","Invisible for visitors");
define ("_SOMYES","Yes");
define ("_SOMNO","No");
/* Added by Sommaire Paramétrable (Customize Menu) v2.1 installation script */
define("_SOMMAIREREMARKSTWO","<br>- You can create a popup, to do so, enter in the field 'url' of external link :<br>"
." <i>'','popup_sommaire','directories=no,menubar=no,status=no,location=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no')</i><br>"
."<br> You can modify display options (display scrollbars, etc...)<br>"
." See <a href=\"\">Tout Javascript - les popups</a> for more details.<br><br>");
define("_SOMMAIREHR","Horiz. rule");
define("_SOMLISTBOX","Drop down box");
define("_SOMSENDTOHAVEMORE","Save your modifications to add new links.");
define("_SOMDISPLAYCLASSES","Display :");
define("_SOMMODULESCLASS","CSS class used for modules/external links");
define("_SOMAUTODETECTNEW","Automatic detection of news");
define("_SOMSINCE","New for");
define("_SOMDYNAMICMENU","Dynamic menu");
define("_SOMJSSAVEBEFORE","Do you want to save your modifications before deleting this category ?");
define("_SOMEDITLINKTITLE","Edit a link...");
define("_SOMMOREOPTIONS","More options");
define("_SOMCLASS","CSS class");
define("_SOMATTENTIONMOREOPTIONS","<strong>Attention !</strong><br>If you modify in sommaire's admin panel the general CSS class for categories, or for modules/links, or the time 'New!' icon is displayed, the specific values of a category or a module/link will be overwritten.");
define("_SOMMOREOPTIONSUCCESS","Your modifications are applied !");
define("_SOMSENDTOVALIDATE","(You should validate all modifications in the main sommaire panel for your modifications to be finally confirmed)");
define("_SOMCLOSE","Close the window");
define("_SOMTARGETBLANK","Link opened in a new window. To open in the same window, begin url with HTTP:// (uppercase)");
define("_SOMTARGETNONE","Link opened in the same window. To open in a new window, begin url with http:// (lowercase)");
define("_SOMNOTABLEPB","Sommaire Parametrable is unable to access its database tables.Please verify that you have installed correctly, and READ THE FAQ !");
/* End of Sommaire Paramétrable v2.1 modifications */
/* Sommaire Parametrable v3.0 */
define("_SOMIMGNEWTITLE","Click to Show/Hide the NEW icon");
define("_SOMADMINIMGDROPDOWN","Click to choose an image for this category");
define("_SOMADMINIMGDROPDOWNCAT","Click to choose an image for this link");
define("_SOMJSFIXFORIE1","The drop-down lists below disappear on Internet Explorer. This is NORMAL : it's a workaround to avoid an IE bug. For the sake of the web and a better internet experience, please use another browser (Opera, Firefox,...)");
define("_SOMMOVEUP","Click to move the link upwards");
define("_SOMMOVEDOWN","Click to move the link downwards");
define("_SOMREMOVESUBLEVEL","Click to remove this sublevel");
define("_SOMADDSUBLEVEL","Click to add a sublevel");
define("_SOMSCHEDULETITLE","Schedule the display");
define("_SOMSCHEDULE","Click to hide or schedule the display");
define("_SOMTEXTONLY","Text without url");
define("_SOMDISPLAYFROM","Display from");
define("_SOMSHOWADMIN","Extended Administrator view");
define("_SOMNOTDYNAMICCAT","Always open");
/* End of Sommaire Parametrable v3.0 modifications */