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RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Mar 18, 2007
Posts: 1242
Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:38 pm |
In "Configuration" "Default Fields" there is the field:
Allow URL for website: Active/Deactivate
This isn't working because the field is actually "Homepage" and the user can enter their URL even if the field is deactivated. Am I missing something here?
Cheers |
Site Admin

Joined: Mar 30, 2006
Posts: 2583
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:31 pm |
The name given to the field doesn't mean anything. It only matter what field is referenced in the database.
I tried hiding the field on and it seems to be working fine. |
_________________ "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan. |

Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:36 pm |
I understand that but I think my point was really that it doesn't work if "Deactivated". The user, when registering is still presented with the dialog and can still add a URL for their homepage/website .. Unless I am missing something ?? |

Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:22 am |
Oh I see what you mean now. I was just looking at "edit info" and "user info" not at registration. I'll take a look at it. |

Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:26 am |
Thanks, I realize that my OP was a bit confusing.  |
Site Admin

Joined: Jun 04, 2004
Posts: 6437
Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:45 am |
I couldn't reproduce this. The home page / url doesn't show on registration or user info when deactivated. |
_________________ I search, therefore I exist...
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:54 am |
I think that's because my test site has an update that resolved a similar issue related to permissions. I'll add to SVN and fix both. |

Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:08 am |
OK. Added to SVN but it was only on the user info page. Registration hasn't changed and is working correctly. |

Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:34 am |
Yes, if the user registers, then goes to "Your Account" => "Change Info", there is not supposed to be place displayed for "Website URL" if it is deactivated in the RNYA configuration => default fields |

Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:10 am |
I believe the userinfo.php change may address this, too, because I can't reproduce it.
You can get the fix Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!. |

Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:45 am |
That took care of THIS issue, thanks ... Butttt .. did NOT take care of the email issue unless I am missing something. Mouseover the email icon in the user profile and it still shows the real email address in the lower status bar. Or .. where is the new userinfo.php file supposed to work for that fix.
Cheers |

Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:06 am |
Ok, I see how this works re: email viewable now ... And yes, it DOES work with the new userinfo.php file.
Cheers |

Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:29 am |
If you are logged in as an admin, the email address is viewable. Otherwise, it is not. |

Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:52 am |
New twist ...
Scenario (actual event)
User registers and at this time can add URL: and if you click on the username, the profile shows "Website:". However, if that user goes to "Change Info", the website text is missing as per the "default fields" being deactivated. I need to eliminate ALL possibilities of users adding a URL "website". I can always find "URL" in the php file and edit it out so it doesn't appear that way but this should be a little easier to do in the UI somewhere.
Cheers |

Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:04 am |
That's the forum profile. We haven't touched that...yet. |

Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:13 am |
So, they can still add a website URL but only at registration time. Should be easy enough to edit that out.
Cheers |

Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:13 am |
Fixed it .. sorta ...
Went into the language file and changed:
"Your Home Page" to "Your Pets Name"
Whatever works, 'eh?
Cheers |

Joined: Nov 19, 2003
Posts: 282
Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:38 pm |
Well while were at it the new userinfo.php still has an issue.... or mabie not that file .... but when I say "no" to the fake email address option it still asks for a fake email address.
Is that also forum? |

Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:47 pm |
Are you doing the "Default Fields" feature in Edit Users and deactivating that field? Does this happen when a user first registers or after they register and go to Your Account => Change Info? they are two different areas.
Cheers |

Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:28 pm |
If you disable the URL, it cannot be added at registration, displayed on user info or changed on the Your Account Change Info page. It could be displayed / changed on the Forums Profile page.
Same for fake email address. If it's disabled, it won't display on registration, user info, change user info, but will display on Forums profile.
As dad7732 pointed out, it is deactivated in Admin, Edit Users, Default Fields. |

Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:24 pm |
I just registered as a user on my support site. I was sent an activation email as expected. Clicking the link I was brought to this page:
"You must complete and submit this form for your account to be activated!:"
The form contains:
Fake Email:
URL for Website:
Hide Online Status:
Allow Signature Info:
Allow Extra Info:
Allow Interests:
All of these are "Deactivated" in Default Fields. The only one that is NOT displayed is "URL for Website". The rest are valid and displayed and can enter the info.
The Your Account => Change Info is clear of ALL of the deactivated fields. |

Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:17 pm |
Okay I had to step through this.
Fake email is disabled.
When a user logs in for 1st part - it does not display this fake email.
When user clicks the activation link it comes back to the page - and then it asks for fake email.
Once you click submit then it vanishes again - it does not appear in the user profile nor does it appear when you click change info in your account. Apparently only at the activation link/confirmation does it show. |

Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:09 pm |
Aaahhhh....that! Ok, I will work on that... |

Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:15 pm |
Yup, unless you actually register as a new user, you won't see that form. It was annoying me to no end when I had a user that registered, logged in and as I watched his progress, the (H) appeard next to his username and I had that field deactivated. It was only after registering a test user myself that I realized what was happening. |

Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:11 pm |
OK...going through this, I have a question. If the fields are required for registration and membership requires approval, shouldn't they be view only on this activation page? |