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Hangin' Around

Joined: May 08, 2004
Posts: 29
Location: Atlanta, GA

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 8:34 pm Reply with quote

Hello all. I am trying to get a version of phpComics by Ryan Phillips to run properly on my site. After scrounging the old abandoned CSV at sourceforge, I was able to come up with all the files I need for it to run, and it works pretty good. However, in order to setup the individual comics you use an admin module, but if I have this module in my html/admin/modules folder, it is the only module that works (I click Sentinel, it brings up the Comics module, etc). So I make changes then rename it. If someone can tell me if a part of this code is the cause, I'd be really happy. Thanks:

phpComic - Created By: Ryan Phillips, et al. - An opensourced PHP Comic Strip Parser
Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Ryan Phillips

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Please see the LICENSE file for more licensing information.

* Set to true for use within phpNuke
$phpnuke = true;
// only needed for stand-alone settings
$mysql_user = '';
$mysql_pass = '';
$mysql_host = '';
$mysql_data = '';

if($phpnuke) {
if(!eregi('admin.php', $PHP_SELF)) { die ('Access Denied'); }
$hlpfile = 'manual/comics.html';
$result = mysql_query("select radminarticle, radminsuper from cpgnuke_authors where aid='$aid'");
list($radminarticle, $radminsuper) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
if(($radminsuper == 1) OR ($radminarticle == 1)) {
switch($op) {
case 'ComicDel' :
ComicDel($comic, $ok);
case 'ComicAdd' :
ComicAdd($xid, $xname, $xurl, $xmethod, $xarg, $xarg2, $xarg3, $xarg4, $xactive);
case 'ComicSave' :
ComicSave($xid, $xname, $xurl, $xmethod, $xarg, $xarg2, $xarg3, $xarg4, $xactive);
case 'ComicEdit' :
case 'ComicActive' :
ComicActive($comic, $active);
case 'ComicMySQL' :
case 'ComicsAdmin' :
default :
else {
print 'Access Denied';
else { // stand alone
mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass);
switch($op) {
case 'ComicDel' :
ComicDel($comic, $ok);
case 'ComicAdd' :
ComicAdd($xid, $xname, $xurl, $xmethod, $xarg, $xarg2, $xarg3, $xarg4, $xactive);
case 'ComicSave' :
ComicSave($xid, $xname, $xurl, $xmethod, $xarg, $xarg2, $xarg3, $xarg4, $xactive);
case 'ComicEdit' :
print '<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>phpComic Admin: Edit</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>';
print '</BODY></HTML>';
case 'ComicActive' :
ComicActive($comic, $active);
case 'ComicMySQL' :
case 'ComicsAdmin' :
default :
print '<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>phpComic Admin</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>';
print '</BODY></HTML>';

function ComicsAdmin() {
if($phpnuke) {
include 'header.php';
if(!$filter) {
$filter = 'all';
if(!$order) {
$order = 'name';
$output = array();
$output[] = '<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1"><B>phpComics</B></FONT></CENTER>';
$output[] = '<CENTER><TABLE BORDER="1" WIDTH="90%"><TR>';
$output[] = '<TH BGCOLOR="0000ba"><A HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicsAdmin&filter=' . $filter . '&order=id"><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="white">ID</FONT></A></TD>';
$output[] = '<TH BGCOLOR="0000ba"><A HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicsAdmin&filter=' . $filter . '&order=name"><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="white">Name</FONT></A></TD>';
$output[] = '<TH BGCOLOR="0000ba"><A HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicsAdmin&filter=' . $filter . '&order=method"><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="white">Method</FONT></A></TD>';
$output[] = '<TH BGCOLOR="0000ba"><A HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicsAdmin&filter=' . $filter . '&order=active"><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="white">Active</FONT></A></TD>';
$output[] = '<TH BGCOLOR="0000ba"><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="white">Functions</TD>';
$output[] = '</TR>';
$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM cpgnuke_comic ORDER BY ' . $order . ' ASC');
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if($filter == 'all' || ($filter == 'active' && $row['active']) || ($filter == 'inactive' && !$row['active'])) {
$output[] = '<TR>';
$output[] = '<TD BGCOLOR="009999" ALIGN="center"><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="white">' . $row['id'] . '</FONT></TD>';
$output[] = '<TD BGCOLOR="009999" ALIGN="center"><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="white">' . $row['name'] . '</FONT></TD>';
$output[] = '<TD BGCOLOR="009999" ALIGN="center"><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="white">' . $row['method'] . '</FONT></TD>';
$output[] = '<TD BGCOLOR="009999" ALIGN="center"><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="white">';
if(!$row['active']) {
$output[] = '<A HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicActive&comic=' . $row['id'] . '&filter=' . $filter . '&order=' . $order . '&active=1"><FONT COLOR="red">Inactive</FONT></A>';
else {
$output[] = '<A HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicActive&comic=' . $row['id'] . '&filter=' . $filter . '&order=' . $order . '&active=0"><FONT COLOR="green">Active</FONT></A>';
$output[] = '</FONT></TD>';
$output[] = '<TD BGCOLOR="009999" ALIGN="center"><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="white"><A HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicEdit&comic=' . $row['id'] . '&filter=' . $filter . '&order=' . $order . '">Edit</AspacerA HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicDelete&comic=' . $row['id'] . '&filter=' . $filter . '&order=' . $order . '&ok=0">Delete</A></FONT></TD>';
$output[] = '</TR>';
$output[] = '</TABLE></CENTER>';
// filter
$output[] = '<FORM ACTION="' . $PHP_SELF . '" METHOD="post">';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="op" VALUE="ComicsAdmin">';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="order" VALUE="' . $order . '">';
$output[] = '<CENTER><TABLE BORDER="1" WIDTH="90%">';
$output[] = '<TR>';
$output[] = '<TD BGCOLOR="0000ba" ALIGN="center"><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="white">';
$fo = array();
$fo[$filter] = ' SELECTED';
$output[] = '<SELECT NAME="filter" SIZE="1" onChange="this.form.submit()">';
$output[] = '<OPTION VALUE="all"' . $fo['all'] . '>Display All Comics</OPTION>';
$output[] = '<OPTION VALUE="inactive"' . $fo['inactive'] . '>Display Inactive Comics</OPTION>';
$output[] = '<OPTION VALUE="active"' . $fo['active'] . '>Display Active Comics</OPTION>';
$output[] = '</SELECT>';
$output[] = '</FONT></TD>';
$output[] = '</TABLE></CENTER>';
$output[] = '</FORM>';
// add comic
$output[] = '<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1"><B>Add Comic</B></FONT></CENTER>';
$output[] = '<FORM ACTION="' . $PHP_SELF . '" METHOD="post">';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="op" VALUE="ComicAdd">';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="filter" VALUE="' . $filter . '">';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="order" VALUE="' . $order . '">';
$output[] = '<TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%">';
$output[] = '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">ID:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xid" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Name:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xname" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">URL:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xurl" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Method:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xmethod" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Argument:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xarg" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Argument 2:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xarg2" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Argument 3:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xarg3" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Argument 4:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xarg4" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Active:</TD><TD><SELECT NAME="xactive" SIZE="1">';
$output[] = '<OPTION VALUE="1" SELECTED>Active</OPTION>';
$output[] = '<OPTION VALUE="0">Inactive</OPTION>';
$output[] = '</SELECT></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '</TABLE>';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Save Changes">';
$output[] = '</FORM>';
// mysql comic code
$output[] = '<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1"><B>MySQL Comic Edit</B></FONT></CENTER>';
$output[] = '<FORM ACTION="' . $PHP_SELF . '" METHOD="post">';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="op" VALUE="ComicMySQL">';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="filter" VALUE="' . $filter . '">';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="order" VALUE="' . $order . '">';
$output[] = '<TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%">';
$output[] = '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">MySQL:</TD><TD><TEXTAREA NAME="sql" ROWS="5" COLS="50" WRAP="soft"></TEXTAREA></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '</TABLE>';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Run SQL Command">';
$output[] = '</FORM>';
print join("\n", $output);
if($phpnuke) {
include 'footer.php';

function ComicEdit($comic) {
if($phpnuke) {
include 'header.php';
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cpgnuke_comic WHERE id = '$comic'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$output = array();
// edit comic
$output[] = '<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1"><B>Edit Comic</B></FONT></CENTER>';
$output[] = '<FORM ACTION="' . $PHP_SELF . '" METHOD="post">';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="op" VALUE="ComicSave">';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="comic" VALUE="' . $row['id'] . '">';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="filter" VALUE="' . $filter . '">';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="order" VALUE="' . $order . '">';
$output[] = '<TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%">';
$output[] = '<TR><TD>ID:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xid" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255" VALUE="' . htmlentities($row['id']) . '"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD>Name:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xname" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255" VALUE="' . htmlentities($row['name']) . '"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD>URL:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xurl" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255" VALUE="' . htmlentities($row['url']) . '"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD>Method:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xmethod" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255" VALUE="' . htmlentities($row['method']) . '"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD>Argument:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xarg" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255" VALUE="' . htmlentities($row['arg']) . '"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD>Argument 2:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xarg2" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255" VALUE="' . htmlentities($row['arg2']) . '"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD>Argument 3:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xarg3" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255" VALUE="' . htmlentities($row['arg3']) . '"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD>Argument 4:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="xarg4" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="255" VALUE="' . htmlentities($row['arg4']) . '"></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '<TR><TD>Active:</TD><TD><SELECT NAME="xactive" SIZE="1">';
if($row['active']) {
$active_on = ' SELECTED';
else {
$active_off = ' SELECTED';
$output[] = '<OPTION VALUE="1"' . $active_on . '>Active</OPTION>';
$output[] = '<OPTION VALUE="0"' . $active_off . '>Inactive</OPTION>';
$output[] = '</SELECT></TD></TR>';
$output[] = '</TABLE>';
$output[] = '<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Save Changes">';
$output[] = '</FORM>';
// display MySQL 'add' command for comic
$output[] = '<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1"><B>MySQL &quot;Add&quot; Command</B></FONT></CENTER>';
$output[] = '<CENTER><TABLE BORDER="1">';
$output[] = '<TR><TD>';
$output[] = "INSERT INTO cpgnuke_comic (id, name, url, method, arg, arg2, arg3, arg4) VALUES ('" . $row['id'] . "', '" . addslashes($row['name']) . "', '" . addslashes($row['url']) . "', '" . addslashes($row['method']) . "', '" . addslashes($row['arg']) . "', '" . addslashes($row['arg2']) . "', '" . addslashes($row['arg3']) . "', '" . addslashes($row['arg4']) . "')";
$output[] = '</TD></TR>';
$output[] = '</TABLE></CENTER>';
// display MySQL 'update' command for comic
$output[] = '<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1"><B>MySQL &quot;Update&quot; Command</B></FONT></CENTER>';
$output[] = '<CENTER><TABLE BORDER="1">';
$output[] = '<TR><TD>';
$output[] = "UPDATE cpgnuke_comic SET name='" . addslashes($row['name']) . "', url='" . addslashes($row['url']) . "', method='" . addslashes($row['method']) . "', arg='" . addslashes($row['arg']) . "', arg2='" . addslashes($row['arg2']) . "', arg3='" . addslashes($row['arg3']) . "', arg4='" . addslashes($row['arg4']) . "' WHERE id='" . $row['id'] . "' LIMIT 1";
$output[] = '</TD></TR>';
$output[] = '</TABLE></CENTER>';
print join("\n", $output);
if($phpnuke) {
include 'footer.php';

function ComicSave($id, $name, $url, $method, $arg, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $active) {
if($active) {
$active = "'1'";
else {
$active = 'NULL';
mysql_query("UPDATE cpgnuke_comic SET id='$id', name='$name', url='$url', method='$method', arg='$arg', arg2='$arg2', arg3='$arg3', arg4='$arg4', active=$active WHERE id='$id'");
Header('Location: ' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicsAdmin&filter=' . $filter . '&order=' . $order);

function ComicAdd($id, $name, $url, $method, $arg, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $active) {
if($active) {
$active = "'1'";
else {
$active = 'NULL';
mysql_query("INSERT INTO cpgnuke_comic (id, name, url, method, arg, arg2, arg3, arg4, active) VALUES ('$id', '$name', '$url', '$method', '$arg', '$arg2', '$arg3', '$arg4', $active)");
Header('Location: ' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicsAdmin&filter=' . $filter . '&order=' . $order);

function ComicActive($id, $active) {
if($active) {
$active = "'1'";
else {
$active = 'NULL';
mysql_query("UPDATE cpgnuke_comic SET active=$active WHERE id='$id'");
Header('Location: ' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicsAdmin&filter=' . $filter . '&order=' . $order);

function ComicMySQL($sql) {
Header('Location: ' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicsAdmin&filter=' . $filter . '&order=' . $order);

function ComicDel($comic, $ok = false) {
if($ok) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM cpgnuke_comic WHERE id='$comic'");
Header('Location: ' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicsAdmin&filter=' . $filter . '&order=' . $order);
else {
include 'header.php';
$output = array();
$output[] = '<BR><CENTER>';
$output[] = '<FONT COLOR="red"><B>WARNING: Are you sure you want to delete this comic?</B></FONT><BR><BR>';
$output[] = '[ <A HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicDel&comic=' . $comic . '&filter=' . $filter . '&order=' . $order . '&ok=1">Yes</A> | <A HREF="' . $PHP_SELF . '?op=ComicsAdmin&filter=' . $filter . '&order=' . $order . '">No</A> ]<BR><BR>';
print join("\n", $output);
include 'footer.php';

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Joined: Jun 02, 2004
Posts: 268
Location: Englewood, OH

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:28 am Reply with quote

Not sure what version of phpnuke you are running..... there were some code changes in the latest security update for phpnuke 7.3.....
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 9:34 pm Reply with quote

Sorry, I should have mentioned that. Same problem running on 6.8 - 7.0 PHPnuke sites.
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