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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:27 am Reply with quote


I have updated my php77 site to RN 2.4. It looks like everything was successful but now I cannot create a new user for the forum nor login with an existing account.

Of course, I had downgraded php 7.7. to 7.6 befoe upgrading to RN 2.4.
If you like to check yourself: www.freewysemonkeys.com
Any ideas?

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Joined: Mar 30, 2006
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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:45 am Reply with quote

When I try to create an account it says this feature has been disabled by the admin. You need to enable registration under user administration.

I did notice that you receive an error when trying to login with the box at the bottom of the forums. User should be using Your Account to login not that box. I suggest you just remove it. To try and make this as easy as possible I suggest the following. If you do not have any forum mods installed what i would do is delete the forum folder in your theme, and just let it use the default subSilver theme provided since that is what your theme seems to be doing.

If you do not have a forum folder in your theme and it is using the default subSilver theme let me know because I thought that login box was removed.

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan. 
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:02 am Reply with quote


due to an issue with my original ThinkThin account I have created a new one. So it is still me Wink

There is no themes subfolder in the forum. I have tried to login via sitepanel, link to "Login" or login box at the bottom of the site. All to no avail.

Any more ideas? Maybe I have missed something during the migration process?

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:59 am Reply with quote

What happens when you try to login?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:25 pm Reply with quote

I am just getting an HTTP 500 error that this website could not be displayed.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:51 pm Reply with quote

The first thing we need to do is get ride of the "This function has been DISABLED by the site admin."

You need to go into admin.php and then go to:
Edit Users - > Configuration -> Registration -> Allow User Registration
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 29, 2004
Posts: 9457
Location: Arizona

PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:48 pm Reply with quote

thinkthin wrote:
I had downgraded php 7.7. to 7.6 befoe upgrading to RN 2.4.
If you like to check yourself: www.freewysemonkeys.com
Any ideas?

There could be far more lurking under the covers as this is not just an upgrade from a previous version of RN. You may wish to run the table comparison utility under UtilityFiles/table_compare within the distro. It would be good to rule out field differences too. Also, make sure db error logging is turned on within rnconfig.php and that your rnlogs/dblog file is write-able by the web server so that you can see any SQL errors.

Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! 
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:21 am Reply with quote

I cannot enable user registration as the site is empty. When I open admin.php and then go to Edit Users - > Configuration -> Registration the whole table to empty. I cannot see or configure anything. I just see the tabs Registration, Default Field, Email, Permission, Expiration, Limits and Cookies. Beneath that nothing is visible.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:48 am Reply with quote

This is what the table_compare.php lists. Looks like there are a few things missing.

The database you are using for comparison is: freewysemonkeys_db
You are comparing this data base against the structure of the database represented in fieldlist240.txt
column not found in your table: nuke_banner name
column not found in your table: nuke_banner position
column not found in your table: nuke_banner ad_class
column not found in your table: nuke_banner ad_code
column not found in your table: nuke_banner ad_width
column not found in your table: nuke_banner ad_height
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_banner_clients' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_banner_clients LIKE 'cid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_banner_plans' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_banner_plans LIKE 'pid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_banner_positions' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_banner_positions LIKE 'apid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_banner_terms' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_banner_terms LIKE 'terms_body'
field keys do not match nuke_bbsessions session_id : Base MUL Your table
field keys do not match nuke_bbsessions session_ip : Base MUL Your table
column not found in your table: nuke_blocks groups
column not found in your table: nuke_blocks max_rss_items
default values do not match nuke_config minpass : Base 8 Your table 5
field keys do not match nuke_counter type : Base PRI Your table
field keys do not match nuke_counter var : Base PRI Your table
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_gcal_cat_group' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_gcal_cat_group LIKE 'id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_gcal_category' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_gcal_category LIKE 'id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_gcal_config' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_gcal_config LIKE 'id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_gcal_event' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_gcal_event LIKE 'id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_gcal_exception' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_gcal_exception LIKE 'id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_gcal_rsvp' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_gcal_rsvp LIKE 'id'
field keys do not match nuke_groups id : Base PRI Your table
field keys do not match nuke_groups_points id : Base PRI Your table
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_hnl_categories' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_hnl_categories LIKE 'cid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_hnl_cfg' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_hnl_cfg LIKE 'cfg_nm'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_hnl_newsletters' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_hnl_newsletters LIKE 'nid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_legal_cfg' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_legal_cfg LIKE 'contact_email'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_legal_docs' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_legal_docs LIKE 'did'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_legal_text' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_legal_text LIKE 'tid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_legal_text_map' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_legal_text_map LIKE 'mid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_mail_config' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_mail_config LIKE 'active'
column not found in your table: nuke_message groups
column not found in your table: nuke_modules groups
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_newpages' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_newpages LIKE 'pid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsngr_config' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsngr_config LIKE 'config_name'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsngr_groups' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsngr_groups LIKE 'gid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsngr_users' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsngr_users LIKE 'gid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_config' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_config LIKE 'config_name'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_members' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_members LIKE 'member_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_members_positions' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_members_positions LIKE 'position_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_projects' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_projects LIKE 'project_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_projects_members' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_projects_members LIKE 'project_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_projects_priorities' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_projects_priorities LIKE 'priority_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_projects_status' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_projects_status LIKE 'status_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_reports' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_reports LIKE 'report_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_reports_comments' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_reports_comments LIKE 'comment_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_reports_members' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_reports_members LIKE 'report_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_reports_status' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_reports_status LIKE 'status_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_reports_types' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_reports_types LIKE 'type_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_requests' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_requests LIKE 'request_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_requests_comments' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_requests_comments LIKE 'comment_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_requests_members' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_requests_members LIKE 'request_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_requests_status' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_requests_status LIKE 'status_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_requests_types' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_requests_types LIKE 'type_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_tasks' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_tasks LIKE 'task_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_tasks_members' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_tasks_members LIKE 'task_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_tasks_priorities' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_tasks_priorities LIKE 'priority_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnpj_tasks_status' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnpj_tasks_status LIKE 'status_id'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnst_admins' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnst_admins LIKE 'aid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnst_blocked_ips' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnst_blocked_ips LIKE 'ip_addr'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnst_blocked_ranges' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnst_blocked_ranges LIKE 'ip_lo'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnst_blockers' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnst_blockers LIKE 'blocker'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnst_cidrs' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnst_cidrs LIKE 'cidr'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnst_config' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnst_config LIKE 'config_name'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnst_countries' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnst_countries LIKE 'c2c'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnst_excluded_ranges' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnst_excluded_ranges LIKE 'ip_lo'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnst_harvesters' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnst_harvesters LIKE 'hid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnst_ip2country' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnst_ip2country LIKE 'ip_lo'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnst_protected_ranges' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnst_protected_ranges LIKE 'ip_lo'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnst_referers' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnst_referers LIKE 'rid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnst_strings' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnst_strings LIKE 'sid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_nsnst_tracked_ips' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_nsnst_tracked_ips LIKE 'tid'
column not found in your table: nuke_pages tags
column not found in your table: nuke_pages uname
column not found in your table: nuke_pages_categories cimg
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_pages_feat' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_pages_feat LIKE 'cid'
field keys do not match nuke_poll_check ip : Base PRI Your table
field keys do not match nuke_poll_check pollID : Base PRI Your table
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_seo_config' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_seo_config LIKE 'config_type'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_seo_dh' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_seo_dh LIKE 'dhid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_seo_dh_master' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_seo_dh_master LIKE 'mid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_seo_disabled_modules' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_seo_disabled_modules LIKE 'title'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_seo_feed' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_seo_feed LIKE 'fid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_seo_subscriptions' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_seo_subscriptions LIKE 'sid'
field keys do not match nuke_stats_date year : Base PRI Your table
field keys do not match nuke_stats_date month : Base PRI Your table
field keys do not match nuke_stats_date date : Base PRI Your table
field keys do not match nuke_stats_hour year : Base PRI Your table
field keys do not match nuke_stats_hour month : Base PRI Your table
field keys do not match nuke_stats_hour date : Base PRI Your table
field keys do not match nuke_stats_hour hour : Base PRI Your table
field keys do not match nuke_stats_month year : Base PRI Your table
field keys do not match nuke_stats_month month : Base PRI Your table
field keys do not match nuke_stats_year year : Base PRI Your table
field keys do not match nuke_subscriptions id : Base PRI Your table
null status not match nuke_subscriptions userid : Base NO Your table YES
field keys do not match nuke_subscriptions userid : Base PRI Your table
field types do not match nuke_topics topicimage : Base varchar(20) Your table varchar(100)
null status not match nuke_users bio : Base YES Your table NO
null status not match nuke_users ublock : Base YES Your table NO
column not found in your table: nuke_users agreedtos
column not found in your table: nuke_users lastsitevisit
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_users_config' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_users_config LIKE 'config_name'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_users_field_values' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_users_field_values LIKE 'vid'
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_users_fields' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_users_fields LIKE 'fid'
column not found in your table: nuke_users_temp name
Table 'freewysemonkeys_db.nuke_users_temp_field_values' doesn't exist SHOW COLUMNS FROM nuke_users_temp_field_values LIKE 'vid'

tables processed: 163
fields processed: 773
fields not found on your system 16
tables not found in your system: 68
Site Admin

Joined: Feb 06, 2006
Posts: 3048
Location: United Kingdom

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:37 am Reply with quote

That explains it, you need to make sure your database matches that of a stock RN database.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:52 am Reply with quote

Are there any scripts I have missed or what is the easiest way now to fix this issue?


PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:36 am Reply with quote

OK, any "not-so-easy" ways maybe?


PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:48 am Reply with quote

The easiest way is to compare your database against a stock RN database using a tool such as mySQLDiff.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:26 am Reply with quote

As mySQLdiff wasn't working for me, I have gone the hard way and created a new empty RN database. After that I have manually inserted each table content.
Now my site is back and running perfectly.

Thanks to all

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:51 am Reply with quote

Cool, glad it is working. Very Happy
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