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Joined: Dec 03, 2005
Posts: 153

PostPosted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 10:24 am Reply with quote

Hi all

I am upgrading from rn2.20.01 NukeSentinel(tm) 2.6.01.

When I run the rndb_upgrade, the upgrade seams to run ok and so does the rndb_upgrade_nukesentinel, when viewing the site, everything seam ok.

When I enter the admin section these are the problems I seam to encounter.
Adding and removing blocks, I can Deactivate a block and then Activate the same block, I cannot add a new block, it will not save it to the database checked with phpmyadmin to see if new block was in the table and it is not.

below is the eror log from rnlogs:

November 26, 2009, 2:45 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_legal' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT 1 FROM nuke_legal LIMIT 0
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:45 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_legal_cfg' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT 1 FROM nuke_legal_cfg LIMIT 0
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:45 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_bbattachments_config' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT 1 FROM nuke_bbattachments_config LIMIT 0
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:45 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_bbforbidden_extensions' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT 1 FROM nuke_bbforbidden_extensions LIMIT 0
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:45 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_bbextension_groups' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT 1 FROM nuke_bbextension_groups LIMIT 0
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:45 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_bbextensions' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT 1 FROM nuke_bbextensions LIMIT 0
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:45 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_bbattachments_desc' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT 1 FROM nuke_bbattachments_desc LIMIT 0
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:45 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_bbattachments' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT 1 FROM nuke_bbattachments LIMIT 0
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:45 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_bbquota_limits' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT 1 FROM nuke_bbquota_limits LIMIT 0
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:45 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_bbattach_quota' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT 1 FROM nuke_bbattach_quota LIMIT 0
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:46 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_themecpanel' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT rightclick, rightclick1, disableall, disableall1, sourcecode, clickms FROM nuke_themecpanel
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:46 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_xdmp3panel' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT mp3category1 , mp3link1name, mp3link1url , mp3category2, mp3link2name, mp3link2url, mp3category3, mp3link3name, mp3link3url, mp3category4, mp3link4name, mp3link4url, mp3category5, mp3link5name, mp3link5url, mp3category6, mp3link6name, mp3link6url from nuke_xdmp3panel
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:48 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_themecpanel' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT rightclick, rightclick1, disableall, disableall1, sourcecode, clickms FROM nuke_themecpanel
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:48 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_xdmp3panel' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT mp3category1 , mp3link1name, mp3link1url , mp3category2, mp3link2name, mp3link2url, mp3category3, mp3link3name, mp3link3url, mp3category4, mp3link4name, mp3link4url, mp3category5, mp3link5name, mp3link5url, mp3category6, mp3link6name, mp3link6url from nuke_xdmp3panel
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:48 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_themecpanel' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT rightclick, rightclick1, disableall, disableall1, sourcecode, clickms FROM nuke_themecpanel
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:48 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_xdmp3panel' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT mp3category1 , mp3link1name, mp3link1url , mp3category2, mp3link2name, mp3link2url, mp3category3, mp3link3name, mp3link3url, mp3category4, mp3link4name, mp3link4url, mp3category5, mp3link5name, mp3link5url, mp3category6, mp3link6name, mp3link6url from nuke_xdmp3panel
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:49 pm 1136 : Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
SQL was: insert into nuke_blocks values (NULL, '', '12Hrs', '', '', 'c', '10', '1', '3600', '', '', 'block-12hr.php', '0', '', '0', 'd', '0')
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:49 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_themecpanel' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT rightclick, rightclick1, disableall, disableall1, sourcecode, clickms FROM nuke_themecpanel
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:49 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_xdmp3panel' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT mp3category1 , mp3link1name, mp3link1url , mp3category2, mp3link2name, mp3link2url, mp3category3, mp3link3name, mp3link3url, mp3category4, mp3link4name, mp3link4url, mp3category5, mp3link5name, mp3link5url, mp3category6, mp3link6name, mp3link6url from nuke_xdmp3panel
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:49 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_themecpanel' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT rightclick, rightclick1, disableall, disableall1, sourcecode, clickms FROM nuke_themecpanel
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 2:49 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_xdmp3panel' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT mp3category1 , mp3link1name, mp3link1url , mp3category2, mp3link2name, mp3link2url, mp3category3, mp3link3name, mp3link3url, mp3category4, mp3link4name, mp3link4url, mp3category5, mp3link5name, mp3link5url, mp3category6, mp3link6name, mp3link6url from nuke_xdmp3panel
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 3:08 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_themecpanel' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT rightclick, rightclick1, disableall, disableall1, sourcecode, clickms FROM nuke_themecpanel
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 3:08 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_xdmp3panel' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT mp3category1 , mp3link1name, mp3link1url , mp3category2, mp3link2name, mp3link2url, mp3category3, mp3link3name, mp3link3url, mp3category4, mp3link4name, mp3link4url, mp3category5, mp3link5name, mp3link5url, mp3category6, mp3link6name, mp3link6url from nuke_xdmp3panel
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 3:08 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_themecpanel' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT rightclick, rightclick1, disableall, disableall1, sourcecode, clickms FROM nuke_themecpanel
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
November 26, 2009, 3:08 pm 1146 : Table 'camp.nuke_xdmp3panel' doesn't exist
SQL was: SELECT mp3category1 , mp3link1name, mp3link1url , mp3category2, mp3link2name, mp3link2url, mp3category3, mp3link3name, mp3link3url, mp3category4, mp3link4name, mp3link4url, mp3category5, mp3link5name, mp3link5url, mp3category6, mp3link6name, mp3link6url from nuke_xdmp3panel
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx

When I check the database with phpmyadmin, all the tables are there.

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Joined: Aug 29, 2004
Posts: 9457
Location: Arizona

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:15 pm Reply with quote

scorpious, can you please clear out this log and then access your site again? I think several of these errors were put in there as a part of the upgrade. I want to make sure we're seeing a clean log of errors.

RavenNuke(tm) doesn't have anything related to these "cpanel" tables. Don't even know what that is. Looks like you may have not just done an upgrade in place because you have a miss-match between your files and tables.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:48 pm Reply with quote

Hi montego

Here is the error I get now,


November 27, 2009, 11:32 pm 1136 : Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
SQL was: insert into nuke_blocks values (NULL, '', 'Admin-info', '', '', 'c', '10', '1', '3600', '', '', 'block-Admin-info.php', '0', '', '0', 'd', '0')
remote addr: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx

These was already installed before the upgradenot sure if it would make a difference:
NSN Groups
NSN GR Downloads

I have removed the others errors they are reference to my theme, they do not have nuke_ at the beginning.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:44 am Reply with quote

scorpious, ok, please post the structure of your nuke_blocks table here.
Site Admin

Joined: Mar 30, 2006
Posts: 2583
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:37 pm Reply with quote

scorpious, where ever this is coming from:

insert into nuke_blocks values (NULL, '', 'Admin-info', '', '', 'c', '10', '1', '3600', '', '', 'block-Admin-info.php', '0', '', '0', 'd', '0')

You need to change it to

insert into nuke_blocks values (NULL, '', 'Admin-info', '', '', 'c', '10', '1', '3600', '', '', 'block-Admin-info.php', '0', '', '0', 'd', '0', '0')

I do not know where the code is exactly because it appears to be somthing that you have added.

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan. 
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:38 pm Reply with quote

If you are just getting this when trying to add it in the block admin let us know.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:07 am Reply with quote

Hi montego

Below is the info for you.


The block I am using here is a block I created to use when our TS is down, I only activate it when needed. I have also tried to activate the block

November 29, 2009, 11:58 am 1136 : Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
SQL was: insert into nuke_blocks values (NULL, '', 'NSNGD HOT', '', '', 'l', '15', '1', '3600', '', '', 'block-NSNGD_Hot.php', '0', '', '0', 'd', '0')

-- Table structure for table `nuke_blocks`

`bkey` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`title` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`content` text NOT NULL,
`url` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`bposition` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`weight` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`active` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`refresh` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`time` varchar(14) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`blanguage` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`blockfile` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`view` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`groups` text NOT NULL,
`expire` varchar(14) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`action` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`subscription` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`max_rss_items` int(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`bid`),
KEY `title` (`title`)

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:58 am Reply with quote

scorpious, the table structure is good, so this means you have a mis-match in the files. Please upload the admin/modules/blocks.php script from the original 2.40.00 distro.

If you missed this script in the uploads, you may have missed others. If I were you, I would run a file compare against the distribution files and your site. Beyond Compare 3 is excellent for this and well worth the money. Can even compare an entire directory structure on your local PC against a remote S/FTP directory structure. Invaluable tool.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:11 pm Reply with quote

Hi montego

I re-uploaded the whole of Rn2.40.00 as advised

The blocks and modules are now being saved to the database, so I must have missed something on the first upload Smack

Now a new can of worms have poped open.

Thank you for your advise and help

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:41 pm Reply with quote


Just to let you know my Theme is from xtrato.com and now when I try to change the information in the Control Panel which allows you to Change the 27 Links of the Navigation Menu, I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function sql_query() in D:\www\website-name\admin\modules\xdpanel.php on line 265

Maybe the theme is not compatable with Rn2.40.00 and maybe thats why I am having all these error, I have posted on there forum requesting any advice.

RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Mar 11, 2007
Posts: 2024
Location: North Carolina

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:29 pm Reply with quote

It appears to be using the old $dbi layer. Here is a link on how to modify it to the newer $db.


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:44 pm Reply with quote

Hi nuken

I changed all the sql_query to$db->sql_query and the dbi to db about an hour after I made the post and evything works fine for the theme.

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