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Joined: Mar 06, 2010
Posts: 79
Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:42 am |
Hey guys i tried to add wibiya toolbar to my RN 2.4 site. but it didnt work out. here is what i did
created a file /includes/addons/head-Widiya.php with the flowing code
echo '<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>';
What did i do wrong?
if i add this to body toolbar start to work. but light box and almost all other Jquery scripts stop working
$bodyHTML = '
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
if (is_array($bodyJS) and function_exists('addJSToBody')) addJSToBody($bodyHTML, 'inline');
else echo $bodyHTML."\n";
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Wed Sep 08, 2010 5:48 am |
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Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:01 am |
zacklk, you must use addJSToHead in the top script as you used addJSToBody in the second. |
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Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:08 am |
Palbin wrote: | zacklk, you must use addJSToHead in the top script as you used addJSToBody in the second. | tnx palbin. so the same thing i have to change addJSToBody. is it? |
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Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:27 am |
From what I can tell by looking at the site, it needs to be in the body, so the includes/addons/body-Widiya.php approach should work. When I tested it, it appears to be a problem with the CSS (maybe duplicate class names). I noticed that it installs 2 CSS classes:
That is likely the problem. The jQuery stuff still works (e.g. nukeNAV), but doesn't look like it should, at least in FireFox. As far as I know, there really isn't anyway to change this, since the JS loads the CSS after the theme's CSS. |
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Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:12 pm |
kguske wrote: | From what I can tell by looking at the site, it needs to be in the body, so the includes/addons/body-Widiya.php approach should work. When I tested it, it appears to be a problem with the CSS (maybe duplicate class names). I noticed that it installs 2 CSS classes:
That is likely the problem. The jQuery stuff still works (e.g. nukeNAV), but doesn't look like it should, at least in FireFox. As far as I know, there really isn't anyway to change this, since the JS loads the CSS after the theme's CSS. |
Thanks for the clarification. guess ill stay with meebo. thank again for all you help guys. |
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Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:08 am |
if this is customized properly for ravennuke it'll be another excellent addition! I am using Wibiya too but just embeding the codes into my theme file. |
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Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:26 am |
From what I can tell, there is not currently a way to customize it for RavenNuke as it appears to use CSS that conflicts with various themes. The best way would be for Widiya's CSS classes to use unique names (yes, the themes should, too, so you could "customize" the CSS class names in your theme to avoid conflicts). |