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The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Aug 13, 2009
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Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:22 am |

Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:38 pm |
Big Dump is a beautiful script but it is very sensitive when you back up your database from phpMyadmin. There are options there you should unmark before making any buckup otherwise you will get errors running the big dump. I don't remember right now but tomorrow if I have time I will. |

Joined: Aug 26, 2007
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Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:19 pm |
Subject Matter Expert

Joined: Feb 23, 2004
Posts: 358
Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:30 pm |
Unless you have some sort of sub-forums hack, there is no "parent". You can only create new Categories. Once a category has been built, you get a new form field for "Create Forum" under each category. |
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Site Admin

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Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:57 pm |
PHrEEkie, he is talking about phpBB 3 not 2 .
arrgee, Nuken may see your post here or you could try posting over at his site. |
_________________ "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan. |

Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:10 pm |
I did kinda catch that he was going from phpBB3 to RN 2.40.01.. so in essence, he's going from phpBB3 to 2... unless I missed somewhere where he was using Nuken's ported phpBB 3 to Nuke. So if that's the case, then he's going from phpBB3 to phpBB3, and the Nuken port is not allowing him to make sub-forums? |

Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:04 am |
PHrEEkie wrote: | I did kinda catch that he was going from phpBB3 to RN 2.40.01.. so in essence, he's going from phpBB3 to 2... unless I missed somewhere where he was using Nuken's ported phpBB 3 to Nuke. So if that's the case, then he's going from phpBB3 to phpBB3, and the Nuken port is not allowing him to make sub-forums? |
My bad I am the one that misread the topic.  |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:15 am |
My port uses the unmodified phpBB-3.0.7-PL1 database. The only thing different from it and a standalone phpBB3 install it that the users are bridged from RavenNuke by cookies and a couple of links back to the RavenNuke install are hard coded in the included style template.
arrgee, to administrate the phpBB3 forum, you have to use the admin link at the bottom of the phpBB3 forum and login there. The forums admin inside the RavenNuke ACP only works on the phpBB2 forum included in RavenNuke.
This does not merge an existing phpBB3 into the RavenNuke forums. It only allows you to share users between the RavenNuke install and the phpBB3 install.
Edit: I tested on my demo phpBB3 forum and I had no problem creating a new forum, and new forum inside a parent forum or posting to the forums. It should function just like a standard phpBB3 install. If you need support, you can go to my site and post in the support forum for the phpBB3 bridge. |
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Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

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Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:33 pm |
If you read correctly the phpbb2 to phpbb3 conversion you wont need bigdump or any other script to import your db.
The only thing you need to do is backup your users table and rename it to the original phpbb2 table ( i cant remember what that one was),then when start install phpbb3 you see an option to migrate users and posts from php2 to phpbb3. |

Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:30 pm |
Spouse Contemplates Divorce

Joined: Jan 02, 2003
Posts: 2496
Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:08 pm |
When converting the db do the attachments transfer too?
Any reason not to give this a try?
I assume this would speed the forum up for many by leaving the CMS queries seperate.
Hmn so many fors and yet so many against?
How about a role call on who is using this live? |
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Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:33 pm |
The attachments do convert over from phpbb2 to phpbb3. I do not use it as my default forum but you can view my demo at I ran the conversion script on my phpbb2 to the demo and it all transferred over without a hitch. Personally, I like the integrated phpBB2 forum with RavenNuke. Some people want the latest and greatest so I have been trying to give them an option. This is the phpNuke bridge done by osc2nuke that I have packaged with the latest release of phpBB3. |

Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:37 pm |
nuken thanks for the quick reply as always! I agree for the time being phpBB2 is very good and meets the needs of most. |