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Joined: Nov 19, 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:55 pm Reply with quote

Any ideas of what can do about that?

Is the captcha not strong enough anymore?
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RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:42 pm Reply with quote

I would try out nukeSPAM
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:02 pm Reply with quote

Okay I installed it. Thanks spastic. I hope it works. It looks like it would at least be a good assistant to drop it way down.

I followed the IP of one of bot signups and wound up on a site that appeared to have scripts for various CMS's and ways to defeat their default captcha.

Kind of pathetic that there was entire site. While I'm sure it was not ... it did make me think that it even looked like they used nuke! LOL!
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:46 am Reply with quote

You can also add COPPA and Legal requirements in RNYA - that requires the bot to be reprogrammed. It's temporary, but the key is to make the idiots work harder than you.

I also noticed a lot of bot activity on an old Nuke site I support. I converted to RN and added nukeSPAM, so we'll see how it goes.

draxx, would you send me a PM with a link to that site?

I search, therefore I exist...
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:42 am Reply with quote

Require admin approval for new users.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:24 am Reply with quote

Hi Frank! On another note, I am looking into some of the issues you brought up around RNYA - specifically removing inactive users and identifying waiting users that have already been approved. If you're interested, I'd be happy to send you details as that progresses - I certainly would appreciate your input.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:08 am Reply with quote

Kevin, Hi. I just posted something in moderators forum about my retirement.

You programmed the identification of approved waiting users in the last release. It worked great and was very useful on my site. Of course, it's only relevant for those who require admin approval of new users (which I did). My site has now been converted to Drupal.

A spam filter you might want to look at is named "Mollom". They use it on Drupal and it was programmed and is supported by one of the key developers of Drupal It seems very impressive: at least we don't get any spam. You might want to google it and see what you think.

Back a while ago, I posted some batch delete code here. I used it on my own site last spring to cull out inactive users before converting to Drupal. I went from something like 1800 users to under 1000 even using very conservative criteria.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:41 am Reply with quote

I'm happy to report the massive bot registrations went from 10-20 a day to to _0_ upon the install of nukespam and that was only using 2 of the 3 definable databases and the predefined IP check. Still waiting on a key from the 3rd.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:48 am Reply with quote

I thought about going to Drupal but the classifieds and photo scripts I am used to using didn't plug into Drupal - but they plugged into nuke! Smile

So Id love to ask - why is it better fkelly? What do you like about it over the nuke style stuff?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:06 pm Reply with quote


We have classifieds on our new site:

I think they are a subset of Forums there. Or a content type that is put into a block. Either way should work. I'll quote what I said about Drupal in the moderators forum here:

I wish those of you who are continuing to develop the Ravennuke code the best. Drupal is no panacea but then of course there are rarely any panaceas in software development. I will say that Drupal is very capable software. There are often complaints that it is difficult to administer ... and it is ... but that's largely because of the extensive range of capabilities.

Basically on a Drupal site you do not use standard content modules the way we do in Ravennuke (news, content, feeds, reviews, downloads etc.). Rather, you define content types dynamically and then publishing and editing of those content types is automatically built in. SO IS FILTERING. Basically, what this means is that you define field types within a content type and then filtering is applied to those field types automatically. (filtering can be modified too to allow more or less liberty with the html types). Also, versioning and comments are automatically available to any content type just by virtue of that content type being defined and activated. Pretty cool, no?

Relationships between modules and dependencies are also built into the core. So, when you go to install a new module, you see all the prerequisites and you are forced to install any prerequisites before you can install a given module. This too is cool. You also install right from an admin screen by "downloading" a tar.gz or zipped version of the module. You also get updates the same way ... and you get an email when an update is ready and can just go out on the web and download and install it.

Re. photos ... first let's step back. When you are looking for a solution in Drupal the first response is that "there's a module for that". The problem is that there are usually a bunch of modules for that and you need to carefully evaluate them with regard to their relevance to your problem. And, since it's free and open source, you need to look at how well supported they are and whether the code is up to date and whether it will be kept up to date. That takes a bit of doing. There are even sites that "rate" drupal modules.

For photos you can treat them as a content type and thus basically have them in "core" or you can find an add-on "contributed" module that may have a bunch of bells and whistles the core based photos don't. On my personal site: fkelly.org/drupal I am using a module that pulls pictures dynamically from Google Plus. It's called Brilliant Gallery and it's a brilliant idea. But it is haphazardly and episodically supported. Eventually I will probably use a module that treats photos as a "node" or content type.

I hope this helps. Probably if you want to continue this discussion we should start a separate thread and not continue to hijack the large number of bots thread for Drupal discussion purposes.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:54 pm Reply with quote

draxx, thanks for the link. I'm happy that your spam registrations dropped. Nothing will totally / permanently eliminate it since IP addresses can be spoofed and email addresses can be created just as easily. After we add some features to simplify user management (including a nukeSPAM check of existing users) and get the first release of RavenCMS out, I'm planning to return to nukeSLIDER, which will enable slides shows from all types of RN content - dynamically and / or using specifically defined content. It's unfortunate that spammers suck productive time away from more important things, but again, really happy that nukeSPAM helped with that.
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