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Hangin' Around

Joined: Mar 01, 2012
Posts: 25
Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:58 pm |
Ok, so I uploaded a theme that was supposedly compatible with Raven2.5. WRONG!
Now I can't see anything but a banner. I try to remove the theme from the ftp share, and i get a blank white page, I try to change the values on the SQL backend, and it doesn't take effect.
Did I just screw myself, or is there a way out of this without completely re-installing the site?
Thanks |
Site Admin

Joined: Jun 04, 2004
Posts: 6437
Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:06 pm |
If you remove the theme folder completely, it should revert to a default theme. You should also be able to change the theme via SQL. Which table(s) are you updating? Are you getting errors updating? |
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Joined: Aug 22, 2007
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Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:29 am |
Open phpmyadmin and search in table nuke_config the field 'Default_Theme'. There you can enter a name of another installed theme.
After that make sure, that your own user-account haven't stored the deleted theme. Open table nuke_users, search field 'theme' and if you have here a entry, then remove the theme-name - blank field.
Now it should work!
Please note: Don't delete a used theme-folder before you haven't determined a new theme! |
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Fri Nov 22, 2013 12:53 pm |
Curious which theme you were using to see if it's worth fixing. |

Fri Nov 22, 2013 4:58 pm |
I don't think it was a raven them now that I look. It is called Evil Incarnate. I picked it up from clanthemes. I did get my issue resolve thanks to the recommendation of neralex.
I went back to the basic themes. I will probably just design one the way I want.
WHile I am here I have another questions though, related to profiles and custom fields. I want to only allow a certain group the ability to see member profiles. Is there something native, in the vanilla build that would dis-allow members from seeing other members profiles, so I could permis the admin group I build to see them exclusively?
I have been reading through the wiki documents and other resources I can find regarding raven, just to familiarize myself with it, but I haven't run across anything just yet.
Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it. |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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Location: Texas, USA
Fri Nov 22, 2013 6:23 pm |
you would have to modify modules/Your_Account/public/userinfo.php to add this functionality. You can't restrict access to the entire module or people can't login
I haven't tried this and don't have time to test it, but it might help get you started. look for (around line 55)
* General User Info
if (defined('LOGGEDIN_SAME_USER')) {
change to (note that this would give access to group 1 which is by default the moderator group. If you create/use another NSN group substitute 1 for the actual group id. BTW, Don't confuse NSN groups with User Groups which are tied to points.)
* General User Info
if (in_groups(1) OR defined('LOGGEDIN_SAME_USER')){
if (defined('LOGGEDIN_SAME_USER')) {
next look for (around line 254)
} else {
echo '<div class="text-center"><strong>' . _NOINFOFOR . ' <span class="italic">' . $usrinfo['username'] . '</span></strong></div>';
if ($usrinfo['user_level'] == 0) {
echo '<br /><div class="text-center"><strong>' . _ACCSUSPENDED . '</strong></div>';
if ($usrinfo['user_level'] == -1) {
echo '<br /><div class="text-center"><strong>' . _ACCDELETED . '</strong></div>';
add before
} else {
echo 'some message to display for those not authorized';