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Hangin' Around

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:41 am Reply with quote

Firstly, I want to apologize if this should be in another thread.

I have installed raven nuke and I have to say I like it a lot. I am having some issues here and there that I am working through slowly.

One of my goals is to provide a smart device theme for our forums, so that phones and ipads can easily post and read the forums.

I love the flexibility of the php engine for custom coding purposes. So I don't want to start over with a joomla or some other forum.

Is there a way to easily implement device detection in raven nuke, and then implement a responsive theme if they are using a media device?

I am doing a lot of research but it seems when I add the word Raven to my search, my results become extremely limited.

Any assistance or direction on what I should be looking for, or a flat out 'No it wont work' would be super awesome.

Thanks for all the help!
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:47 pm Reply with quote

... "a way to easily implement device detection" - without a good knowledge of php and expierences with sniffing user-agents of different operation systems is it in the current version far away from easy. It needs custom coded changes in the whole system. its not a way like to install a module or theme. If you have the php skills and also expierences with responsive html/css markups, then you should find a own way.

The other possible option: you are waiting on the next release.


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:53 pm Reply with quote

thanks for the answer. I might just trash the ravennuke site and start over with another php engine. We are getting hammered with all sorts of registration errors, cookie session errors, and frankly its not worth the management time to me.

I have setup and coded custom php for several years as a hobby, and I have never experienced the issues I am having with this engine. I currently manage 2 e107 sites that have much more reliable code. I also have 4 php-nuke sites that I have installed and managed.

I am not a novice at any of this, but this raven nuke seems like it is over complicated and anything but a straight forward installation.

If anyone thinks they can help me get a reliable and strong setup, I am all ears and will provide you with what ever information you might need to assist.

If not, or this thread goes dark for several days I will assume that no one has time to help and move on.

Thanks again for all the helpful answers, as you have provided me assistance in the past.
The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:01 pm Reply with quote

Hi kwiqness

I agree with you. I also don't like joomla at all. Can you please be more specific what kind of errors are u getting with RavenNuke? Let me know so we can help you. I'm curious what kind of errors u are getting.

We are getting hammered with all sorts of registration errors, cookie session errors, and frankly its not worth the management time to me.

To tell you the truth, I noticed people register and they do not activate their own account, it could be spam, it could be lots of things. Remember you need to follow Installation Instructions, if you don't then you will find an easy way to trash RavenNuke site.

In my opinion, I can tell you I will never go back to old php-nuke or any other distros. I tested almost all CMS out there and to tell u the truth they are far away behind RavenNuke. Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:57 pm Reply with quote

There are three primary errors that I hear about all the time.

1. When registered users attemp to make a post they recieve the following error.. "Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form."

2. When users activate an account through the email the reg process sends them they get the error... "New User Activation. No user matching the given criteria was found."

3. When users activate an account through the email the reg process sends them they get the error... "New User Activation Error. Please be sure all entered information is correct or apply for a new account here.

The odd thing is that some of the accounts that received the error were still activated and some were not.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am too far to turn back now unless its a last resort.

Thanks so much.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:59 pm Reply with quote

Also, I should mention that after doing a bit of research I did go back through the site preferences and change many settings based on the wiki article describing the 'resubmit form' error in particular.

After doing this and fixing some errors i found I have had some luck with having users clear their cache out. It works for some, and not for others after they nuke the cookie for the website.

It is odd these problems. They are inconsistent enough that I want to think it is some client side cookie/security issue, but they are widespread enough that I think something is still off in my config.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:09 am Reply with quote

I am glad you start over again step by step. Did you already set Nuke Sentinel up?
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:56 am Reply with quote

kwiqness, the errors sound unusual - a lot like possible database issues. Can you check the database tables, specifically sessions, users and users_temp?

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:11 am Reply with quote

I am glad you start over again step by step. Did you already set Nuke Sentinel up?

Yes I did. I cannot get the htaacces file to work though. I worked with another person from the forums and everytime I would implement appropriate code (following the instructions letter for letter) the file it would cause my site to become a white page.

kguske wrote:
kwiqness, the errors sound unusual - a lot like possible database issues. Can you check the database tables, specifically sessions, users and users_temp?

I can check this. What am I looking for exactly, or should i list the table fields here?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:16 am Reply with quote

kwiqness wrote:
but this raven nuke seems like it is over complicated

I can only speak for me because RN is the best choice to create own custom coded stuff. Its truely far away from complicated and no one has called you as a novice.

If you know how you can sniff the user-agent of a client, then you can compare it with preg_match in a if-statement before the header function is loaded. You could create a class or a function to write the results on a simple variable and/or array list.

Then you could load the results as global in the header and in the needed functions of your theme to create a different markup. Only for the Forums it could need some more time to load another tpl-files but all of them is not impossible - its only a question about your skills and time.

No one knows your skills and without posted code-snippets, maybe with your first steps to create the device detection, then no one knows on which point you are struggling.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:39 am Reply with quote

Use phpMyAdmin to check / optimize / analyze / repair the tables in your database. Most likely, that will address any issues (unless the whole table is missing - but it doesn't sound like it if the problems are intermittent).
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:55 pm Reply with quote

You likely have a some type of error with your htaccess file if it is creating a white page. syntax errors within htaccess will usually produce a 500 error (not a white page) so not sure what it could be offhand. Did you edit it with a decent text editor? (windows notepad should never be used for this)

For the invalid session error mentioned earlier, there are several posts about it with more info, but the general thing to check first:

nuken wrote:
In your forums general config settings make sure you have something like this:

Cookie Domain: yoursite.com (without the http:// or www.)
Cookie Name: yoursite
Cookie Path: /

If the site is live on the web somewhere, your welcome to PM we the address (or post here) and I'll try to register and see if I have any additional ideas.

"Is there a way to easily implement device detection in raven nuke, and then implement a responsive theme if they are using a media device? "

The device detection and loading a specific theme for mobile wouldn't be too difficult. But there aren't really any responsive themes available for v2.5 (or phpbb2), to my knowledge. Most v2.5 modules need some tweaks, from minor to slightly involved; prior to designing a responsive theme capable of fitting within a small viewport (mobile)

I'm part way thru a responsive forum template for the next release, and I'll say that it's a fair amount of work by itself Smile Depends on what other modules you are using how much work it would ultimately be. I could go on, but let's get your site working first Wink

BTW, our next version will be mobile/responsive friendly and ships with several responsive themes. Wish I could say exactly when it will be available... sometime next year Smile
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