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PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:51 am Reply with quote

Just when I started to think, what's up with Bob? Just after I noticed that Protector has a nice feature to show you the country for an IP address... Then, I notice on NukeScripts.net that this very feature is being added to NukeSentinel™! Bob, are you clairvoyant, in addition to developing excellent software?!

If the ability to ban an IP range (rather than a class or subnet) is added, then we could link this the country display and ban by country...

Keep up the good work guys..
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:05 am Reply with quote

We are adding MUCH more than that with v2.1.0! We are presently testing [internal] RC2 and redemption draweth nigh Laughing
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:08 am Reply with quote

I can't wait! I've seen the IP Tracker functionality and HTTP Admin Auth for CGI - I thought THAT was enough for a great new release. The IP2Country was an unexpected surprise.

BTW, I'm not sure if others using HTTP Admin Auth (CGI or not) have had a similar experience (I suspect they have), but this has significantly reduced the effectiveness of those attacks. Even though I'm using Raven's standalone solution, I REALLY appreciate this being included in 2.1.0. Thanks, Raven!
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:33 am Reply with quote

I am spending the day today working on hte Blocked Ranges Smile Only draw back at present with Ban By Range is it will not be usable in the htaccess file as a server level block but only as a script level block.

Bob Marion
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:36 am Reply with quote

I personally am using the CGIAuth system since it is a servel auth Smile Prevents anyone from accessing admin.php with out the correct login. I fell in love with Raven's HTTPAuth and now I love this one even more Wink

Can you tell I like doing things on server level verses script level? RavensScripts

PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:45 am Reply with quote


PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 12:01 pm Reply with quote

Ban by IP range? Like I said - it just keeps getting better! Since I'm on a roll, how about the ability to download and upload banned IPs so I can synchronize multiple sites? Very Happy GeekyGuy and the User Guide team will have MUCH to do for 2.1.0 it seems...

Regarding server level vs. script level - AMEN, brother. I've expressed my elation with CGIAdminAuth here and in other places. Protector lets you enter ban a range at the script level and automates the entry of all IPs in the banned range in the .htaccess file. I've seen some approaches (can't remember where) to banning ranges in .htaccess without adding each IP, but it's pretty confusing to me and I'm not sure it would work consistently enough to be worthy of the high quality of NukeSentinel (I remember comments about things not working correctly, but that may have been due to the complexity of setting it up). Even if banning by range is "only" at the script level, that's yet another tool in the PHP-Nuke security toolbox (we could set up a unique ban page suggesting the visitor move to a different country - just kidding!).

Kudos AGAIN to the NukeSentinel team... I'll continue to watch the test sites and be amazed by your efforts, quality, and productivity.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:03 pm Reply with quote

The IP to Country in NukeSentinel(tm) has some advantages over the other script sets out there Smile

1) You can add new ranges to it as they are found.
2) You can modify a range if you find it isn't set properly.
3) You can delete ranges from it if you want to for some reason.
4) You can (coming soon) print a master listing of it.
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