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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:43 pm Reply with quote


Photograph of John Kerry meeting with Comrade Do Muoi, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, in Vietnam, July 15-18, 1993. Photo taken in the War Remnants Museum (formerly the "War Crimes Museum") in Saigon in May 2004.

Communist Vietnamese honor John Kerry, the war protestor, as a hero in their victory over the United States in the Vietnam War.

In the Vietnamese Communist War Remnants Museum (formerly known as the "War Crimes Museum") in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), a photograph of John Kerry hangs in a room dedicated to the anti-war activists who helped the Vietnamese Communists win the Vietnam War. The photograph shows Senator Kerry being greeted by the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Comrade Do Muoi.

Jeffrey M. Epstein of Vietnam Vets for the Truth acquired the photograph over the Memorial Day weekend as America was commemorating its military heroes. Epstein's organization, Vietnam Vets for the Truth, issued a general request last week for photographs documenting Kerry's activities on behalf of the enemy. Bob Shirley, a Vietnam Swift Boat veteran (www.pcf45.com), sent the photograph to Epstein in response to that call. Shirley recently joined over 200 other Swift Boat veterans in signing an open letter questioning Kerry's fitness to serve as Commander-in-Chief.

Jeff Epstein explains the importance of the photograph:

"This photograph's unquestionable significance lies in its placement in the American protestors' section of the War Crimes Museum in Saigon. The Vietnamese communists clearly recognize John Kerry's contributions to their victory. This find can be compared to the discovery of a painting of Neville Chamberlain hanging in a place of honor in Hitler's Eagle's Nest in 1945."

Photographer Bill Lupetti, who is currently visiting Vietnam, took the photographs in Saigon during his recent visit there. Lupetti, a former Hospital Corpsman, is also a Swift Boat veteran.

Below the photograph of John Kerry are explanatory placards in English, French, Vietnamese, and Chinese. The English placard reads:

"Mr. Do Muoi, Secretary General of the Vietnamese Communist Party met with Congressman and Veterans Delegation in Vietnam (July 15-18, 1993)"

Senator Kerry may argue today that his anti-war protests did not render support to the enemy in time of war and that his activities did not violate the definition of treason given in Article III, Section 3, of the US Constitution. This exhibit paying tribute to Kerry in the War Protestors Hall of the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City tells a very different story. The Vietnamese communists clearly feel that the American anti-war protestors were a very important force in undermining support in the United States for American war efforts, a force that contributed materially to ultimate communist victory in 1975.

On Fox News' Hannity and Colmes show on Friday, May 28, 2004, Rear Admiral Roy Hoffman (USN, Retired) accused John Kerry of being a traitor because of his anti-war activities. This photo, which demonstrates the extent to which the Vietnamese communists acknowledge that he supported them during the Vietnam War, corroborates this charge. (Hoffman, the former commander of the Swift Boat force and one-time Kerry's superior officer, is Chairman of Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth (www.SwiftVets.com).

Vietnam Vets for the Truth (http://www.kerrylied.com/) was established for the sole purpose of organizing a rally targeting Kerry's lies before the US Senate in 1971 based on the so-called "Winter Soldier" hearings. The rally, appropriately called "Kerry Lied," will be held on Capitol Hill on September 12th.


I do not want a Benedict Arnold traitor as President of the United States. Go live in 'Nam, John Forbes Kerry, it's your country, America isn't.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:47 pm Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 7:45 pm Reply with quote

Now JFK and his supporters, like Michael Moore, are trying to do the same thing with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the wider war on terror with their talk of rushing to war, etc., I call it sabotage and treason when any citizen, but especially a military veteran, tries to undercut an American military effort with misleading talk that only aids the enemy. Kerry likes to talk about the medals he got from his short four month tour in 'Nam but he never mentions that he threw the same medals away during one of those "protests". I have a cousin paralyzed for life from wounds he received in 'Nam, he has a box full of medals he never talks about and never threw away. The original Benedict Arnold at least had the shame to go live in London and I think Kerry ought to follow his role model's example and go live in Hanoi, not in the White House.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 7:50 pm Reply with quote

And take Moore, Fonda (Hanoi Jane), and the rest of the bleeding heart liberals with them. I am so sick of this same old rhetoric. Never amswer a question. How many times last night, as is his only defense, did Kerry start his response with the Iraq this or that. He hardly ever answers questions and if by some chance he does it's usually such a spin to try to avoid having to say he lied or changed his mine. ARGH!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 9:04 pm Reply with quote

He'd do the same in the White House, this Hanoi John who somehow lucked into running for President, never giving a straight answer to anything. And his portrait would be displayed everywhere America's enemies plot to kill more Americans. As for Moore and Sarandon and moveon.org, etc. they'd be honored guests in the White House... if an American filmmaker had made a propaganda movie maligning and slandering FDR during WW2 he would have been tarred and feathered if not shot outright, but Moore makes such a movie maligning President Bush and he's considered a genius, shows how far American culture has sunk.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 10:00 am Reply with quote

Personally I think anyone who has 3 purple hearts is not very good at war games to begin (duck and dodge John, duck and dodge) with and shouldn't be leading the military. Wink Laughing

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 10:39 am Reply with quote

But where are the WMDs? Who lied to whom?
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 11:19 am Reply with quote

What lie? There is a difference between lying and acting on the evidence at the time. Kerry believed there were and voted in favor of invasion and then flip-flopped as is his trait and most liberals who sense a change in the wind. It's very easy to be a Monday morning quarterback, isn't it? That's where this all breaks down. The UN (worthless as they are) earlier had confirmed that there were WMD's. Great Britain, US, and several other countries had also confirmed it. Right or wrong, the Commander in Chief acted upon the data that he was given. That argument is nothing more than a straw man argument.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 4:13 pm Reply with quote

Communist Vietnamese honor John Kerry, the war protestor, as a hero in their victory over the United States in the Vietnam War.

I dont understand how a war protestor ends up in the forces fighting the communists?

We saw him blabbing on our tv here in the UK how he fought in the VN War, what a hypocrite that man is.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 5:52 pm Reply with quote

oprime2001 wrote:
But where are the WMDs? Who lied to whom?

If there were lies about WMD these lies came from the CIA Director who was at the time George Tenet- a Clonton appointed holdover. At any rate, it doesn't make Bush a liar if he relies on the word of a government employee such as Tenet. Was Bush supposed to personally go to Iraq to search for the WMD?? I am sure there were such WMD but, unfortunately, the Iraqis had enough time before the war to move same to Syria and Iran. As it happens those two countries are the main fomentors of terrorism in the world and it was and is good military strategy to occupy the country between them- Iraq- regardless of the presence or not of WMD. It also happens that Syria and Iran are the main supporters of terrorist attacks on US forces and Iraqi civilians, and their day of reckoning will come.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 7:52 pm Reply with quote

Muffin wrote:
Communist Vietnamese honor John Kerry, the war protestor, as a hero in their victory over the United States in the Vietnam War.

I dont understand how a war protestor ends up in the forces fighting the communists?

We saw him blabbing on our tv here in the UK how he fought in the VN War, what a hypocrite that man is.

Ah, it seems he was a war protestor AFTER he was in 'Nam.

Here is an item that addresses this:


Self-inflicted wounds
John Leo

October 4, 2004

The E-mail on last week’s Rather-gate column was almost entirely furious with CBS. About 95 percent of some 300 letters and E-mails attacked the network, and all but four or five of those messages denounced my oh-so-moderate suggestion that the goal is not a vengeful assault on CBS but safeguards for fairer reporting. “No,” wrote one reader, “we really want a vengeful assault.”

Normally, the mail hovers around 50 percent pro and 50 percent con, partly because many readers greatly enjoy pointing out my many deficiencies. A lopsided reaction like this indicates a huge amount of antipress animosity, while here in Manhattan news circles the Rather incident is regarded as a simple mistake and not a very important one at that. The war over press bias has reached a boil that may threaten the whole news business, but the industry seems to think that nothing much is going on. It’s just those yahoos in flyover country getting all excited again.

In truth, the news business had a disastrous summer. In July, a Senate intelligence committee and an official British investigation both concluded that President Bush had been on firm ground when he spoke the famous 16 words in his 2003 State of the Union message (that the British had learned Saddam Hussein had sought to acquire uranium in Africa). When the 16 words appeared to be untrue, the press endlessly trumpeted them, often on the front page, but when Bush drew heavy support from the two investigations, you could hardly find the news with a magnifying glass. In the New York Times, the British report was carried way inside the paper and read like a muddled translation from classical Urdu. This seems to happen a lot when the Times is forced to report news it doesn’t like. On July 25, the Washington Post press critic, Howard Kurtz, reported that his newspaper had carried 96 references to the issue when Bush appeared to be wrong and only two after the revelation that he looked to be right. The totals for the three major networks and three elite newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, were 302 before and nine after. According to Kurtz, CBS never did get around to mentioning that the investigations had supported the president.

Media handling of the charges by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth was even more peculiar. Most major news media stayed silent for nine or 10 days as the story of the charges spread over radio and the Internet. A few bloggers argued that this was an attempt by big-time media outlets to rule the Swifties’ charges out of bounds. It seemed that way to me, too. When big media finally did rouse themselves and address the issue, they tended to focus tightly on Democratic talking points, such as who provided the funding and were the Swifties illegal surrogates for the Bush campaign. In many news outlets, the adjective “unsubstantiated” seemed welded to the noun “charges.”

A few major papers, including the Los Angeles Times and the New York Times, produced long and incurious reports on the issue, generally hostile to the Swifties. In the New York Times, Kerry’s imaginary Christmas-in-Cambodia yarn was pushed way to the back of an endless story, along with the news that Kerry had told the Senate in 1986 that he had entered Cambodia on his swift boat. The Times apparently had no room to mention that Kerry had told this story many times over 25 years and had described it as a life-changing incident seared into his memory.

But the life-altering experience of Christmas in Cambodia apparently never happened. It was a Kerry fantasy. The press yawned and looked the other way. Kerry said he entered Cambodia with a CIA agent. But how likely is it that the CIA would choose to penetrate an illegal area with a clunky, noisy boat commanded by someone as inexperienced as Kerry?

Soon the words “discredited” and “debunked” began to describe the Swifty charges in news reports and commentary. Some Swifty allegations were indeed wildly out of line. But not all. Kerry got his first Purple Heart after alleged hostile fire, but nine days later he wrote in his journal, “We hadn’t been shot at yet.” No witnesses have come forward to tell us how Kerry’s first Purple Heart came to be issued. Then there was the mysterious third version of the Silver Star citation, an improved and glowing one that appeared late and that John Lehman, secretary of the Navy, said he didn’t write or order to be written. Nobody came forward to explain how or why the citation improved over the years. Kerry refused to make public his journal or his full military records, and the media seemed uninterested in pushing for him to do so. (Compare this with the energetic media demands for Bush’s National Guard records.) Apparently only one media outlet, the Washington Post, made an effort to open up Kerry’s records and received only six of 100 pages. On the whole, big-time media reporting on the Swifties was dismal. No wonder the credibility of the news media is headed south.


That about sums it up! How could he be wounded before his Swift Boat team even came under hostile fire?? After he got back from 'Nam he became a protestor and it is for this the Vietnamese Communists honored him...
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 12:10 am Reply with quote

On an up-note, maybe you'll have W back in Texas full time soon. Smile

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 11:34 am Reply with quote

64bitguy wrote:
On an up-note, maybe you'll have W back in Texas full time soon. Smile

Now that's a thought but I don't think the White House is gonna be moved to Texas anytime soon. Long term, though... Smile

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 12:40 pm Reply with quote

And I did hear that he will be returning -- in 4 more years! Groovy
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 12:49 pm Reply with quote

Ya all know if Busch wins that in 2008 we'll see Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on the ballot! Thats reason enough for me to vote for Kerry.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 1:08 pm Reply with quote

Aww, sixone... you're breaking my heart! You know a vote for Kerry is a vote for Hanoi Jane Fonda! At least Hillary was a Republican in her younger days and, who knows, she might see reason again.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 1:47 pm Reply with quote

I've no luv for Jane. She's as much a whacko extremist as the fruit flake Scientologists. But you've certainly brightened my outlook on the Hillary

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 5:44 pm Reply with quote

Light dawns, eh? Smile

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 6:56 pm Reply with quote

Its is funny though this years election is so important no significant 3rd party candidates are even in the picture. This is going to be a big one for the Asses and Elephants its put up or shut up time for them both. (Yeah I voted for Jesse and Perot)

We've givin them our undivided attention this time around and as far as I'm concerned they still haven't grasped the fact that those of us who aren't one issue voters are important to their success.

I don't care how low interest rates are without good middle class working wages we are creating a house of cards here domestically.

Why hasn't the draft been brought back? Because its an election year and no one wants to be the bad guy. Lets just strong arm the troops we have into re-enlisting to buy more time with the voters. (I say quit playing games and start the draft now!)

The 3 main issues for the one issue voters seem to be Guns, Gay Rights and Abortion. Is this all there is to life these days? What about the war on drugs did we lose? Do we care? Does Busch care? Is he doing anything? (No)

What about affordable Health Care? Are we going to continue to let Corperate America finance and run our health care system into the ground? Are we going to continue to allow people whos very research work is funded by drug companies make policy descisions regarding health care?

Oil companies are one of the leading offenders as far as environmental disasters which the people wind up paying for on both ends. Koch Oil not long ago paid the largest to date fine $7 million! Now what lesson do they learn from that? Not a dayum thing when the yearly earnings are tallied in the billions. Its equated to what we might pay for a speeding ticket on the interstate at the most.

No gang I'm fed up with your Republicans and Democrats but I will vote major party this one last time because I think that the Democraps are closer to my reality then the Republicans. Republicans have always been about Big kaching!$ and nothings changed Busch has proven that over these last 4 years if nothing else.

Sticking to the War on Terror story with the Iraq invasion should be proof enough for anyone. Iraq is about one thing and one thing only oil. 20% of all the oil known to exist lies beneath iraq. Thats why Busch brought us there and anyone who can't see that should go back and review our last visit there. Read the old CNN reports from the first war.

Where are the terrorists to fear now? You can bet your bottom dollar they aren't anywhere near Iraq. Though the militant extremists are enjoying a huge boast in support from our presence there.

I live in one of those states the pays in twice as much as we get back in federal dollars. We've cut our state funding of schools, roads, parks (quality of life issues) as much as we can. Big tax rebates don't do anything for those issues in fact I would argue that it has a negative impact.

Enabling even more idiots to buy cars, drugs and waist their time hanging out in the parks trying to sell dope to our children. Instead of putting thousands of dollars into lower middle class and middle class pockets we should be investing those dollars in funding education and business growth.

Seriously how many people earning less the $20k a year are spending those $3-5k tax rebates on education for their children? I would hazard a guess most are buying cars, drugs and some new threads. Sure they spend the dollars it stimulates the economy briefly. But we aren't going to see any long term benifits from this sort of economics. Sure a couple of new McDonalds will popup next to Walmart for the folks who actually are buying things the family needs but... c'mon wtf does this do for ong term growth?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:54 pm Reply with quote

Well said, sixone. I do agree that the people with the most at stake in this election are listened to the least by the politicians. Just for starters ending the war on drugs would immediately end the gross profits from dopeselling criminals reap and would dry up the supplies of drugs in the cities that distract the kids from school, not to mention saving the taxpayers billions a year for the DEA, prisons, etc. but you don't hear this from either Bush or Kerry.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:44 am Reply with quote

Those who wish to view or listen to excerpts from the documentary Stolen Honor that will air on TV soon, or buy the video, can do so here:



BTW I consider this film a legitimate use of the public airwaves since I believe it is imperative that Americans obtain some insight into Kerry, this man who would be President... and since Kerry himself has said little or nothing about his post-'Nam activities- or even about his 20 years as a US Senator- it is left to others to fill in the enormous gap of knowledge about him. At any rate none of Stolen Honor is made up, unlike Fahrenheit 911 or the CBS fake documents fiasco.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 1:37 pm Reply with quote

Legitimate use of the public airwaves with no political motivations? How much has SBGI contributed to either candidate? Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!. Here's Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!. Who is SBGI backing in the upcoming elections -- simply from donations point of view? You cannot tell me with a straight face that SBGI is putting out this piece so close to the election without hoping to boost President's Bush's chances of reelection.

Wasn't it SBGI who censored the stations they owned (multiple stations in some markets) from airing the Nightline special which read out the names of fallen armed forces personnel? How is the reading of the names of the fallen "designed to undermine the efforts of the United States in Iraq"? Even Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!. The local newspaper runs a little piece on each of the fallen -- with 1-4 individuals profiled per day. Is that special section of the local newspaper "designed to undermine the efforts of the United States in Iraq", too?

Just my $0.17 strawman's argument << gotta look that up to see what that means.

Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! << prolly another one of those strawman's argument.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:23 pm Reply with quote

I stated my opinion, that's all. Kerry was invited to appear on the panel discussion but declined. I feel he ought to have been more forthcoming about what he has done over the last thirty years or so, but for most Americans that period in his life is a complete blank. He gave an hour long speech at the DNC but made no mention of his anti-war activities, which covered more time than he was even in 'Nam, and he did not tell us what he accomplished in the US Senate. To me he is a total stranger, why should I vote for such an unknown to be President? As far as donors go, Michael Moore has given thousands to the Kerry campaign, and his Fahrenheit 911 is a piece of plain anti-Bush propaganda that terrorists have distributed in the Middle East... then there are the Muslim groups such as CAIR (founded by a Hamas leader) that have given money to the Kerry campaign. At least Stolen Honor is a documentary of veterans reliving their 'Nam experience and the insidious effects Kerry and others had on their lives. In addition Kerry has said he committed atrocities in 'Nam, do we want a confessed war criminal as President??!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:06 pm Reply with quote

There's always "Ralph I killed the Corvair Nader"! ROTFL

PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:22 pm Reply with quote

That's true. Smile Or Badnarik "No Chance" the Libertarian, or Cobb "I love trees more than peeps" the Green... actually, sixone, way back in my younger days I voted for Jackson, too- before he started using the Civil Rights movement to enrich himself and his kin and friends. I've always tried to vote on my principles and my assessment of a candidate's character, and that's the point of this topic (if it has a point haha)- I don't think Kerry has the character to be President. I liked Wesley Clark, and a General would seem to have more character, experience and maturity than a Beetle Baileyesque 2nd loot who 'scaped from 'Nam with a butt wound, turned to anti-war rabble rousin' and married a rich ketchup lady, but... oh well, Bush it is, gotta be!
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