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Joined: May 19, 2004
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Location: Ogden, UT

PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 11:44 am Reply with quote

Am I'm not talking about us that celebrate the non-religious holiday. I'm talking about the freaks that show up on your doorstep and tell you going to burn in hell. Who made these freaks the moral watchdogs of the world?

What ever happen to the saying .... he who has no sin cast the first stone. or what's the one about the cleaning of the speck in the eye when you have a log (something like that ... that's one my grandmother used). All people struggle with something, so how dare this lady judge my eternal soul!

So can you tell I'm a little on the pissy side over this?!? {grumble, grumble}

I finally got pissed and told the lady that if she didn't leave I cast a curse on her. Not the right thing to do, but the only thing I could think of at the time.

Anyway … I know how most of you feel about Halloween .. well the ancient religious side that’s really not celebrated anymore. But would any of you ring someone’s doorbell and start spouting your religious views?

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 1:54 pm Reply with quote

People don't respond to being attacked no matter how valuable or true the information may be.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 2:07 pm Reply with quote

Your right attacking is not a wise idea. But even if she was friendly as can be the point is still the same. Would you walk up to complete stranger and pass judgement on them and tell them their soul is going to burn in hell? And does any mortal have the right to make that kind of judgement towards someone else?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 2:27 pm Reply with quote

I'm not going to judge the condition of anyone's heart. That is between them and God.

I don't like to use the word judge on anything since I hardly qualify for that. IMO God is the only true judge. I can take what He teaches in His word and compare actions of people to what it says.

I prefer to compare my actions to what it says, though. I have enough problems of my own to spend time pointing out other's problems.

If I found the person on the earth who is the least deserving of God's love I would probably have to list my name right above theirs. I don't deserve God's love anymore than anyone else. He gives it to me because He chooses to, not because I have earned it.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:30 pm Reply with quote

I got 2 JW's live next door and they dont usually spout their religion to me unless I see them in their garden and we speak. I don't mind what people believe in as long as they dont try to convert me. lol

I guess its the safest place to live next door to them cos they dont come knockng and preaching.

Thankfully we dont get too many callers here.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:44 am Reply with quote

See TE ... you have the right frame of mind Very Happy Deal with your own stuff before going after someone else. It's these nut balls that give religion a bad name, don't they know they are hurting more then helping.

You live next to a JW muffin. Oh man, I wouldn't go in the garden LOL I have a cousin that's a JW and he's just plain weird. I don't know if it's the religion or him, but at least he's not one to preach about it. I think it's cuz he's too shy Smile I haven't had a JW come to my house in years .... the last one I wouldn't let leave ... you know when THEY are checking their watch and saying they have things to do you know you've talked a lot.
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