/* PHP-NUKE: Advanced Content Management System */
/* ============================================ */
/* */
/* This is the language module with all the system messages */
/* */
/* If you made a translation, please go to the site and send to me */
/* the translated file. Please keep the original text order by modules, */
/* and just one message per line, also double check your translation! */
/* */
/* You need to change the second quoted phrase, not the capital one! */
/* */
/* If you need to use double quotes (") remember to add a backslash (\), */
/* so your entry will look like: This is \"double quoted\" text. */
/* And, if you use HTML code, please double check it. */
define("_YOURNAME.","*Your Online Name");
define("_MESSAGE.","*Your Age");
define("_WHYYOUWANTTOJOIN.","Why you want to Join Us?");
define("_YOUREMAIL.","*Your Email")
define("_FAVGUN.","Your Favourite Gun");
define("_FAVMAP.","Your Favourite Map");
define("_FEEDBACKTITLE.","Enlistment Form");
define("_FBENTERNAME.","ERROR: Please enter your name!");
define("_FBENTEREMAIL.","ERROR: Please enter your e-mail address!");
define("_FBENTERMESSAGE.","ERROR: Please enter a message!");
define("_SENDEREMAIL.","Sender's Email");
define("_SENDERNAME.","Sender's Name");
define("_FBMAILSENT.","Mail has been sent!");
define("_FBTHANKSFORCONTACT.","Thank you for Applying to us");