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Hangin' Around

Joined: Nov 28, 2004
Posts: 29
Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:23 am |
Previously posted in the "seeking applications" forum, but to no avail.
I know its possible to have these using phpBB alone, but I was wondering if there is anyway to have that incorporated with nuke? For example, after posting your character gains EXP, and cash, and perhaps with that cash you can buy things to make yourself look better on forums, or your character stronger and you can engage in battles, and the "your account" box and the users profile could display their character information and their money, and the shop could be managed by admins. Is anything like this remotley possible with phpNuke 7.5 and 7.6?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Diego |

Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:23 am |

Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:55 pm |
please? my admin is relly on my ass ;] |
Subject Matter Expert

Joined: Feb 23, 2004
Posts: 358
Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:21 pm |
Please don't take offense to this response Diego...
When you're having problems setting up a core function of Nuke or a module that is supported around here, lots of folks will patiently help walk you through it. Most of those issues we've all dealt with over and over, and it's not much work to just direct you to a post or re-post the answer if necessary.
However, when you're asking someone to download a block or module, then test it for compability, then help you install the DB portion, you are no longer asking for general 'support' but are in fact asking someone to do WORK for you.
I believe Jaded or someone posted on another one of your threads that they'd be willing to negotiate for the work you've asked to be done. And checking that donation block right here on this site suggests that maybe your Admin could be generous in the direction Raven PHP Scripts? That doesn't guarantee anything, but I'll tell you it cannot hurt... Anyways, point is, support is one thing, working for someone for free is something else entirely.
My .02 -
PHrEEk |

Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:56 pm |
I didnt mean for some one to do the work for me, I simply wanted to know if anyone KNOWS of a shop / rpg MOD thats compatible with 7.5 or 7.6 ? For example, some one in this community could have located a package which they use, and works on their 7.5 and 7.6. All I need is the package, and I can install it myself, or pay some one, but I dont want to pay some one to locate it for me. I have tried searching, and even posted on an OLD post pertaining to this exact topic and to no avail. I would just like some "general help" in the "general" direction of the package. Im sorry if anyone understood otherwise, it was not my intention. |
Theme Guru

Joined: Nov 01, 2003
Posts: 1006
Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:11 pm |

Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:14 pm |
Diego wrote: | but I dont want to pay some one to locate it for me. |
I know |

Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:21 pm |
i was not offering to have you PAY me to LOCATE it.. i mentioned payment as a way to have it INSTALLED. You are able to find them all on or my site. THAT is what I wrote to you in my other post. Perhaps you could re-read it  |

Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:41 pm |
Guess there was no way to avoid you getting all defensive Diego... ya know.. we're not stupid around here, and we do occassionally read a post. I based my response on the following:
You have asked several times, and bumped your threads.
Your Admin is now on your ass to get it done.
You posted exact words: can I have some help with the SQL portion of the install? (not, I'd donate to someone for some help here, just 'can I get it...')
And so my response stands. I never said anyone expected you to pay them a 'finder's fee' for gosh sakes (although thinking about it, that wouldn't be such a bad idea either lol...)
So, we're not mistaken at all about what you've posted and how you gone about requesting. I think the thing that prompted my response the most was the 'my admin is on my ass' part. Anyone knows the fastest way to get anything done is to put your money to work. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for someone to just be hanging around, bored to death, and looking for someone like you who needs something. That could be awhile, is all... if it's 'mission critical', someone needs to break out a Paypal or be patient.
Sorry for the 'misunderstanding'...
PHrEEk |

Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:52 pm |
I didnt get all defensive. This is the first community, based on an open source project where help can really only be aquaried by donations, as if "required donations" Quite strage there is all. Please disregard all of my posts, and I will seek help elsewhere. Sorry to have wasted your time. |

Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:02 pm |
There is no reason to get all upset. I offered you the help you requested. I pointed you where you needed to go. As far as donations or payment that is up to the person. I do however think that you will have a hard time getting someone to install all those mods for nothing as I stated in my other posts in both threads, they are all time consuming and get ever more complicated the more mods that are installed and just as an FYI mods are not the same as modules. Good Luck |

Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:28 pm |
>This is the first community, based on an open source project where help can really only be aquaried by donations
Surely you jest d00d...
Do I -really- need to go back and show you all the help you've gotten from this site without any donation? Donations aren't required, period. They show respect, and they show that you would like this community to be available x number of months from now. They also come in REAL handy when time is of the essence and you needed something yesterday. I'm also sorry you have confused open source support with the expectation that it includes modding and customizing your stuff so that you look great to your 'admin'. Are we supposed to be all bummed out that you're going to 'leave the community' and are we supposed feel guilty over it? Like we should all put our families, projects, and holiday shopping on hold because your 'admin' is on your ass? pffft...
Well, I can assure one thing... when you have a problem with Nuke, you'll be back posting... prolly under a diff nym, but the IP will look vaguely familiar.
PHrEEk |

Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:37 pm |
lol This has turned into something quite childish. No one asked Phreek To take time away from his freinds, families and projects to help me or help anyone for that matter....Obviously donations show respect...but my admin decided to use an open source CMS because he doesnt have the money to spend on something if that nature, if he did, he would have gone with another, which Im sure would have had immideate support. All I was saying, was that perhaps, especially in the holidy season, I dont have money to "donate" to prove my respect of this community. I respect this community very much for all it does for the Nuke project, and I simply required some assistance. The way it was handled, in my opinion, was not fit to what I expect thats all, its an opinion. |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:46 pm |
Diego wrote: | I didnt get all defensive. This is the first community, based on an open source project where help can really only be aquaried by donations, as if "required donations" Quite strage there is all. Please disregard all of my posts, and I will seek help elsewhere. Sorry to have wasted your time. | This is the first I have read of this. Would you please show me where I have ever stated that donations are 'required' for help? Good night, I have helped you and hundreds of others far into the night and never asked anything. I ask for donations to help offset the costs of providing a site like this. There are many others that frequent this site (and others) that give sacrificially to help - period. And btw, opensource != free. That formula and argument is a slap in the face to those of use who continue to fix and improve the 'open source' project that the author does not even support. Seek help where you will, but don't make accusations about me nor this site that cannot be substantiated. |

Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:04 pm |
I did not mean that this site required donations. I was implying the way that some others were responding as if "...maybe if you donate...." I would....trully I would...I dont have any money, and neither does the admin. Im sorry. |

Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:16 pm |
Diego, it is clear to all who use this site: money is NOT required. That you and your admin have none to donate is fine.
However, you are repeating your posts and ignoring suggestions/offers. Not knowing that both you and the admin have no money to donate towards getting your website modded, I simply made you aware that offering donations to people for WORK (versus support) might get you to your goal faster.
Now, you are coming off as 'I can do it myself if someone will just tell what to download'. Well, Jaded -did- tell you that everything you need is at portedmods. Now it's up to YOU to download those items, install them, and see if they are supported in your version of Nuke. You originally posted Dec 11th, it is now the 13th. Two days have gone by, and surely you knowing what you're doing could have answered this question yourself by now, eh? Let us know if they turned out compatible.
PHrEEk |

Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:17 pm |
I think that in the passion of the moment, you mistook their intention. Phreek clearly stated that this site does not require donations. He goes on to encourage those that can to donate just as I do. Anyway, I hadn't even read this thread until someone referred me to it. Hopefully all is well  |

Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:24 pm |
alright. I apologize for my hastyness. Goodnight and thankyou |

Joined: Aug 23, 2002
Posts: 213
Location: Chicago
Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:33 pm |
Diego, You are not going to leave the community are you? |
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Last edited by Mesum on Tue Dec 14, 2004 2:57 pm; edited 1 time in total |

Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:02 am |
No, I simply ment I will seek help on this issue elsewhere. |