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Joined: Jan 27, 2004
Posts: 65
Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:19 am |
Prob 1 of 2:
I know this has been asked B4, and I've searched and read what was said... but I can't 4 the life of me reduce the width of the Shout Block to my desired width of 138, and I REALLY don't want to have 2 Xpand all my blocks 2 keep uniformity!
I 1st d/l'd & tried the newest 2.4 (I think it is) w/ Quiecom (sp?). The most I could get was 144px. I then uninstalled it & u/l'd the 1x Raven has included in the 7.3 Addon Pak, whatever ver that is. The most I can get out of this older ver is 142px, 2px better @least.
I will say that the newer ver definately seems more developed w/ the timeshift value in there I saw many asking 4 among other things, but I much prefer the older ver's simplicity & scrolling.
I'm hoping there's something some1 has figured out about it that I don't know... (Oh yeah, it doesn't matter what value I put in its Admin Config).
Prob 2 of 2:
I'm building I guess my 3rd theme for phpNuke now 4 this same site, but I can't say I've run in2 this prob which I'm about 2 tell U B4. I almost always create scalable interfaces which stretch 2 the width of the browser, but the desired simplistic look 4 this site got me on a centered fixed width.
The problem I'm having is specifically w/ the Forums module. For some strange reason, the Copyright link @ the bottom right ("Forums ©") is cutting out of my theme and making a horrible space B4 my footer.
I appreciate any & all help as usual guys. U help many & will never know it... peeps like me searching the forums 4 some newfound cheesewizdom.
Oh yeah, btw, the URL 4 the site I'm referring 2 is:
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
It's a special project I've undertaken 4 my local church that I've grown up in. It's not yet been announced 2 any1 yet as I'm still building it, but it's just about taken shape. U will notice I've aptly renamed the Shout Box as the Praise Box. Down to 142px, only 4 more px 2 go!!!!!!
Thanx 4 the Help!
- J
Well crap, it C'ms as tho my probs on the Shout Block R a lil more severe. I was paying so much attention to the aesthetics, that I never test its function (B'ing I've used it B4 w/ no probs). The block is somehow not displaying the shouts or opening the smilies window like it should. I'm gonna re-u/l it 2morrow when I go 2 work, hopefully just me tinkering.
::Edited Again::
In my further tinkering, I've gotten the block down another 4px to 138!!! UNLIKE the newer version, when I made the input boxes smaller, it DID affect the width of the block size (Shrinking the input boxes on the newer ver did NOT subsequently free the block 2 shrink)! So that means I got my original problem solved.
The errors B'ing reported is 'txt is undefined' and 'marqueespeed is undefined' in the Shout Block, alternating.
Hopefully my tinkering is the cause, and reuploading the block file will fix it.
I had sentinel display the block page on me cause I typed in SCRIPT, whoops
- J |

Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:34 am |
U know, I definately have my moments...
I never u/l'd the .js to the root directory thinking it was an install script (where I just enter in the .sql instead, I never looked @ it's Xtension).
:: sigh ::
Chaulk up another 1x I guess =S
Any1 have any idea on the Forum copyright?!?
- J |

Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:34 am |
Well crapper, just found something else... I can only use the Shout Box OR the Collapsing Forums I'm assuming Bcause they both scroll content If the Shout Box is activated, then the Collapsing Forums won't load the table & just shows an empty box. Is there any way U can seperate the 2x?
Also the Forums Copyright?
- J |

Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:51 am |
Well... it C'ms both R using the window.onload, fortunately OnlyScripts made provisions 4 it, I just added start_ticking to their .js file & it worx.
It worx just fine now, the only thing I noticed is that if the Collapsing Forums (which is on my main page center) is NOT shown on any other page or module (which it's not), then the script will generate an error saying that an object was expected. I don't really have a solution 4 that, if some1 does... kewl, if not... oh well, I can live w/ it.
Any1 know about the Forums Copyright?
This C'ms 2 have turned in2 a log of how I fixed my own probs, hope it will help some1
- J |

Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:59 pm |
Well, I fixed the prob w/ the Forums... unfortunately what I had 2 do was remove the Copyright link 2 correct the problem. Sorry Chatserv, I really didn't want 2. Anyways, hopefully some1 will find some of this helpful. Always the stupid lil things.
- J |
Hangin' Around

Joined: Nov 27, 2004
Posts: 37
Location: MN
Fri Jan 07, 2005 10:29 pm |
I contacted Francisco Berzi about this javascript window.onload issue. The true fix for this has to come from his level as PHP-Nuke has to make a global area that all window.onload's go into. Unfortunately, the makers of javascript didnt expect this type of scenario where multiple module/block writers would be using window.onload when they designed it. They made it so only one instance of it can run. Hence, the workaround i specify in my Shout Box installation instructions.
Maybe someone higher in the food chain here like chatserv can get this issue going more...
I can easily design this if need be. But it needs to be implemented soon because more and more designers are using window.onload. And if only one can be used per site, than thats looking bad on nuke itself.
As of this writing, my latest version of the shout box v7.5.1 will automatically adjust the width to your theme block width. No configuration for width is required. This is a bonus for users that set it as a center block position.
As far as the v2.4 goes, its total junk. Most things in that old version dont even work. Thats why i took over the project. |
_________________ How deep can we dig the rabbit hole? |

Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:43 pm |
Hey, wow... didn't realize U were on here.
I'd like 2 2nd that comment from a purely casual dev pov. It would certainly make alot of peoples' lives a lil bit more sane, especially those of us that don't have near the Xperience w/ phpNuke.
I wasn't aware of the history of the ShoutBlock... my only Xperience prior was beginning w/ Raven's custom distro of v7.0 way back when (included v2.3 I think). Did a quick search on here & saw that Quiecom had v2.4 & was recommended. Got frustrated w/ that ver cause the resizing did NOT work 2 well. Popped open my ver2.3 on an older site w/ Raven's 7.0 & saw that it was provided by OnlyScripts in the Copyright. That's where I jumped over there & saw your ver 7.x which is what the site is running right now, running it well I might add (love how U did the smilies).
I trust your 8.x is coming along nicely I saw on OnlyScripts also. I know some peeps R looking 4ward 2 it. The only thing I really noticed about the 7.x was that the mouse went 2 an hourglass whenever U paused the scrolling... I wonder if there is someway U could override the browser w/ an onmouseover or something. Kinda distracts, hourglass + windows = bad
Anyways, thanx 4 the great work on the ShoutBox & I really appreciate it!!!
On a side note, I'm glad he modularized (?) the Module Administration w/ 7.5+ as it helps ease my life w/ assigning admins. A good step in the right direction, will hopefully start a trend.
Thanx again!
- J
ROFL, just noticed your Avatar... hilarious  |

Sat Jan 08, 2005 10:24 am |
v8.0 is coming along nicely. The bug with the hourglass has already been fixed in 8.0. I'm glad you like my concept for dual admin areas for nuke 7.5+. Have admins that can monitor the shouts and users, but keep the layout shout controls to superadmins only. |

Sat Jan 08, 2005 3:31 pm |
Yes, your dual admin areas is easily the best use of the modularized admin I've C'n so far. For the most part, I'm just happy when peeps even code 4 it (B'ing a new thing) so I don't have 2, but U def took it 1x step further. Glad the hourglass is gone & I look 4ward 2 the major release upgrade. I 4 1x prefer the scrolling of the shouts, but 2 each his own I suppose. If U decide 2 give peeps the option, more power 2 them... if not, I'm happy (lol). Just my own $.02 from what I saw on OurScripts (not OnlyScripts =S).
Thanx again 4 the great app.
- J |