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Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Jan 02, 2003
Posts: 714
Location: Vancouver Island

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 8:41 am Reply with quote

It's done. My nuke 6.0 with port site is finally upgraded to 6.9 with Raven's Fixes and all on a new domain and it's been released to the members and now I'm breathing again, enjoying the kudos from members.

Why did it take so long to get there? Because I'd spent a year making modifications to the 6.0 site and I didn't want to just overwrite everything. I set up a 6.5+ test site last summer. I installed everything out there... 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 6.8, 6.8 Enhanced, NSN-Nuke Beta, 7.0 beta... I settled on Raven's 6.9. But it wasn't until the last week of October when the age bug in Friendfinder 6.5 was fixed that I felt I could get really serious about this upgrade.

It's been an interesting experience. I set up the new site from scratch, redid all the mods from the old site, and added lots of new stuff.

The most difficult part, besides the experiment with buddylist and htmlarea, was fitting all the old data into the new database. Thank goodness for phpmyadmin, eh? I exported the old db table by table making changes to the data input when there was a column mismatch, using find and replace for lots of stuff, and just making it fit the new db structure. I struggled a bit with phpbb critical errors about theme mismatches. One of the interesting side-effects of all this was the streaming lining of the database. As I said, I'd been experimenting with modules and blocks and addons for a year. There was all kind of superfluous stuff in the database. The old database was close to 20 mb. The new one, with all the important useful data, is less than 10!!

I couldn't find all the matching themes I wanted so I went with two themes I hope the users like and we are going to have a "custom theme" contest. We have 250 users (local woman's group who also meet in real time) and there are excellent artistic skills out there to be matched up with my not so bad hacking skills. lol

The new site:
6.9 with Raven's Fixes
Protector System
Calendar 2.12
Coppermine Photogalleries
Survey Suggestion
Asteroids, Jatris, ClearSky Clocks, Universe Today ... etc.

It's all good. Smile

Now I only need an htmlarea and a buddylist. I just couldn't get these addons to work.

I'm still patting my own back for what I did get working, but I want to thank those here for your help and encouragement. And Raven, you are so brilliant and have helped me so much because you help others.

I'd love to show you the new site, but I don't advertise it anywhere. Last time I posted the url to one of my websites on a support site I spent the next month battling with the kiddie hackers so I learned my lesson the hard way.

Again, thanks for all your help and hugs all round ... Nuke Onward!
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Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 9:57 am Reply with quote


Congratulations! We kinda go back a while and I understand about the url. PM me with the info. I'd like to see it Smile
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Joined: Sep 22, 2003
Posts: 252

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 9:51 pm Reply with quote

Where can i get Calendar 2.12 and Survey Suggestion?
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 9:54 am Reply with quote

There are lots of places to get the Calendar 2.12... or so I thought... I was just searching for the link and only found old versions. I'll email it to you? I like it. The most recent version allows comments to the Calendar. Perfect, our site suddenly had a "signup sheet."

Did I tell you I'm only a wanna be programmer? Survey Suggestion is something I cobbled together one day. It works for us... just a module index page with a form that the users fill out and it sends the results to admin@ email. I can post the code here or send it to you via email. It needs a rewrite and more error checking and I only allow registered members to use it.... is hardly a nuke module, just a hack that needs rewriting with WHEREDOC syntax. I should have left it out of my list above, was a paste thing.

How long have you been using phpnuke?

I started with phpbbforums about 18 months ago and phpnuke a year ago. I had decent html skills, so that helped. And I sysoped my BBS for years, so that helped too. Get a good book on php, and get to know the online manual. Just stick with it and search for the places Raven likes to hang out. Cool It's all worth it.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 10:00 am Reply with quote

CodyG won my heart months ago Wink - Hey! You still owe me that link in a PM!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 10:01 am Reply with quote

I have been using nuke since august. This is my first site and I have had no experience creating webpages of any kind prior to that. I saw a nuke site, like it, and had a friend set me up with a domain name. All the rest has been trial and many errors. This is also my first shot at html, but people on this site have been a huge help. I couldn't have done it without them. If you would like to email those files, I am at sqzdog@yahoo.com If you think the survey suggestion thing is over my head at this point (since I don't even know what WHEREDOC is) then you don't have to send it. All help is appreciated. Thank you

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 10:06 am Reply with quote

Raven wrote:
$content = <<<_MYCODE_
<center><img src="images/Wire-Fox-Terrier.jpg" noborder><br>this is some text</center>
from http://www.ravenphpscripts.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=521#3106

Also search my forums here. I've mentioned and detailed it several times Smile

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 10:56 am Reply with quote

I wasn't sure about the MYCODE part. The only places I need to add text are for the name of the image, and the "this is some text" part. Am i correct?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 11:00 am Reply with quote

You place ALL of your html/javascript/css/java code within those tags. In other words, you could develop a 1000 line html document and just drop it between those tags.
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