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Joined: Nov 15, 2003
Posts: 53
Location: Hawaii and the Fan Forum

PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 12:28 am Reply with quote

I am writing to formally request permission to port your modules and blocks over to the GT-NExtGEn framework. I am setting up a seperate site just to support GT-NExtGEn and am trying to get with some developers in hopes to port popular third party blocks and modules to GT-NExtGEn. This will enable users to not have to know any knowledge on GT-NExtGEn, yet still be able to use their favorite modules and blocks while being fully Tapped. The modules will be what I call conversion packs, they will be typically a two file package, one file containing instructions and the .htaccess entries, the other file being the GT-NExtGEn module file.

I would really appreciate your blessing on this as I have always looked up to your code. I will leave full copyrights intact on blocks that I port over. The ported files will be maintained on the GT-NExtGEn development site as I am building an archive folks can go to and pick out the files they need to convert their sites over.

If you would like, I will help you set up the GT-NExtGEn beta when you have time, as we talked about in earlier posts. I appreciate your time in reading this, and hope you have a good day. Any questions about GT-NExtGEn can be posted at http://gt.audioslaved.com (I would say email but we know that doesn't work too great! Very Happy )

Hope to hear from you soon

-Bill (Audioslaved)

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 12:44 am Reply with quote


I aplogize about not getting the test installed! I have been so busy this week and I now have my parents coming in for 2 weeks so my computer time will be even more limited.

Having said that, I welcome your offer! Let me know what modules/blocks/hacks code you are interested in and if you need anything from me. I would especially like to see KISSQ and KISGB in your list.

Thanks for your contributions to us. Man, I remember helping you when you were just getting started, or so it seems anyway.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 1:55 am Reply with quote

You helped me more than you know, you helped set a standard and I looked up to you and wanted to be able to do what you were talking about, (I believe the posts are over at nukeforums) You and humpa were my earliest and most respected inspirations, I will never forget who my daddys are, LOL! KISSQ and KISGB are two of the mods on my list, I will give you a heads up when the mods have been tapped and tested over at the Dev Center. See you around


Joined: Aug 28, 2003
Posts: 227

PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 6:20 am Reply with quote

What does GoogleTap do?

HEY AUDIOSLAVED - I've been trying to contact you at two places. Can I PLEASE have your menu block?!?!?!?! Pretty please? With sugar? Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 11:50 pm Reply with quote

Googletap takes your long URLs like downloads.html and converts them to something like downloads.html. That is the jist of it in a nutshell. The GT-NExtGEn is an advanced version of that which is module-based and has a growing number of developer sites support. Since it is module based, the GT-NExtGEn center will offer conversion packs which are about 2 or 3 file downloads that allow you to drop a file in your GoogleTap directory, add a few lines to your .htaccess and your module is transformed to its .html equivalent without you having to rip your hair out. Wink

I know you have been trying to get my menu, lol! I thought I emailed you back about it, I said I would get around to it soon. I am swamped right now, but when I have time I will give it to you, I promise, the menu I am using on test.audioslaved.com isn't special, just do a search for HV_Menu in google and you should find it with no problems. All I did was insert the HV Menu stuff into my theme header file. All the instructions in the HV Menu download are exactly what I was going to tell you to do. Try that and if you need some help I will be more than happy to assist! Mr. Green

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 11:04 pm Reply with quote

Didn't get your email yet. But I'll get cracking on the HV_Menu. What I think I really want is something that can store the menu settings in a MYSQL file. My reasoning is I want the head "user" of the site's I'll be working be able to edit their own menu.

Lastly, I must be getting old, my brain is too full or I'm breathing in too much dust from the remodeling I'm doibng because I still don't get it. Worse yet, I'm only 35! Laughing

I know what the shorter URL is for. But what I really should do is install GoogleTap first before I ask dumb questions AND probably understand what you mean. OFF TO BED!
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