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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 1:40 am Reply with quote


It's been down for more than a day now, does anybody know what's going on?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:59 am Reply with quote

No money?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:01 am Reply with quote


I have been wondering the same.

Anybody have any inside info on why its down?

If its hosting or cash problem I'm willing to help.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:25 am Reply with quote

I didn't know anybody still used NukeCops since they got rid of CVS and everything else useful well over a year ago. As far as I know, they haven't developed anything in well over a year.

If you wanted to donate to a good support site, Raven's button is at:

Steph Benoit
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:40 am Reply with quote

I already advertise with Raven Wink

I post quite a lot on NukeCops and am just curious why the downtime.

If anyone knows I would be interested.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:13 am Reply with quote


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:21 am Reply with quote

Sorry, what purpose does that serve?

I know how to check the whois db, thanks.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:22 am Reply with quote

nukedesign wrote:
I post quite a lot on NukeCops and am just curious why the downtime.

Maybe you should post more here? ROTFL
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:23 am Reply with quote

nukedesign wrote:
Sorry, what purpose does that serve?

I know how to check the whois db, thanks.
I think DJM was just trying to give you information on who to contact to answer your question.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:07 am Reply with quote

Maybe you should post more here?

LOL, I think I will!

I think DJM was just trying to give you information on who to contact to answer your question.

Ah ok, my apologies. Thanks anyway.

Also, if VinDSL reads this do you know why nukecops is down?

And I hope it was nothing serious that caused your downtime Raven, glad to see you back up and running.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 4:15 am Reply with quote

maybe that posting of the same stories over and over again each day started getting boring so they probably called it quits.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 4:30 am Reply with quote

Possibly, but it seems odd that it wasnt mentioned before they closed it.

No idea.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:41 am Reply with quote

nukedesign wrote:
Possibly, but it seems odd that it wasnt mentioned before they closed it.

No idea.
Seriously, you won't find many posts here about nukecops; there is bad blood and good reason - EOM

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:38 pm Reply with quote

Raven wrote:
nukedesign wrote:
Sorry, what purpose does that serve?

I know how to check the whois db, thanks.
I think DJM was just trying to give you information on who to contact to answer your question.

Last Updated:
June 16, 2004

not paying the bill plus a couple weeks??

The trouble with "bad blood" is those of us who just go to site where we can get intellegent support dont know whats behind the scenes...so we post/ask stuff.....then on occassions get criptic comments back if we erffer to another site. Hasnt happen to me here but has else where.
Intially we can get support for bits in peices then as some of the differing waring sites realise one has had help or helped someone at another site, any further support then dries up. Even down to simple coding stuff. So of an unofficial 'black list' Requests just dont get answered.
I dont follow the logic of doing this.
Leaves a bad taste in many Joe Public's mouths when such immature things happen, not because of cant get support, but 'black listed' simply because they are not aware of 'bad blood'
Im not aware of it happening here, but I do have several small requests at other sites still pending, been bumped several times, and also notice there are others.
So maybe we should have a list at each site, "Dont post or help at thatsite if u want help here," at least then us newbies will then know how not to get 'black listed'
Better still, keep bad blood where it should be kept, at the personal level, and out of of the sites.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:45 pm Reply with quote

I agree completely.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:02 pm Reply with quote

Don't misinterpret what I didn't say. No one has ever been not helped because they go here or go there. I don't personally care. If you come here and request help with a respectful attitude you will get help if we can. I don't care what you do elsewhere or who you associate with. This site was built up because good people come here and they come w/o an ego to feed. And for the record, a question was posed to me
Possibly, but it seems odd that it wasnt mentioned before they closed it.

No idea.
and I felt I would be honest and direct with my answer to keep things nipped in the bud as I know it could have started a barage of strong responses. And if I feel like exposing "bad blood" I will if it's in the interest of educating the public or defending myself or others.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:30 pm Reply with quote

I go there to keep up on my nuke-skills by answering unanswered posts.. Smile

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 4:01 pm Reply with quote

Don't misinterpret what I didn't say.

I didnt...
Im not aware of it happening here,

Those emails code we swapped the other day cause couldnt post...is certainly one instance where I cant get help to finish at OTHER siteS...so im in a sort of a bind lol.
I am a bit p155ed at other sites because thats all I can put it down to...even to the extent I deleted the code from those sites.
Sure Its temping to post a list of sites that I think 'black list' but to do so on good sites, I consider irresaposable and they dont need that sort of crap.
Raven...I would appreaciate if u would be able to put up my code problem some time on my behalf for the guys to clean up and finish
No hurry working 15 18 hr days at the moment, should be back to normal in 3 or 4 days

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:03 pm Reply with quote

Steptoe wrote:
Intially we can get support for bits in peices then as some of the differing waring sites realise one has had help or helped someone at another site, any further support then dries up. Even down to simple coding stuff. So of an unofficial 'black list' Requests just dont get answered.

90% of the time it looks like that to you, 80% of the time it looks to me like "damnit another one who doesn't understand the usefull truth of a search function"
So mainly you don't get a answer on "similar" questions with "similar" answers.

For example, as newbie, you post:
subject: help me please
message: somehow i can't login

Such message has 2 reasons why people don't answer:

1. terrible subject. it doesn't explain the content of your message
2. answered a lot on many websites with a lot of different solutions

nukecops recieved a lot of those and you need atleast 50% of all members to be moderator to keep up and maintain those bad topics/posts. The owner of nukecops has almost never been on the site and was actualy only hosting it.
A small sum of those will provide my own conclusion that there was no benefit anymore to run that website for both the current moderators and the owner since all "die hards" went away to keep their own active website alive.

Shure it would be a pain for all newbies but what exactly is a newbie?
Mostly people who want to run a website themselves (mostly thru the gaming scene) and they see php-nuke websites.
PHP-Nuke engines are mostly used since everyone can hack and create code with ease without thinking about security, xhtml, css, javascript and many other standards (as long as it runs on IE they think it works just fine)
If you can run mambo, xoops, dragonfly or other you are probably a skilled web user or a die hard newbie who likes to learn.

Due to the fact that php-nuke is easy it attracks young aged gamers who like to start a clan or personal buddies website, since they are not familiar with coding and didn't fully learn yet how to behave and how to ask a question those php-nuke websites actualy get spammed with previous mentioned posts. Also such young people have no money and need everything for free, and since nukecops was also mainly running on costs recieved from advertisements i think the costs went to high to keep it in the air.

As i said it's just my opinion, but think about it twice and then ask yourself the following question:
- is my post about crappy websites which don't answer my question correct?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:06 am Reply with quote

but what exactly is a newbie?

Point taken re ppl not using search engines and search buttons.
I have supported the DF comuniity for 6 or 7 yrs now, Forums, beta test code, setting up running servers etcetc.
A newbie is soimeone who is new to a subject...rg a game, nuke, breeding parrots....they are not always thoughtless and stupid....

Something that has suprised me is the # of ppl who run /set up forums/ sites who use, "Im stupid , help me!!!" as a subject title...then proceed to post a question that is most likely already current if they bothered to hit post since last visit. They also have no consideration to those who may follow later, wadding thru 1000s yes thousands of post when using the search button.
I can understand happening, and dealt with that in gaming, but nuke users??
The patence shown by nuke site owners amazes me....In DF support I got allocated a special tile Lord Feild Marshel Bunt
I would just post " use search button above ..these words"
Lately a subject tiltled "help" would pass it by, or if didnt Post teloing them u they should use a good subject tiitle

Now do a seach for changing the size of thee motions popup window in the reply tp post...not the # of rows, the window...then tell me my impressions are wrong based on your reasoning. Another 'issue' I have been chasing for months.[/quote]

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:33 am Reply with quote

Nukecops.com is still down, but guess what? phpnuke.org is also down! what is going on? LOL

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:35 am Reply with quote

According to an article on http://splatt.it, as reported by NukeEvangelist, nukecops.com should be back on Monday the 18th.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 2:05 pm Reply with quote

Just checked as of 1pm (PST) and it seems to be back up.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:19 pm Reply with quote

Nuke Cops is back up
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