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Joined: Aug 05, 2005
Posts: 139
Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:11 pm |
i really need help guys, i dont know whats going on, but all the forums with gt-nextgen clean install on nuke 7.6 patch 3.1 is buggin me it just keeps showing session id like members.html?sid=b74060a295cafd5aeb4cfab26dd2088b
but when i not logged in it shows it without sid like members.html
anyone know how to fix this? i done the session.php edits and dont seem to do anything and i followed all instructions as per install.txt
any help or what file i need to look into would help alot
also i using cnbya 4.2 if that helps
thanks |
Last edited by phoenix-cms on Thu Aug 25, 2005 11:40 am; edited 1 time in total |

Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:11 am |
well i solved the problem, was cookie issue needs to be without http
anyway what ya think of this
GT admin panel for nuke  |

Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:46 pm |
i have now added titles to all modules and id which is controlled via admin, and htaccess manager and builder,
now have topic like topic__name__topicid.html or review_title_reviewid.html
and everything is redirect if topic title changed and will fwd to the id instead.
expect to see download in few days for those that want to try it  |

Joined: Sep 23, 2003
Posts: 456
Location: Somewhere out there...
Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:12 pm |
I think that menu is a fantastic idea. What I am wanting to see is the behind the scenes on "Activate Google Tap"
How can I get involved?
-sting |

Joined: Oct 09, 2004
Posts: 293
Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:52 pm |
Quote: |
but when i not logged in it shows it without sid like members.html
Thats the important part, that is how google sees your site, not as if it is logged in.
If the number of links when logged in could also be removed that would be good also for engines
EG links to members details in news items, user info,
And when in forums the same, plus faq, search, post, reply |

Tue Aug 23, 2005 10:40 pm |
also blocks can be universal as well so we dont have to have 2 blocks like before one default and other gt like most people have now
Code:if ($GoogleTapOb ==1) {
$content .= "<strong><big>·</big></strong> <a href=\"content-$row[pid].html\">$row[title]</a><br>";
$content .= "<strong><big>·</big></strong> <a href=\"modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=$pid\">$title</a><br>";
which makes such a difference and you can you the old way if you like
and all the forums and any module with content has admin now so you can set the html as either id or title or both
and the htaccess manager will update all the htaccess pending on the setting you choose
or if you change html to something else like phtml or some other format the htaccess manager will rebuild the whole htaccess and edit to chosen settings or format
well thats the idear behind it, hopefully could become a new gt of its own  |

Tue Aug 23, 2005 10:43 pm |
and sting i can get you access whats completed sofar or you can wait until i fully done,
its not a big project but a must have for nukers, i also going to look at asapi rewrite as well
mabe setting for apache and iis rewrite and build or rebuild the files as well |

Tue Aug 23, 2005 10:49 pm |
now this is more like it tell me what ya think,
when someone posts in the forum and they have watch topic on and they get emailed
how about this
instead of it showing modules.php ?name= Forums&file
like this topic
but in email like
googletap_and_session_id.html which will make gt over all modules and blocks  |

Thu Aug 25, 2005 12:07 pm |
completed features:
1- googletap admin panel
2- iis (micorsoft iis server support)
3- google keywords and module indepedent ie, edit> modules> keywords
4- rewrite urls manager either rewrite urls as id or title (needs work small bug in title)
5- all blocks now become tapped if gt is active to less files on your server
6- htaccess manager (todo support for iis)
more will follow |

Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:07 pm |
Does it turn off reply to new topic, search faq and other links in the forums that search engines dont need...when not logged in?
Same on the front page things like a/c, read more, links to member details in news, user info , your a/c, faq, search etc
reducing not needed urls makes it far more engines friendly |

Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:33 pm |
yes it can be done with the new define function  |

Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:34 pm |
i put up some more screen shots up later of the new admin what i have sofar if your intrested |

Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:36 pm |
also i added support for the new cnb5 as well as all the new rewrite rules as well
which will improve search engines craws
and also i have an admin formthe bots using there new google beta and builds xml sitemap and adds module keywords to each module not keywords to whole site etc
and if you enter your google login ids etc you can send for the bots to come over as well
and seems to work on my beta site |

Sat Aug 27, 2005 11:52 am |
anything you want googletap to do or support guys?
just seems no-one watching this topic and i may just stop working on it  |

Sat Aug 27, 2005 2:06 pm |

Sat Aug 27, 2005 2:39 pm |
what i do i will release first files over weekend or early mon/tue this way i can get some suggestions and any problems that may arise.
there will be premod for 7.6 and changes for any other nuke but as this is 7.6 not sure how much the files below 7.6 will differ until i look at them
but should be more aless the same
steve |

Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:56 pm |
I found this ages ago and just refound it.
Re write stuff And removing links not needed in forums
BUT only for phpbb Not portals. He has no interest in porting it, and from going thru forums seems to have no objectitions if it is.
A bit more digging in Google it has a high opinion as a mod...I can find nowhere where it has been ported. |

Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:40 pm |
i already have something like this for anon members i look into this thanks |

Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:03 pm |
Sorry gang, got hit by the hurricane... still want to read up on this and try it out as soon as my cable modem comes back... forgot how bad 56k was... lol
-sting |

Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:58 am |
not a prob hope all ok with youm should have release ready now any time soon around 2/3 days.
just cleaning up everything and release first beta
thanks |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
Posts: 6799
Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:27 am |
It is certainly nice to see someone picking up the ball and running with it.
I'm currently using googletap (not Next Gen) so I look forward to seeing how this progress'. |

Sun Sep 11, 2005 3:50 am |
1st Phoenix how u going on the project m8?
Next... Anyone? I'm going thru the GT trying to figer out what does what..Rem Im no coder lol
admin CP /modules clk edit a module there is a window for GT where one puts in ie forums.html ...I think this writes something to the phpmyadmin db???
In what table and what does this wright to the table?
Im looking in the sitename_modules table...think im in the right place??
I have tables mid title custom_title active view inmenu mod_group admins those I have figured are the other window boxes in the Admin CP....then there is URL... is this where ' forums.html ' gets typed in?
I cant figure how to fix the window ...its not important, So if instead..I edit the tables I have a therory forums will now appear in the modules block with forums.html ... (just tried it...didnt work)
Forums is the only thing I need GT ed....
FIXED, well all is fine...
Had the block-GT_Modules.php enabled...Way down the bottom of the index page Admin view only....that shows forum.html since I edited the url in modules table to forums.html
So taking ot the modules block, move the GT modules block up in Admin cp
Problem Solved.
What is strange, at the moment on index page the forums link in modules block is not GT ed neither if I go to any other page.....except clking it to go to forums.
It then shows in the module list as forms.html...all the rest of the forums are html thats ok.
MSN, yahoo etc spider the site hits the task bar 'forum.html' link cause its in java or something Google doesnt crawl it....It crawls the links in the module block ok, but will not go past the forum link in module block...So I need to make it a forums.html link |

Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:48 am |
Hey mate i fine just been busy with my cms and with the gt most of its done just trying to get a good gui layout for the dynamic and static keyword manager in admin,
what i do think best maybe release what i have now basically as soon i fixed the meta manager should be ok for beta testing
taken a while be i made all the modules and blocks html basically if gtactive everything becomes html so there wont be any php on search engines,
in each module i coded an alternative for html
even its not 100% perfect yet but thats the point for beta testing to fix bugs
expect files soon i wont say when becuase its hard to keep to them,
but i'am still active on the project
steve |

Wed Oct 12, 2005 11:56 pm |

Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:07 am |
well its practually done, i getting ready to upload to my site i send you a build if ya want bro, your using 7.5 ?
let me know email me or something and i fwd you a copy by tomorrow |