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Joined: Jan 14, 2004
Posts: 53

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 9:59 am Reply with quote

I get this error when I click on:

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Warning: Unexpected character in input: ' in /var/www/html/forum/modules/Forums/search.php on line 896

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /var/www/html/forum/modules/Forums/search.php on line 896
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 11:29 am Reply with quote

It is almost always a result of a missing ; in a preceeding line. Have you made any changes?
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 12:57 pm Reply with quote

Just his one the other day. But nothing to search.php

Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!

Here are lines 894-915

$topic_id = $searchset[$i]['topic_id'];

if ( $sho $hold_string = str_replace('<!-- #sh -->', '', $hold_string);
$hold_string = str_replace('<!-- #eh -->', '', $hold_string);
else if ( $hold_string == '<!-- #sh -->' )
$hold_string = str_replace('<!-- #sh -->', '<span style="color:#' . $theme['fontcolor3'] . '"><b>', $hold_string);
else if ( $hold_string == '<!-- #eh -->' )
$hold_string = str_replace('<!-- #eh -->', '</b></span>', $hold_string);

$temp_message .= $hold_string;

$start_html += $length;
$start_html = strlen($message);

Last edited by donjski on Sun Jan 18, 2004 1:07 pm; edited 1 time in total 

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 1:05 pm Reply with quote

Verify that you applied the fix correctly. Restore your original file and then reapply the code.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 1:09 pm Reply with quote

I might have been editing my post while you were reading the above one

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 1:48 pm Reply with quote

I reinstalled the fix, still no go!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:01 pm Reply with quote

I just added Flash the other day, here are the changes I made:

download it here: Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!

This hack will add a new flash bbcode to your forums.
The bbcode will look like this [swf width=# height=#]url[/swf]
The bbcode will not work if width or height is left out.
This also adds buttons to your posting page so users can add flash easily.
These instructions are based on a fresh install of phpBB 2.0.4 with no other bbcode hacks installed.
If you have other bbcode hacks installed follow the directions very carefully.
Make sure you backup your files before installing this hack.
This hack was created by Curtis Sanderson. ( sanderson_250@yahoo.com )
This hack was modified by Ted Herman (kazoom@sympatico.ca) to provide functionality with phpBB 2.0.4.
Speak to Curtis if you have problems, I cannot provide support as I only modified the hack, I did not write it.
This hack will only work in phpBB 2.0.4. If you are using a newer version, try this, but it may not work.
If you are using an older version of phpBB 2, download the older hack at http://www.phpbbhacks.com/viewhack.php?id=487
Support for this and other hacks can be found at http://phpbbhacks.com/forums/

---- Open /includes/bbcode.php -----

----- Find: -----

$bbcode_tpl['email'] = str_replace('{EMAIL}', '\\1', $bbcode_tpl['email']);

----- After add: -----

$bbcode_tpl['swf'] = str_replace('{WIDTH}', '\\1', $bbcode_tpl['swf']);
$bbcode_tpl['swf'] = str_replace('{HEIGHT}', '\\2', $bbcode_tpl['swf']);
$bbcode_tpl['swf'] = str_replace('{URL}', '\\3', $bbcode_tpl['swf']);

----- Find: -----

// Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! code..
$patterns[] = "#\[email\]([a-z0-9\-_.]+?@[\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)?[\w]+)\[/email\]#si";
$replacements[] = $bbcode_tpl['email'];

----- After add: -----

// [swf width=# height=#]filename[/swf]
$patterns[] = "#\[swf width=([0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]) height=([0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]):$uid\](.*?)\[/swf:$uid\]#si";
$replacements[] = $bbcode_tpl[swf];

----- Find: -----

// [img]image_url_here[/img] code..
$text = preg_replace("#\[img\](([a-z]+?)://([^ \n\r]+?))\[/img\]#si", "[img:$uid]\\1[/img:$uid]", $text);

----- After add: -----

// [swf width=# height=#]url[/swf]
$text = preg_replace("#\[swf width=([0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]) height=([0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9])\](([a-z]+?)://([^, \n\r]+))\[\/swf\]#si","[swf width=\\1 height=\\2:$uid\]\\3[/swf:$uid]", $text);

----- Save, close, and upload -----

----- Open modules/forums/posting.php -----

----- Find: -----

'L_BBCODE_F_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_f_help'],

----- After add: ----- If you've installed other bbcode hacks you may already have a 'L_BBCODE_R_HELP' defined. In that case pick a letter that hasn't been used and use it instead of r in this hack. If you changed the letter in this step make sure you change it in all steps.

'L_BBCODE_R_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_r_help'],

----- Save, close, and upload -----

----- Open /language/lang_english/lang_main.php -----

----- Find: -----

$lang['bbcode_f_help'] = 'Font size: [size=x-small]small text[/size]';

----- After add: -----

$lang['bbcode_r_help'] = 'Flash: [swf width=# height=#]http://swf_url[/swf]';
----- Save, close, and upload -----

----- Open /templates/subSilver/bbcode.tpl "NOTE" Do this to the theme you use-----

----- Find: -----

<!-- BEGIN email --><a href="mailto:{EMAIL}">{EMAIL}</A><!-- END email -->

----- After add: -----

<!-- BEGIN swf -->
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0" width={WIDTH} height={HEIGHT}>
<param name=movie value={URL}>
<param name=quality value="best">
<param name=menu value=false>
<param name=wmode value=transparent>
<embed src="{URL}" quality=best wmode=transparent width={WIDTH} height={HEIGHT} type="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash">
<!-- END swf -->

----- Save, close, and upload -----

----- Open /templates/subSilver/posting_body.tpl "NOTE" Do this to the theme you use-----

----- Find: -----

f_help = "{L_BBCODE_F_HELP}";

----- After add: -----

r_help = "{L_BBCODE_R_HELP}";

----- Find: ----- In the rest of these steps pay close attention to the numbers if you've installed other bbcode hacks. The numbers should increase by 2 for each bbcode.

<td><span class="genmed">
<input type="button" class="button" accesskey="w" name="addbbcode16" value="URL" style="text-decoration: underline; width: 40px" onClick="bbstyle(16)" onMouseOver="helpline('w')" />

----- After add: -----

<td><span class="genmed">
<input type="button" class="button" accesskey="r" name="addbbcode18" value="Flash" style="width: 40px" onClick="bbstyle(1Cool" onMouseOver="helpline('r')" />

----- Find: ----- If you have other bbcode hacks installed do not replace but add ,'[swf width= height=]','[/swf] onto the end so it looks like ,'[swf width= height=]','[/swf]');

bbtags = new Array('','','','','','','

----- Replace with: -----

bbtags = new Array('','','','','','','
','[list=]','[/list]','[img]','[/img]','[url]','[/url]','[swf width= height=]','[/swf]');

----- Find: -----

<select name="addbbcode18" onChange="bbfontstyle('[color=' + this.form.addbbcode18.options[this.form.addbbcode18.selectedIndex].value + ']', '[/color]');this.selectedIndex=0;" onMouseOver="helpline('s')">

----- Replace with: -----

<select name="addbbcode20" onChange="bbfontstyle('[color=' + this.form.addbbcode20.options[this.form.addbbcode20.selectedIndex].value + ']', '[/color]');this.selectedIndex=0;" onMouseOver="helpline('s')">

----- Find: -----

</select> &nbsp;{L_FONT_SIZE}:<select name="addbbcode20" onChange="bbfontstyle('[size=' + this.form.addbbcode20.options[this.form.addbbcode20.selectedIndex].value + ']', '[/size]')" onMouseOver="helpline('f')">

----- Replace with: -----

</select> &nbsp;{L_FONT_SIZE}:<select name="addbbcode22" onChange="bbfontstyle('[size=' + this.form.addbbcode22.options[this.form.addbbcode22.selectedIndex].value + ']', '[/size]')" onMouseOver="helpline('f')">

----- Save, close and upload. -----

That's it. You should now have a working flash bbcode.
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