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Sells PC To Pay For Divorce

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:21 pm Reply with quote

Ok this is problem..
Most of us have a weblinks module and with a weblinks block.
well both are GT but the links in the block links go to "viewlinkdetails" and thats a useless page cause it shows nothing intesresting.
I want it to be the page where people can read the description.

So for example...the link that is produced using the weblinks block is like viewlinkdetails-155-Xpcodec.html,but whatever i try,i end up like doesnt excist or on the wrong page again..

What should it be ?
(please only respond if you can post the answer/solution)
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:04 pm Reply with quote


I had to look at the module's index.php file for the switch options to find this one. Very odd that I could not find anywhere within core nuke where Web Links took you to the "profile" instead of actually submitting the link. Interesting.

Try something like this:


See if that works for one of your links where you know that you have detailed data for it.


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:08 pm Reply with quote

Actually, that link didn't come through for some reason! That is odd because I submitted the forum post with everything from modules.php on and WITHOUT GoogleTap.

Anyways, the link that I had given doesn't work either. It looks to me that no matter if you provide the $lid and $ttitle fields with good values, it still doesn't bring up the link description. Looks to me to be yet another bug with Nuke!!!!

Sorry that I could not help you.


PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:20 pm Reply with quote

Well you tried,that is something odd about it and how its made.
An active link going to details whitch is completely useless..
Sure i can make it GT but that would be very standard and sending the visitor directly to it and he then doesnt even know anything about the link ,cause it doesnt show the details..
Well if anyone has a solution.....

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 6:59 pm Reply with quote


What about trying this... Edit your modules/Web_Links/index.php script as follows:


# Within function viewlinkdetails($lid, $ttitle)
# Right after
    linkinfomenu($lid, $ttitle);
    $dtlresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT `description` FROM `".$prefix."_links_links` WHERE `lid` = '$lid'");
      list ( $dtldescription ) = $db->sql_fetchrow($dtlresult);
      $dtldescription = stripslashes( $dtldescription );
    echo "<br><br>$dtldescription<br>";

This will at least get the description in there. Then use the following link structure:


mod ules.php?name=Web_Links&l_op=viewlinkdetails&lid=1

Edited: Uuuggghhhhhh.... this is ONE example where GT-NextGen can be a pain! Raven's GT is modifying my modules so I had a add a space in the name to try and stop it from changing the link to an .html equivalent.

I know, I know, you could have done that, but why didn't FB do it? Wink


Last edited by montego on Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total 

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:01 pm Reply with quote

mmm, i just maild you with the same idea...
Do we think the same ?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:03 pm Reply with quote

Too funny!!! Just saw the PM. Yes, I guess "great minds think alike" is the standard phrase. Smile

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:08 pm Reply with quote

Yes indeed thats it,i didnt have to edit the block link cause it works like its now..
Btw..you cannot see it cause im working with test block..

But a weird thing....

normaly it should show BELOW Link Profile but it shows below ...
[ Link Comments | Additional Details | Editor Review | Modify | Report Broken Link ]

Normaly spoken that cannot be ...

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:17 pm Reply with quote

Well it was easier then i though,i replaced the code before inkinfomenu($lid, $ttitle); and now it is at the right spot..
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:18 am Reply with quote

The problem with the web links module is that even while it is a clone of the downloads module it doesn't actually have a viewdetails page, if you try going to it you will only get a page with half the data, i guess it needs to be recoded to match the downloads module.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:54 am Reply with quote

Hi cs,well montego and i had the same idea at the same time,cause it goes to the details page we thought it would be solved by adding the code as montego posted.
Its a workaround but sufficiant for now.
But maybe a nice idea for you when you have the time....lol
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:18 pm Reply with quote

I'm not sure I understood any of this thread, what the issues are or what this particular specific need is, but I would join the group(s) of the opinion that weblinks (and IMHO the downloads) module(s) needs work.

I have made my new versions of each 100% compliant and in doing so, have fixed a great number of errors in the coding of descriptions as well as links; however, all-in-all, I would say that both the downloads and weblinks modules needs a complete rewrite, especially related to how content is displayed, what the displayed summaries are, what details are available and how they are presented and the administration functions relating to adding and managing content.

As for ratings and details screens, I think they are kind of overkill in terms of what they show in the first place. I'm okay I guess with seperating some of the detail, because I think in general, too many SQL queries are being made relative to reviews and ratings and the screen doesn't look all that hot in terms of what information it is displaying. I think if people want to see ratings, that information can be summarized more like how the surveys module does it.

The other problematic aspect of both of these modules is the use of titles in the link properties. No offense to those that want to have GT friendly links, but quite simply description based titles can be very problematic for a number of reasons.
Great care should be taken to include a definitive property such as "link-" (or in the case of downloads "dl-" or "download-"before the destination so that it does not conflict with any potential other domain link. Also, that users use short titles so that you don't end up with a 150 character extended description link property. Finally, you need to ensure that certain characters are never used such as:


I think you can see where I am going here. Use of these symbols can create huge problems and many webmasters use them in descriptions before realizing that there will be issues in doing so. Unfortunately, there are no scanning functions that would prohibit use of them when people are creating titles. (So in other words, when you clicked submit, the CMS would spit back at you that you can't use those symbols in a title).

Finally, I want to comment that I think these two modules are very very bulky. They make a lot of queries that they probably don't need to, they have been a sore spot for security weaknesses for years and they really need a lot of work to do what they do in a more simple, user and administrator friendly manner. We know FB has ignored these completely for years, and the last work on them was done by the Journey hacks revisions way back in 2002. The problem becomes, who's got the time to recode them from the ground up to be robust, yet simplified, standardized, compliant while being secure?

Just my two cents.

Steph Benoit
100% Section 508 and W3C HTML5 and CSS Compliant (Truly) Code, because I love compliance. 
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:35 pm Reply with quote

Thanks steph
who's got the time to recode them
I dont know,i just stumbled into something weird /strange with the weblinks mod and that was about certain functions and how they are displayed and when and where.
Main point was that if someones uses the links block to show any,the newest or most popular the link goes to the detailed page showing a bunch of useless stuff.
But for now i have an altered detailed version now,so that will do untill theres a better solution..
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