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Joined: Jun 16, 2005
Posts: 22
Location: San Diego CA
Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:52 am |
Hi all im trying to set up Nuke Treasury 1.1 on my site to take holiday donations for charity drive over the month of December. Everything seems to be configured right. The paypal donations go through but nothing shows up in the Donate O Meter. The IPN test link checks out fine in the admin page with no errors. When I look at the details of a test transaction in the translog table of the database I get the following error.
"Valid IPN, but not interested in this transaction"
Anyone have any ideas as to where to start looking for the problem? is this coming from paypal? Any help would be appreciated.
Thank You,
Here is the complete translog minus personal information.
Quote: | Connection to db - OK!
Opening connection and validating request with PayPal...
PayPal Verified
Valid IPN, but not interested in this transaction
txn_type => web_accept
payment_date => 21:49:52 Nov 28, 2005 PST
last_name => removed
option_selection1 => Yes
pending_reason => echeck
item_name => Donation
payment_gross => 1.00
mc_currency => USD
business => removed
payment_type => echeck
verify_sign => removed
payer_status => verified
tax => 0.00
payer_email => removed
txn_id => removed
quantity => 1
first_name => removed
receiver_email => removed
option_name1 => List your name?
payer_id => removed
receiver_id => removed
item_number => 110
payment_status => Pending
shipping => 0.00
mc_gross => 1.00
custom => removed
charset => windows-1252
notify_version => 1.9
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Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:49 am |
It's an e-check and the payment status is pending
payment_status => Pending
In modules/Donations/ipn/ipnppd.php on or about line 180 you have this code
Code: } else // We're not interested in this transaction, so we're done
dprt("Valid IPN, but not interested in this transaction", _ERR);
foreach( $_POST as $key => $val )
dprt("$key => $val", $_ERR);
That's how the author chose to handle the transaction. The funds have not actually cleared yet. You would need to write a special routine to track the funds when they clear. |

Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:07 pm |
Thank you very much that saved me a lot of time. I wasn’t sure if that error message was coming directly from paypal or what the deal was. I’m hoping to get this Holiday Donation thing fully up and running by December 1st.
We are looking at doing a fundraiser for the five acres orphanage located in the Los Angeles area they deal with child abuse prevention, treatment and education.
I figure it’s a great way to tap into the horsepower of the site and do something nice for a worthy organization over the holidays. It’s also a great way for the 3,300 motorcyclists that hang their hats on our site throughout the year to do something productive and give something back to the community.
Thanks again and Happy Holidays.
Dave |

Wed Nov 30, 2005 9:07 pm |
UGG! I thought it would be easier than this. Is there a quick down and dirty place in this code I can get it to stop kicking out pending donations? (I have been messing with this for hours now) It doesn’t have to be anything elegant since we are only running this for 30 days. Or do you happen to know of another donation script that will give totals regardless of whether a transaction is pending or not?
My fear is that if the guys on the site don’t see their donations showing it could hurt the overall fundraiser.
Any help you could offer would be much appreciated.
Dave |

Wed Nov 30, 2005 10:00 pm |
Try changing this
Code:if( (strcmp($payment_status, "Completed") == 0) && ((strcmp($txn_type, "web_accept")== 0) || (strcmp($txn_type, "send_money")== 0)) )
to this
Code:if( ((strcmp($payment_status, "Completed") == 0)||strcmp($payment_status, "Pending") == 0) && ((strcmp($txn_type, "web_accept")== 0) || (strcmp($txn_type, "send_money")== 0)) )
I haven't tested it but logically it seems it should work. |

Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:13 pm |
Thank you very much, that worked absolutely perfect. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. Now just a little creative changing the wording around and this script will make a great holiday fundraiser. It will be interesting to see how this works out. Ill PM you a link to the site once I get the cover promo and the block live on the site. You may get a kick out of it.
Thanks again,
Dave |