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Hangin' Around

Joined: Sep 10, 2002
Posts: 30

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 3:56 am Reply with quote

Well it's been a while but I've finally started moving my sites off Nuke. It was a tough decision simply because I have yet to find a user support group like Raven and co. If it wasn't for them I would have moved a lot sooner.

Joomla! (ex-Mambo) here I come. I'm very impressed with it so far. The ease in which you can install modules and components is something I've been looking for in nuke for ages. It really makes admining a site a breeze. Setup is simple and the developers are fairly quck to answer queries.

It's still lacking the depth of modules that Nuke has but I'm hoping that with time they will arrive.

My next task now is to see if I can convince Raven to port KISGB to Joomla. Looking at what's available with Joomla now, I have no doubt that it would become the #1 guestbook on the Joomla paltform in a matter of weeks.

Anyway, to Raven and everyone else, thanks for the support you gave me, and continue to give others on Nuke. You deserve a lot more credit and respect for your tireless efforts in turning Nuke into something stable.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 5:44 am Reply with quote

I hate to see you go. I think you and I go back farther than anyone else when it comes to KISGB. You were the thorn in my flesh that kept me on the ball! I still stop by your site every now and then to see what's happening. I guess I'll have to take a look at Joomla to see what all the buzz is about. Take care and hopefully we'll catch each other on the flip-side Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 7:07 am Reply with quote

Thanks Raven. Yes, I take some pride in KISGB. You were a hard mule to steer but we got there eventually Smile

I have no doubt we'll be in touch again. Take care.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:09 am Reply with quote

Joomla = Mambo nothing new here.

The game they played was pretty rude.
The Company that owned Mambo has placed it in GPL and gave it to the community.
After that the original developers launched Joomla as being a "new" product and announced that it has already won awards (but nothing was released at that time)
A month later it did get an award as "best OpenSource project" but actualy the version of Joomla at that time was almost the same as Mambo (i did a source comparison)

http://linuxawards.co.uk/content/view/26/42/ The award was choosen by readers NOT by real judges so it does tell how people were fooled cos in my opinion Open Office and Firefox did deserve the Award much more.

Mambo is falling apart since everyone is a sheep walking behind the developers and not the community.

However this doesn't tell what the future will bring since they did wanted to recode loads of mambo (joomla)
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