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Joined: Jan 07, 2006
Posts: 52
Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:19 pm |
I'm trying to install the new RavenNuke 76. All went well but when I tried to sign on as Admin I couldn't sign on. During the configuration I had to use the CGI Auth procedure because HTTP Auth wans't available. I cut and pasted the script into the .htaccess but I noticed there was some script and some commented out script already in the file so I just pasted it at the end. I also had to change the USERNAME variable myself so maybe I didn't do this step right(wasn't quite sure on the path so I used the example path). Anyways, how can I get back into the admin so I can try again. |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
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Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:54 pm |
I have moved your post to the appropriate area.
I believe if you read the Trouble Shooting section of the documentation I have covered this question. |

Sun Jan 08, 2006 8:59 am |
I checked the trouble shooting guide and really didn't see my problem in there. I didn't ban myself or get a bad ip message I just can't log into NS when the NS sign on box pops up. I was also wondering if you need to delete everything from the .htaccess file before you past the CGI Auth code in there. Thanks |

Sun Jan 08, 2006 1:17 pm |
It does not sound like you were able to set your CGI up correctly. Start over with a fresh .htaccess that came with the download. That will allow you back into your admin functions. When you use the CGI Auth, you need to uncomment those commented out lines (just code, not comments) and be sure to change the path to your .staccess that is required in .htaccess. |

Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:24 pm |
I followed you instructions and was able to gain access to the site. I up loaded a fresh .htaccess to the site and then retraced the steps in the Configure NukeSentinel for CGI Auth. All appears to go as you describe and the path appears to be correct becasuse the Admin name is written to the .staccess. When I attempt to signon the NS box pops up but I'm still not able to sign into the admin. Everything else on the site appears to be running just fine except this issue. Any other suggestions for this problem? |
New Member

Joined: Dec 05, 2005
Posts: 2
Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:15 am |
Try going into mySQL and find the table nuke_nsnst_config. Browse that table and edit the http_auth and set it to 0. You will know be able to log on admin without http prompt. Go back into sentinel and try again.
Shadow |

Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:20 am |
My bad your using .staccess should work the same just under staccess_auth set it to 0. Then try again. Don't forget to change it back to 1 after you finish editing your info. |
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Joined: Jan 04, 2006
Posts: 10
Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:51 am |
Raven wrote: | It does not sound like you were able to set your CGI up correctly. Start over with a fresh .htaccess that came with the download. That will allow you back into your admin functions. When you use the CGI Auth, you need to uncomment those commented out lines (just code, not comments) and be sure to change the path to your .staccess that is required in .htaccess. |
What needs to be uncommented? I am using CGI Auth and don't remember having to uncomment anything. Was this a step in the install instructions? I just copy/pasted that .htaccess snippet
(# Start of NukeSentinel(tm) admin.php Auth ...) to the end of the .htaccess file.
Just something I'll add since I'm already "talking"... I did screw up in my first pass through the NS setup, because I clicked "Build CGIAuth file" WITHOUT first clicking "Save Changes" after adding the .htaccess/.staccess paths, and selecting 'CGI Auth Access' from the drop down box. The installation instructions don't say to "save changes" but perhaps it was obvious to everyone else. So because of this, things didn't work, but luckily the documentation was good enough to explain that step built the .staccess file, so I checked the .staccess file and saw it was 0 filesize. When I got back to the NS ACP, I saw the paths were not there ... so reentered them, clicked "Save changes" and then the Build CGIAuth file link worked properly and smooth sailing!
I appreciate the detailed installation instructions!
Kaimuki |

Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:16 am |
The default .htaccess comes with this section of code - commented out
Code:# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Leave this block commented out unless HTTPAuth is NOT available in your NukeSentinel(tm) Admin Panel.
# This code is mainly for use with CGI Authentication and most servers do not require it.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# <Files admin.php>
# <Limit GET POST PUT>
# require valid-user
# </Limit>
# AuthName "Restricted"
# AuthType Basic
# AuthUserFile /path/to/your/.staccess
# </Files>
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In your original post you spoke of doing a copy/paste, etc. My point was if you were trying to set this up manually you didn't need to do a copy and paste, just uncomment the code. Glad you figured it out. |

Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:25 am |
Well, I'm truly at a loss. I've tried all the above several times and I still get the same result. NS box pops up, enter the NS id/pass and I can't sign into the admin. |

Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:13 am |
Okay Foggy, I can tell you truly have tried to get this working and I appreciate that. if you would like to PM me the following information, I will login and take a look.
Please PM to me the following:
Site url, god admin id/pass
NS id/pass (even if it isn't working)
FTP Url, id/pass
MySQL/cPanel url, id/pass
I will take a look as soon as I get a chance  |

Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:37 pm |
It's fixed and you'll be glad to know it's NukeSentinel(tm)'s fault and not yours. When I got looking at your .staccess file I saw that the nuke admin user name was being saved and not the NukeSentinel(tm) admin name . I will work on a fix for this <sigh> |

Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:36 am |
Raven, thank you VERY much for the help! It's working perfecty now! I guess I was sort relieved it wasn't me after all LOL. Thanks again!  |

Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:23 am |
Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Jan 02, 2003
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Location: Vancouver Island
Tue Jan 10, 2006 10:55 am |
Thanks for the fix, R.
Because in the past you saved me from CGI nightmare. . . In my not so humble opinion, and I speak for myself only, setup for CGI Auth is one admin headache horrid moment. Because, having done this config several times, I continue to need a megadose of asprin and Raven hugs before finding the solution.
And remember, that firewall thingy can really screw things up too.
Have a Happy Nuking Day! |
_________________ "We want to see if life is ubiquitous." D.Goldin |