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Joined: Mar 14, 2005
Posts: 91
Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:16 pm |
we could probably do something like this to handle remote files..
if (strpos($url, "http")) {// regex would be better
// use original header code
} else {
// use new code
or use file_exists() to see if its local and reverse the ifelse...
i guess there are alot of ways to check  |
Site Admin

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Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:03 am |
It's times like this when I wish I wasnt using E-Solution for my downloads  |

Joined: Dec 22, 2005
Posts: 158
Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:58 am |
Is the final code done for the .htaccess or are you still working on it? I would like to take advantage of the extra security!  |
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Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:07 am |
Taz, if your site hosts all your download files locally and your download URL's are file paths, rather than HTTP: or FTP: URLs, you can use Gotchas code a few pages back...
Jaded is running into a slight issue due to the configuration of her site. Just back up your files, make the changes, and test it out. If it does not work for you, overwrite the one .php file and remove the .htaccess from your public downloads directory and you are back in business.
Let us know what issues you run into if any. |
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Hangin' Around

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Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:04 pm |
christ is this still going on its taken me a good four hours to read it all!!
nevermind though
ok so here is what i can tell from this from a valid copyright infringement (wich can be overcome if needed pm to find out) to leachers wow i have been away for too long.
with what i do i can not aford any leachers as i have enough bandwith for the amount if users i get and thats it (well 100gb spare just in case lol) personaly this whole idea of php nuke and the downloads module is geting on my t**s because everyway i try to not permit leaching or hotlinking it doesnt help me all because i dont moderate my mods who mod that feture (my fault i know) but suerly if i am not wrong there is a simple way from the .htaccess to allow "spersific" sites access like there is for "spercific users" or am i wrong?
you see i use alot of the htaccess files (front page user stuf) and was thinking like raverns problem htaccess has to have a way of "allowing" access from a domain(s) least this is a good theory and easyer than editing php scripts or transfering files im gona find out ill find some one who knows htaccess (like my m8 at my web host) and see if there is a solution for dual server links....
least ill try to find out
and i have an idea if this whole copyright thing is still going on but that is another idea that could work!! "hint:: XX hands are better than 1" (probably a newcastle term but hey ill tell u if i need to) |

Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:13 pm |
now quick question::off topic but useful
i have an ico that i want to place on my addy bar for users but i only know how to in html not php and as there is no index.htm(l) file in the root folder where do i place the code?? thanx all
relating to the copyright stuff
do you have the orignal documents that you made (as in .doc etc...) and the date and time stamp on them (useful as proof) if you know what i mean,
if you have them the admin/host has no choice but to remove, recreate or place where the source was from (like we all do in books)
and yes we know the date and time can be changed on documents (least i hope we all did) but there is allways a head tag that has the ORIGNAL creation date (you cant change that it is what microsoft use for indexing)
i can not remember how to recall that info but i will dig out my case notes from a lecture i sat through a while ago and see if it is in them (i think it will be)
im guessing it is a dos command |
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Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:03 pm |
Hello all!
I think the topic is already changed in this forum. But i just wanted to let all site admins know that this is actually what happened between and "Mr.hitwalker".
I really understand about the fact that linking to dirrerent site's resources may use up some of their bandwith. But again that link is just an mirror(Optional). We keep the original copy of the script in our own server. We already have 250 GB bandwith limit per month from Godaddy Inc. and we are not afraid to host any scripts in our own server. I would like to mention here that we already changed few mirror links to the real download page by the request of site admins including "Mr.H.Theisen" from for their script "FCKeditor v2.1".
We kept the mirror links so that visitors will have more options, in this case if a site is down they can try the second link. THERE IS NO OTHER PURPOSE BEHIND THIS FACT. I hope i made my point.
"Mr.hitwalker" if you have any legal/logical matter please e-mail us. You are more than welcome but any unethical issue will be igonre.
Thank You.
Admin note: The posting of the personal email exchange is not our policy and has been removed. |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:12 am |
How about just linking to the item in their phpNuke Downloads page? It would give users a better idea where he is downloading from.. and where the scripts were created. Gives the user a place to go to if there are problems with their work. Credit where credit is due
Also think about asking the admin first whether you can link to their stuff. I'm sure most would say "yes" if you just asked them politely. It just common courtesy |
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Site Admin/Owner

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Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:12 am |
Now, before this turns into a verbal war - STOP. Astalavistabd had every right to post his comments and I'm glad he finally did, as he took a pretty good lashing here. I do not want him attacked nor anyone else for that matter.
Now, having said that, astalavistabd, it's obvious that many are not happy about this. But, as I stated a couple of times after I saw that the mirror links were not hot linking at all but were just legitimate links, I don't consider that leeching. I would also ask that you link to my download page and not directly to the download.
As to any issues that any others have with astalavistabd, please deal with those off-line. Astalavistabd, just a suggestion for the future, it might save you much grief if you would ask the Site owner's permission to link to their downloads - just professional courtesy
Edit: - Evaders99 got his post in before I read it. That's what I get for being long-winded  |

Sat Feb 25, 2006 5:51 am |
well said raven i know i cant dissagree with that reply!!!! |

Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:53 pm |
First of all i like say that is really grateful to all of you.
All the DIRECT LINKS will be removed from our site within 24-48 hours. This way we can also decrease our outbound links from our site. This action of course will not lose any visitor from our site.
For all of your concern i like to mention here that we already restored the original authors name and site address for those articles at Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
If you have any question or subject matter related to our service please contact us through our site's Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! section.
Thank You |
Subject Matter Expert

Joined: May 15, 2004
Posts: 727
Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:52 pm |
astalavistabd you could also switch to use Dragonfly and the DownloadsPro add-on.
That way you and other members may add mirrors officialy to each download.
Then nobody can complain
Here's an example |
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Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:19 pm |
grrr where does he live in Canada
I don't like people who give Canadians a bad name. |

Joined: Feb 16, 2005
Posts: 67
Location: Canada
Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:25 pm |
I love this site and allmost every site connected to it (including hitwalkers).. I just have to say that I had somthing of the same deal.. I had some great content on a site I was starting up and an "lowlife Netherlander" stole most of it. Then this "rat Netherlander" took it and posted it to many other sites as his own work. I cant beleive that this "idiot Netherlander" would do this.. ok ok not true but you get the idea of what I am trying to say.. people dont have to be from the country that the website is from and if they are it doesnt deserve that kind of generalization, sorry that just pissed me off... nough said..  |
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Joined: Oct 09, 2004
Posts: 293
Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:35 am |
Quote: | sorry that just pissed me off |
Hmm I didn't think the Cunuks where so senitive...I aways put that down to the Yanks...Okas aren't, well they maybe its hard to tell, they don't pick up on these things in the 1st place.
Poms, they are harmless , they whine about stuff, Irish and Scots, well their accent is so thick cant tell what they are doing...simlar to the euros, foreign language.
Chinese are cool, like the Indians, will very politely complain 1st, even a few times, then go off their nut. (a tongue in cheek smiley goes here)
Hmmm have I missed anyone?
Oh and Kiwis, especially JAFAs and occasional; non JAFA...well ... When they walk in water, they still get the bottoms of our jeans wet
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Posts: 5661
Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:07 am |
oh but grantb,the website owner in question is from canada whitch is a coincidence and i hate canada,simple as that.
i have clear reasons for that,i even had a topic long ago to ban
in case everybody wonders why....
Who Kills Seals and Why?
Sealing is an off-season activity conducted by fishermen from Canada's East Coast.
They make, on average, a small fraction of their annual incomes from sealing�and the rest from commercial fisheries.
Even in Newfoundland, where 90% of sealers live, there are only 4,000 fishermen who actively participate in the seal hunt each year.
How Are the Seals Killed?
The Canadian Marine Mammal Regulations, which govern the hunt, stipulate sealers may kill seals with wooden clubs, hakapiks (large ice-pick-like clubs) and guns.
It is important to note that each killing method is demonstrably cruel.
Because sealers shoot at seals from moving boats, the pups are often only wounded.
The main sealskin processing plant in Canada deducts $2 from the price they pay for the skins for each bullet hole they find�therefore sealers are loath to shoot seals more than once.
As a result, wounded seals are left to suffer in agony�many slip beneath the surface of the water where they die slowly and are never recovered.
How Many Seals Are Killed Each Year?
Hundreds of thousands.
Over the past three years, more than a million seals have been killed.
In 2004, 365,971 seals were killed�the largest number of seals killed in Canada in more than half a century.
The last time this many seals were killed�in the 1950s and 1960s�close to two thirds of the harp seal population was wiped out.
Are There Any Penalties When Hunters Exceed the Government's Quota?
In 2002, the Canadian government knowingly allowed sealers to exceed the quota by more than 37,000 animals. Sealers had already killed substantially more than the quota allowed by May 15 (the regulated closing date of the seal hunt) and yet the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans chose to extend the sealing season until June.
In 2004, sealers killed close to 16,000 seals more than the permitted quota.
Again, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans extended the sealing season until well into June.
Is the Seal Hunt Economically Important?
Sealing is an off-season activity conducted by fishermen from Canada's East Coast.
They make, on average, one twentieth of their incomes from seal hunting and the rest from commercial fisheries.
Even in Newfoundland, where 90% of sealers live, revenues from the hunt account for less than 1% of the province's economy and only 2% of the landed value of the fishery.
According to the Newfoundland government, out of a population of half a million people, only 4,000 fishermen participate in the seal hunt each year.
The commercial seal hunt is an activity that Canada's federal government could easily replace with economic alternatives should it choose to do so.
this says enough....

Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:26 am |
Ok, people, please, no more posts! I think this thread is getting off-track, and to be quite honest, the individual and site involved is making "amends".
Please, just leave this alone now.
Thank you |