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Hangin' Around

Joined: Dec 11, 2005
Posts: 44

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:28 am Reply with quote

Hello Friends..
l am very intersting these days about to ask myself to use php-nuke or not in these days for my future website installations..
We can see the most and best phpnuke expert and supoorting websites are closing each day becose of the hack attacks or get rid of fighting flamers through security bugs..

l think the most bugging and fixing cms is phpnuke and if u install a website you always have to make resources if any bugs find of any fixes find out.

Lastly l also got an important hack attemt to my site also thats why l start thinking about it, is it secure to continue working with phpnuke after now ? Becouse we are spending lots of times to set a site with full of our own articles and writes and also times....

Also the developer of the script is very important.
Mr Burzi, Where is He ? last of l heard about him, he was speoking to a website ( about cms ) and he was declarating about the advertisements of his site..

When Will Mr Burzi Take a look around him and wont he make a last and most secured cms system ?

l know securing is the most important issiu on a website.
l know many webmasters looking for the most secured cms systems.

There are many php-nuke cloning scripts like nukeunited which they say they wrote phpnuke from zero with most secured vers. and l know there are many like that who is declarating new nuke versions and styles..

But we Also LOVE this script with flexable management and available for making new modules and blocks very easy. BUT THE SECURITY..

the most importing issue that making webmasters worring about it on nuke....

l am ASking you Can we See Php-Nuke in the middle of 2006's also ???
Thanks for listen..

[ www.kolayphp.com ] + [ www.bigphp.net ] 
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Subject Matter Expert

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:48 am Reply with quote

phpnuke nor many other CMS will NOT be secure anytime.

The issue is that nuke is simple so simple people build simple add-ons and these simple people release their simple add-ons so whitehat hackers can simply write an exploit.
If php-nuke is tough you need skilled people to design skilled add-ons and when these skilled add-ons get released then a hacker has to be smart to find an exploit.

A good example is php-nuke vs mambo or php-nuke vs dragonfly. It is much tougher to write something for mambo or dragonfly but it also prooves a better security (never 100% though)

This is a path the developer or group of developers chooses when they design something. And since FB has made the choice for simplicity you will always be haunted by this.

If you don't like this then choose a different script which reflects more to your checklist.

Can we See Php-Nuke in the middle of 2006's also ???

Shure we can, there will always be the internet noob that starts a website on its own and he doesn't want a steep learning curve. And who the hell will educate the average internet user how to use the internet? Keep in mind that 65% of the hooked people has no clue what internet is and 100% of the 65% also uses Internet Explorer and Windows, and i would bet that 90% uses Windows XP Home.

It's just a matter of priority and knowledge the person has, and the Internet Providers don't help you either since they just ship you a crappy CD with a modified IE to put their logo in it and a crappy 30 days evaluation virusscanner like Norton or McAfee.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 12:14 pm Reply with quote

If you don't like this then choose a different script which reflects more to your checklist.

This is Not your business for warn me which cms l might use or select.

These are your reviews l deal with some of ur reviews , yes you are right with some of them.. mostly aout the understanding the meaning of internet.

But l dont think so all of our friends here including your reviews..
that why we are here, thats why we use [ php ] + [ mysql ]
otherwise they would select [ asp ] + [ mssql ] or other databasese..
l believe Image and l know most of our friends here dealing with me...

Anyway thanks for your personel reviews and l want to hear other friends opinions...
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:54 pm Reply with quote

FB has shown he is more worried about ad money than security. If he would apply the Patched files and Sentinel to the releases, it would go a long way to making it secure. But alas, he releases the latest untested code and expects people to pay for it

What FB fails to do, the Nuke community can do it and do it better. Smile
There are a lot of discussions here about the future of Nuke, we hope people like the releases such as RavenNuke and look forward to future releases here.

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Joined: Oct 09, 2004
Posts: 293

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:33 pm Reply with quote

Evaders more or less summs it up.
Go to most devalopers/support sites run a search, u will find several things consistant over serveral yrs
1/ my nuke from FB has been hacked
2/my nuke from fb doesnt work..bugs
3/conservations of TOP reputable Nuke devalopers dissusing the lack of cooperation in devalopement of FB releases with the community...from his end and his inabity to code at a level demanded by end users.

Run a search of this site (button above) for FB
I think most of your questions will be answered in those threads


l am very intersting these days about to ask myself to use php-nuke or not in these days for my future website installations..
We can see the most and best phpnuke expert and supoorting websites are closing each day becose of the hack attacks or get rid of fighting flamers through security bugs..

l think the most bugging and fixing cms is phpnuke and if u install a website you always have to make resources if any bugs find of any fixes find out.

Lastly l also got an important hack attemt to my site also thats why l start thinking about it, is it secure to continue working with phpnuke after now ? Becouse we are spending lots of times to set a site with full of our own articles and writes and also times....

Currently RN is being devaloped by a varied and compenant TEAM of coders, end users, security guys, support ppl at level not I believe, not under taken on such a scale previously with a common vision. Raven (thois site) has been around long time and is consistant.
Althu early days ..Right now... RN IS the way to go NOW..and IS in for the long haul.

My Spelling is NOT incorrect, it's Creative 
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Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Jul 11, 2004
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Location: Arizona (USA) Admin: NukeCops.com Admin: Disipal Designs Admin: Lenon.com

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:41 pm Reply with quote

recep wrote:
We can see the most and best phpnuke expert and supoorting websites are closing each day becose of the hack attacks or get rid of fighting flamers through security bugs..

l think the most bugging and fixing cms is phpnuke and if u install a website you always have to make resources if any bugs find of any fixes find out.

Lastly l also got an important hack attemt to my site also thats why l start thinking about it, is it secure to continue working with phpnuke after now ? Becouse we are spending lots of times to set a site with full of our own articles and writes and also times....

I think 'the situation' is a LOT better than it used to be!

It used to be that hack attacks swept through the community like flu through a kindergarten classroom. Somebody would release a vuln into the wild, and the script kiddies would run with it. These attacks would come in waves, and it was a mad rush to come up with patches for the core files in PHP-Nuke.

This used to be a regular occurance... but not so much any more. Attacks, these days, as cowboy said, tend to be concentrated on the ancillary programs -- poorly written addons -- custom blocks, modules, and so forth.

Personally, I find this cat n' mouse game rather interesting, in a curious sort of way. And, as cowboy said, it will NEVER stop -- hopefully! Allow me to explain...

Some ppl like to build web sites -- others like to break into them -- yet others enjoy playing cop, serving and protecting the community. It's a symbiotic relationship ( Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!), in a lot of ways.

Really, for better or worse, PHP-Nuke would NOT be what it is today without these three groups at play. I think this is what sets Nuke apart from all the other 'ho-hum' CMSs, and it isn't necessarily a 'bad' thing...

FB is a discussion unto itself. FB is FB! In brief, he's in a unique position -- by design. Love him or hate him, he servers as an antagonist and protagonist to the Nuke community. It's sort of a parent-child relationship. The 'problem' with parent-child relationships is, sometimes the 'kids' get tired of 'dad' coming home drunk and bossing them around, you know?

Personally, I've never had a problem with 'papa'... but he's never taken a belt to me... Wink

.:: "The further in you go, the bigger it gets!" ::.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:14 pm Reply with quote

recep wrote:
This is Not your business for warn me which cms l might use or select.

These are your reviews l deal with some of ur reviews , yes you are right with some of them.. mostly aout the understanding the meaning of internet.

But l dont think so all of our friends here including your reviews..

You totally misunderstood me and my comment is NOT a review but a business point of view. And FB also has business views, yet they are different compared to most advanced nuke users.

Read it again carefully or should i rewrite it into your foreign language?

recep wrote:
that why we are here, thats why we use [ php ] + [ mysql ]
otherwise they would select [ asp ] + [ mssql ] or other databasese..
l believe Image and l know most of our friends here dealing with me...

This sentence sounds like raven's website is the only place for php+mysql and all others use asp+mssql.
Sorry but any newbie which is reading this should skip recep his comment there since google offers you loads of free php and mysql websites, let alone hundred free portals besides phpnuke.

You believe GNU? Do you know the what GNU is? Do you know what the purpose of GPL is (not the fsf)?
Jumping in on such things while having 30 posts isn't that a little bit to much above your head?

To me your post sounded as a undertone but i won't go argue here since VinDSL already properly explained it.
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