Code:# phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
# version 2.5.4
# Host: localhost
# Generation Time: Jan 20, 2004 at 09:26 AM
# Server version: 4.0.15
# PHP Version: 4.3.3
# Database : `ipnppd`
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Table structure for table `config`
CREATE TABLE `config` (
`name` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
`subtype` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
`value` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '0',
`text` text NOT NULL
# Dumping data for table `config`
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('receiver_email', '', '', '!!!!!!VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!\r\nThis is the email address registered\r\nin your PayPal account that you receive\r\nmoney on. NOTE: Create an email address\r\nspecifically and only for receiving\r\ndonations, i.e.\r\nThe Donatometer will list any payments\r\nto the email you list here, whether they\r\ncome from this module or not.\r\n');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('goal', 'Jan', '160', 'Enter the dollar amounts for each month\'s\r\ndonation goal.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('goal', 'Feb', '110', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('goal', 'Mar', '100', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('goal', 'Apr', '100', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('goal', 'May', '100', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('goal', 'Jun', '100', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('goal', 'Jul', '100', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('goal', 'Aug', '100', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('goal', 'Sep', '100', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('goal', 'Oct', '100', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('goal', 'Nov', '100', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('goal', 'Dec', '100', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('swing_day', '', '6', 'The Swing Day determines when the\r\nDonatometer will switch to show the\r\nnext month. The previous month\'s\r\nstats will no longer be displayed.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('dm_title', '', '<b>HELP KEEP OUR SERVERS ONLINE!</b>', 'Enter a customized title for your\r\nDonatometer. NOTE: This is not the\r\nNuke Block title. You can change that\r\nin the Nuke Blocks Admin.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('ty_url', '', '', 'You can enter a URL here for a web page\r\nthat users will be taken to when they\r\ncomplete a donation. This is useful for\r\ntaking the user back to your site and\r\ndisplaying a "Thank You". NOTE: PayPal\r\nwill use this link for cancelled payments\r\nas well. If you use the feature, also\r\ncreate a second web page with appropriate\r\ntext for a cancelled payment. TIP: Use\r\nNukeWrap to bring your users back into the\r\nNuke site.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('pp_itemname', '', 'Donation', 'Enter the IPN item name used for your\r\ndonations. This feature is currently\r\nnot used.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('dm_num_don', '', '10', 'Enter the number of donators that\r\nshould be listed in the Donatometer.\r\n-1 = Don\'t list any\r\n 0 = Unlimited\r\n # = The max number to list\r\nDonators are always listed from newest\r\nto oldest from the top down.\r\n');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('dm_show_amt', '', '1', 'Should the Donatometer display the\r\nAmount of each donation?');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('dm_show_date', '', '1', 'Should the Donatometer display the\r\ndate that each donation was made?');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('dm_button', '', '', 'Enter a complete URL for the image used\r\nin the Donatometer block');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_button_submit', '', '', 'Enter a complete URL for the image to use\r\nfor at the bottom of the Donations module\r\nto submit a donation.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_button_top', '', '', 'Enter a complete URL for the image to use\r\nfor at the top of the Donations module.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('pp_image_url', '', '', 'You can have a custom image displayed at\r\nthe top of the PayPal screen when your\r\nusers are donating. Enter the URL for\r\nthe image to display here. NOTE: You\r\nshould not enter a non HTTPS:// URL. If\r\nyou enter a URL from a non-secure server\r\nyour users will continually be warned that\r\nthey are about to display secure and\r\nnon-secure information.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('pp_cancel_url', '', '', 'Enter a URL here for a web page that users\r\nwill be taken to when they cancel their\r\npayment. You should use this feature if\r\nyou have filled in a "Thank You" URL.\r\nTIP: Use NukeWrap to bring your users back\r\ninto the Nuke site.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('pp_get_addr', '', '0', 'Would you like PayPal to gather the user\'s\r\nshipping address? Users can opt out of\r\nthis. This could be useful if you wanted\r\nto send them holiday cards or something.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_amount', '1', '10', 'The Donations module provides a list\r\nof suggested donations amounts. You\r\ncan customize this list below. ');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_amount', '2', '15', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_amount', '3', '20', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_amount', '5', '', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_amount', '4', '30', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_amount', '6', '0', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_amount', '8', '0', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_amt_checked', '', '1', 'The Donations module provides a list\r\nof suggested donations amounts. You\r\ncan customize this list below. In this\r\nbox, specify which of the amounts listed\r\nbelow should be checked by default.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('pp_item_num', '', '110', 'Enter the IPN item number used for your\r\ndonations. This feature is currently\r\nnot used.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('dm_img_width', '', '', 'Restrict the dimensions for the above\r\nimage. To use the image\'s native size\r\nleave both boxes blank.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('dm_img_height', '', '', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_top_img_width', '', '', 'Restrict the dimensions for the above\r\nimage. To use the image\'s native size\r\nleave both boxes blank.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_top_img_height', '', '', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_sub_img_width', '', '', 'Restrict the dimensions for the above\r\nimage. To use the image\'s native size\r\nleave both boxes blank.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_sub_img_height', '', '', '');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_text', 'rawtext', '0', 'We are a non-profit organization completely supported by you, the members. Many organizations have web sites, servers and Internet bandwidth donated by it\'s members. We pride ourselves on being run and owned as a community, and not by a few power-hungry members. This means that we need you to be a part of that community. We encourage every member to contribute to the community in any way that they can. Since we do not have our servers or bandwidth donated, we have pay our bills every month to keep things going. For those of you who can, we ask that you make a monetary contribution in whatever denomination you\'d like. Every little bit counts.<br>');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_show_amt', '', '0', 'Should the Donations module reveal the\r\namount of each donation?');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_show_date', '', '0', 'Should the Donations module reveal the\r\ndate of each donation?');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_name_prompt', '', 'Do you want your username revealed with your donation?', 'Enter the text for the prompt asking a\r\nuser if they want their name revealed.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_name_yes', '', 'Yes! - Tell the world I gave my hard-earned cash!', 'Enter the text for a "YES" selection');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('don_name_no', '', 'No - List my donation as Anonymous', 'Enter the text for a "NO" selection');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('ipn_dbg_lvl', '', '2', 'There is an IPN logging feature which has\r\nthree log levels:\r\n1) OFF\r\n2) Log only Errors\r\n3) Log everything\r\nThis log is stored in the "translog" table.');
INSERT INTO `config` VALUES ('ipn_log_entries', '', '20', '\r\nEnter the maximum number of log entries to\r\nkeep in the log table.');
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Table structure for table `financial`
CREATE TABLE `financial` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`num` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
`name` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
`descr` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
`amount` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
# Dumping data for table `financial`
INSERT INTO `financial` VALUES (2, '2003-08-28 00:00:00', '', 'hostmenow', 'Web hosting for 1 year', '-59.4');
INSERT INTO `financial` VALUES (3, '2003-08-29 00:00:00', '', 'GameServHost', 'Game server colo', '-200');
INSERT INTO `financial` VALUES (5, '2003-09-01 00:00:00', '', 'PayPal IPN', 'Auto reconcile', '267.94');
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Table structure for table `transactions`
CREATE TABLE `transactions` (
`id` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`business` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`txn_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
`item_name` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
`item_number` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
`quantity` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '',
`invoice` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
`custom` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '',
`tax` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
`option_name1` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
`option_selection1` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '',
`option_name2` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
`option_selection2` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '',
`memo` text NOT NULL,
`payment_status` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
`payment_date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`txn_type` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
`mc_gross` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
`mc_fee` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
`mc_currency` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
`settle_amount` varchar(12) NOT NULL default '',
`exchange_rate` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
`first_name` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '',
`last_name` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '',
`address_street` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '',
`address_city` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '',
`address_state` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '',
`address_zip` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
`address_country` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '',
`address_status` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
`payer_email` varchar(127) NOT NULL default '',
`payer_status` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Table structure for table `translog`
CREATE TABLE `translog` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`log_date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`payment_date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`logentry` text NOT NULL,