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Hangin' Around

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:55 pm Reply with quote


I think I am in the right forum, please excuse me if I have not, i think I have the latest packed, I clicked the picture on the homepage and downloaded from the link there.

Can you tell me please where I set the permissions again in phpnuke? also am worried I have not done the htaccess correctly on my site and that everyone who registers in will be admin.

sorry for such a silly question but I have looked everywhere to find this

thanks dragonies
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 6:59 pm Reply with quote

Dragonies, first of all, did you follow the instructions in the HowToInstall manual with that distribution? It comes almost pre-configured with some good default permissions and if you followed the installation instructions, you should be all set to "go".

If it is nuke assistance, read PHP-Nuke HOWTO manual that is off the Site Navigation link on this site. The only problem is there really is no really good manual that is from a user's and admin perspective... more from a webmaster / techie perspective these are...

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Joined: Dec 19, 2004
Posts: 3191
Location: Germany:Moderator German NukeSentinel Support

PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:18 pm Reply with quote


Would you please remove my IP from your block blocked IPs. I ´ve only played and noticed that your blocker is activated. Smile

About http auth you ´ll find a lot if you use the search function. It´s easy.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:47 pm Reply with quote


Yes I followed the instructions Smile just I get stuck on the htaccess things as I am still learning although I can install mods, etc.

I asked because I had a chat21 installed and another member came in as host so then I reset the permissions on the htaccess to 666 and I came back in chat21 as host. This is the msn chatroom for nuke. That was what prompted me to ask. My site is based on a unix server.

It seems to be working ok, as today we have caught 1 hacker so far and its given a list of blocked addresses Smile.

I am pretty sure that if I had not changed to ravennuke distribution I would have been hacked by now or being hacked.

Many thanks for a great software!

hmmmm k susann, which site did u go visit?

I only installed this cms yesterday. you will have to mail me your ip and what do you mean played?

thanks dragonies

PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:50 pm Reply with quote

by the way susann, there is only one blocked IP address on my site which is called Union, so I am very sorry, but no I will not unblock your ip apart from which u do not go round asking this sort of question in someone elses forum.

thanks dragonies

PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 9:25 pm Reply with quote

you say you are nuke sentinel support next to your avatar????

so why does it show you as union hacker in sentinel?. You may have been trying to help but please do not undo alot of work I have already done. I am not unblocking your IP.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:31 pm Reply with quote

Susann is an upstanding member of this forum. I can vouch for that. If she is requesting that you lift the ban on her IP, I would accommodate her.
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Joined: Sep 23, 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:51 pm Reply with quote

Susann you mad h4x0r you.



You see - I told you I wasn't paranoid. They were really out to get me. 
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 7:12 am Reply with quote

I'm really sorry.You are completely right.I did´t ask you before for permission. Embarassed
Normally the people ask me to check the website. I found a problem with this blocker(e.g.Block expires: Unknown) on a website with the same structure yoursite.com/html/index.php that´s the reason why I did this.I only tried to reproduce this to be able to help others better.

Maybe this is also interesting for you:


PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:49 am Reply with quote

no u didnt ask me susann it shows u are union hacker. I trust ravens scripts and I have emailed him I would have remembered if u had asked me.

I also have proof in my hotmail saying you are a union hacker.

many thanks

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:51 am Reply with quote

not listening, it says you are a union hacker in the blocked ips. Thanks. You cant get access to this site now as I have had the last laugh on you.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:55 am Reply with quote

Raven wrote:
Susann is an upstanding member of this forum. I can vouch for that. If she is requesting that you lift the ban on her IP, I would accommodate her.

Dragonies, who is not listening??? Did you not see Raven's post above? One last try: Susann is an upstanding member of this forum, I too, can vouch for that!.

This is simply a misunderstanding and possible communication issue. Please reconsider. Susann is NOT a hacker. She was running a test to make sure that based on your site having an extra node its address (i.e., "/html/"), to make sure the union blocker would still work.

Your call, but I think you are misreading the communications here.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:01 am Reply with quote

Ok raven thanks. After typing that I have only just seen your post. So please excuse me for missing it am tired today.

sorry susann am really tired today so please forgive me for my annoyance towards you. I hope you understand.

I have been hacked in the past a couple of years ago, when I used phpnuke and its taken me all this time to get over the "I wont touch nuke with a bargepole" syndrome. Sorry for my annoyance.

I deleted the folder now today anyway and decided to start fresh, because what susann did was lost some functionality to my site, like when I log out I can not log out, and now I can not log in as admin either. I also noticed that the stories where not staying in my interactive fiction folder and noticed too some of the page elemenets missing at the bottom ie the footer bit.

As you can imagine I was very cross because I had only just installed it, it took me all night to get this going and worked out and I couldnt not sleep anyway right away.

What she has undone I can not put back on the site.

the htaccess instructions are very confusing as it is, and I was up half the night and working during the day yesterday, installing this file and got it working so you can appreicate my being annoyed towards suzanne.

Suzann while find that her ip is not banned any more because the site is no longer existing. But I must request not to muck up work I have done already to see whats up with an htaccess file.

please excuse my brashness if that is the right word today, am tired and re installing it all again. Luckily we have not got many people on our site so to me it is a learning curve.

The htacces is my own fault because i dont understand all the instructions properly. Is there anyway in your next distrubiton u can make them idiot proof ? Smile

so isntead of playing with someones site maybe some advice written in forum wuld have been better?

thanks dragonies
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:05 am Reply with quote

Dragonies -
not listening

Thats not a very helpful attitude buddy.
I appreciate you got a message from Sentinel saying Susann's IP attempted an attack on your site but she was merely trying to help you by confirming whether or not Sentinel was activated on your site.
By getting herself banned she proved that Sentinel is working (for that blocker type) and also that your htaccess is working.

I have had the last laugh on you
- no not really. Susann, as Raven pointed out, is an upstanding member of this community. This community which you are seeking help and advice from. With the greatest of respect, you would do well to think on that one a little more.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:14 am Reply with quote

Ok have u read the post inbetween replying to ravens post?

also suzann did not ask me if she could play hacking on my site.

I only installed it yesterday if anything, it is suzann who is at fault here and should have just replied in the forum to my post asking for help with the htaccess file.

I am not here to cause trouble I wanted help and advice on htaccess and then found my site was being hacked, what response do you want me to give?

and I am not going to argue or fight. I came seeking advice and would like some, if you are willing to give it, not an argument, k.

Please read my post explaining things which you have missed Smile

thanks dragonies

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:15 am Reply with quote

hello did any of u see the post I just made to reply of ravens?????

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:15 am Reply with quote

stop having a go at me and read my reply please Smile

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:22 am Reply with quote

I see it. Several posts must have been made at almost the same time hence why my post came after Montego's ( I type a little slow).
So lets get back to doing what we do....

What is your current problem with htaccess?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:25 am Reply with quote

Please all Staff STOP having a go at me, I am a newbie and also to php please do not put me off it by this and read my post that I made inbetween which I genuinily missed. This is what I wrote, I asked to for help with this not to have an argument Smile This is a cut and past of the post I made above which I have attached here.

Suzann did not ask my permission because I would not have made a post about it if I had given her permission I would have known what was gonig on and asked her ok what next.


Ok raven thanks. After typing that I have only just seen your post. So please excuse me for missing it am tired today.

sorry susann am really tired today so please forgive me for my annoyance towards you. I hope you understand.

I have been hacked in the past a couple of years ago, when I used phpnuke and its taken me all this time to get over the "I wont touch nuke with a bargepole" syndrome. Sorry for my annoyance.

I deleted the folder now today anyway and decided to start fresh, because what susann did was lost some functionality to my site, like when I log out I can not log out, and now I can not log in as admin either. I also noticed that the stories where not staying in my interactive fiction folder and noticed too some of the page elemenets missing at the bottom ie the footer bit.

As you can imagine I was very cross because I had only just installed it, it took me all night to get this going and worked out and I couldnt not sleep anyway right away.

What she has undone I can not put back on the site.

the htaccess instructions are very confusing as it is, and I was up half the night and working during the day yesterday, installing this file and got it working so you can appreicate my being annoyed towards suzanne.

Suzann while find that her ip is not banned any more because the site is no longer existing. But I must request not to muck up work I have done already to see whats up with an htaccess file.

please excuse my brashness if that is the right word today, am tired and re installing it all again. Luckily we have not got many people on our site so to me it is a learning curve.

The htacces is my own fault because i dont understand all the instructions properly. Is there anyway in your next distrubiton u can make them idiot proof ?

so isntead of playing with someones site maybe some advice written in forum wuld have been better?


please stop having a go at me.

thanks dragonies

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:41 am Reply with quote

Thank u Guardian. Smile

I am finding the instructions in the htaccess section of the ravenuke distribution a bit confusing. I am the type of person who has to re read instructions to make sure I have got it right. Sometimes I find instructions difficult to follow.

when you read the setting up nuke sentinel instructions, it says in the instructions you have to cut and paste what was on that file into the htaccess file after going through the process of setting up. Ok in the htaccess it already has a bit similar so what do I do please?

do I remove what is originally in the htaccess file with the cut and paste or do I add it after what is already there?

This is what I would have asked in the beginning if my site had not had a hacker attempt made on it and I did not get upset. Next time maybe easier if I just lump all my questions together in a 1.2.3. order Smile to save confusion.

Also do we have to give the htaccess write permissions after we upload?

This is what I am getting stuck on.

Thank you dragonies Smile

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:45 am Reply with quote


What she has undone I can not put back on the site

Ok, let us all cool down here. As far as I could tell from the posts above is that Susann did a simple union try, which immediately banned her, which is what she was hoping to test. That action alone would do nothing to the operations of your site. NukeSentinel did what it was designed to do. So, I am thinking something else was messed up prior to that ban or after that ban.

However, please hold off responding until you get "rested" Laughing and let us see what Raven and Susann respond with.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:46 am Reply with quote

ok.. there goes the quick posts again... carry on folks! Smile

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:57 am Reply with quote

Thanks Montague Smile

I did not expect a hacker attempt right away, so you can imaging my surprise and annoyance, also I definately did not give susann permission. Please read my posts saying what why where etc, I catch up with you guys in a short time

chilling out with a cuppa Smile

if she was playing at hackers to see if sentinel is working I guess i know it was Smile

well guess we all get het up at times and defend our friends.

best wishes only

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 10:32 am Reply with quote

Suzann apology accepted Smile

I have just re read posts and ones I may have missed in the mean time.

I think i set permission on htaccess where I prolly shuldnt have done I thought it said in the notes to 777 or something like this. This was what I was wanting to check with you Guys.

this is cut and paste from the nuke sentinel part I find confusing Smile :


Should you find yourself in the smaller group of users that require CGI Auth (as we call it), the following procedure will need to be done to use and activate CGI Auth (HTTP Authentication using .htaccess and .staccess).

Change your permissions on both .htaccess and .staccess to 777
Place the paths to .htaccess and .staccess in the NukeSentinel™ Admin Control Panel
Select CGI Auth Access from the drop down box
From the NukeSentinel Admin Control Panel, select Scan For New Admins
Now select Admin Auth List and make sure that all admins have been assigned passwords
Now, you should see a link that says Build CGIAuth file: -- Click it. That will build your .staccess id:pass file.
Now back in the main NS ACP, in the .staccess box, you will see a link that says CGI Auth Setup -- click it. It should produce a new window with the following information:
Save this in .htaccess :
# -------------------------------------------
# Start of NukeSentinel(tm) admin.php Auth
# -------------------------------------------
<Files .staccess>
deny from all

<Files admin.php>
require valid-user
AuthName "Restricted by NukeSentinel(tm)"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/USERNAME/public_html/.staccess
# -------------------------------------------
# End of NukeSentinel(tm) admin.php Auth
# -------------------------------------------


I have done a fresh install of nuke and I have activated nuke sentinel being safely inside admin.

I think it was the admin paths thing I may have got wrong as well setting it up.?

I take it that you only set permission to 777 if its a group thing? or have i mis understood it please?

Or do I leave permission as is?

I will check out the link you gave me in a bit suzann. Thanks.

best wishes Dragonies

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:15 am Reply with quote


you didn't expect a hacker after installation or at that time, but wasn't this a good lection ?
"What she has undone I can not put back on the site"
To tell the truth it was really only a simple hack and I was banned afterthat because the Nuke Sentinel blocker was activated. I also checked http auth. Please look into your logfiles. Cheers


.htaccess and .staccess needs chmod 777 or 666. You can check the permissions (CHMOD) and change this easily also after upload.

Maybe this is also interesting:






Last edited by Susann on Sun Mar 12, 2006 1:27 pm; edited 1 time in total 
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