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Joined: Jun 06, 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:45 am Reply with quote

I recently installed RN76 v.2.0.2 and all went well. However, because I am learning as I go, I was having difficulty moving data from the old db (76patched) to the new db. I ran out of time so I just added the new tables to the old db and am using the old db with the new install (clanfga.com). It works fine except that I cannot add blocks without making the changes through the old install (clanfga.com/html). I found a couple of references in the db to the old site url and changed them, but no go.

After finally figuring out how to export/import the data only from one db to the other, all was a success (I thought) - except that I still can't change the blocks without going to the admin page of the html install.

Something, somewhere must still be pointing to the clanfga/html installation. Any ideas?
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:08 am Reply with quote

Ezekiel, There is a mis-match between your old tables and the 2.02 ones.

Are you still using your old nuke_blocks, nuke_modules, and nuke_messages tables from your original version? If so, do the following:

Take a look in your RavenNuke76 INSTALLATION/sql folder for a file called *rn76_nsngroups.sql*. Use phpMyAdmin to execute the ALTER statements in that file.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:00 pm Reply with quote

I am sorry, my learning curve looks more like a straight line.

I do have the nuke_blocks, nuke_modules, and nuke_messages in the structure of the new db. But, I don't know what you mean by "are you still using". How do I tell?

I found the file but don't know how to "Use phpMyAdmin to execute the ALTER statements.." Does that mean: ?
    a. I apply this sql to the old db and then replace the data to the new db?
    b. I apply this sql to the new db even though it has data from the old db in it?
    c. give up 'cause I don't know what the heck I am doing and just use both installs when I want to add blocks?
    d. (some other possiblity I can't think of since I don't know the questions to ask)


I did take a look at the nuke_blocks table in the new db and there is no entery called "blocks" in the nuke_blocks table. This line appears in the sql file you mentioned above:
ALTER TABLE `nuke_blocks` ADD `groups` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `view`;

Is this what you are talking about? These alterations need to take place in the nuke_blocks, nuke_modules, and nuke_messages tables?

And if so, do I add anything after the NOT NULL, such as default "0", ?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:36 pm Reply with quote

Never mind, I figured it out. Or should I say, you figured it out and I figured out what you meant. (and how to do it)

That was it. the tables never got updated or they got changed when I moved things from one db to the other.

Thank you, Montego.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:37 am Reply with quote

Most excellent news!! Great job in figuring out what I meant to say ROTFL It was meant to "kick-start" the discussion and you just ran with it to completion. Very cool!

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