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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:45 pm Reply with quote

Hey everyone, looking to give back to the community a little bit. I tried searching for a module that a less than php pro could simply paste in some html code and upload some pictures and then a block would be able to show links to these "informational" html pages. I ran into this on a project that im working on currently and i know they have informational pages that they'd like to be able to enter in but none of them know php.

So in absence of this module in the community (that i know of) i decided to write it myself. Its pretty crude in the sense that im in a time crunch and some of the code is sloppy and not well commented and im sure the functionality could be expanded on greatly. Im thinking of a few right now like some templating for, say, making site links as simple as going [% MODULE_LINK %]&page_name=some_page. Ya know...like the Perl template toolkit or kinda like the constants you see parsed out now in nuke. At the moment i just need to get this project rolled out. The current version (which isnt quite done yet) can do the following:

    Seperate section to upload photos, view them, and delete them.

    Create new html pages that you can name, assign it as a "child page" to another page and then using the newer editor that comes with nuke you can just type in the html content and let it auto format (basic) or open up and simply paste in the html code. You would currently have to specify certain links to the other html pages or images (template tag?)

    Preview the html page after initial creation.

    "Control Panel" (pretty basic) to edit, view, or delete pages.

    Edit all aspects of a page including whether or not to display it in the supplied Links block.

    A Links block to show in a indented manner all the html pages that enabled for viewing. So if page 2 is specified as a child page of page 1, then it would list page 1 left aligned, carriage return and then page 2 indented to that. If there was a page 3 that was a child page of page 2 then it would be indented to that and so on.

Thats about it. If anyone would like to make some modifications and such to improve it or have any suggestions im defintley willing. Maybe in the future give the ability to edit images...kind of like gallery does. Anyway, ill get this out there if theres interest in it.

Thanks everyone.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:37 pm Reply with quote

This seems like a tutorial module...

I search, therefore I exist...
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:01 am Reply with quote

Any more specifics? If theres something better out there or different im happy to look at it, like i said i had to whip this together.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:51 am Reply with quote

I don't know if it's better or not - just pointing out that the functionality seems similar. There are at least a couple of tutorial modules that provide hierarchical / linked pages with photos. One is called Tutoriaux, and the other I can't remember.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:57 am Reply with quote

It also sounds similar to Guiki, which is a nuke'd Wiki. A quick search in Google will lead you to that one to review as well.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 8:06 am Reply with quote

Thanks, Montego! You're absolutely right...

ethana, we're not trying to discourage you - just pointing out some existing stuff that might be similar. If the module you are developing is sufficiently different or even similar with better features, etc., definitely keep up the good work.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:54 am Reply with quote

Oh, np...no discouragement here. I couldnt find anything and i posted here and nukecops i think with little or no response on existing work and google searches werent getting me anyway. If someone does have use for what im working on then im willing to put it out when its done, if not i probably wont go through the effort Smile. Thanks for the input.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:29 am Reply with quote

Actually, personally, I have been wanting to port the key features of MediaWiki over to nuke for about 6 months now. I have occassions where I would like to use PHP-Nuke for a site where the real site admins are really not savvy coders. I wanted to give them the ability to basically manage their static web pages using a WYSIWYG (such as FCKEditor used in nukeWYSIWYG) editor and have it manage creating the pages, cross-linking pages, etc.

So, if this is what you are talking about, I would be VERY much interested in such a module. I am thinking of site admins needing the these abilities, not the general public. It is the "general public" idea that makes me a bit nervous about some tools that have been written as security has to be paramount! But, if page management is an admin function, that alot of that goes away.

Hope that helps some more.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:53 am Reply with quote

Aye, I took a look at Guiki, but I don't think it has the functionality as most Wiki's do these days. Like montego, I want to see a port of MediaWiki for phpNuke. It would be really good to have the page history functionality

(Of course then we'd not only have to deal with people targetting phpNuke and phpBB but also MediaWiki... a lot of spammers targetting wikis)

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 10:07 am Reply with quote

It is purely a backend admin access...the only public portion would be dumping the html pages to the user as well as the block showing the pages indented to eachother as specified by the admin. I still dont have this site all the way up: www.nukecreations.com ...but i will shortly and i will get this up there. I will probably do a code clean up and ask the community for any code suggestions as this is really my first phpnuke module. I've seen sometimes where people on their nuke sites have a test admin login that people can chekck out their modules...is there a standard way of doing it or would i just set up a sub domain with a purely test nuke site that has the module but no real functionality? Thanks again everyone.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:53 pm Reply with quote

ethana, did anything ever come of this project? Was curious as I have a need for such a module and don't have time to do a full port of MediaWiki.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 10:02 pm Reply with quote

Ya, i wrote it and have it. Theres a ton of improvements that could be made and probably a few security filters i havent placed in but it does work. Ill get the current version put up tonight for you and post where to get it here.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:18 pm Reply with quote

Alright, made a few quick bug fixes and such and it's ready for it's first release.

Go to www.nukecreations.com and pick it up under the downloads section. Any questions, comments, suggestions, etc, please post it in the forums. Thanks a ton!

ethana a.k.a Savior @ Nuke Creations

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:30 pm Reply with quote

Also, to see the downloads section just register

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:13 pm Reply with quote

Awesome. I am going through the registration process now and will download and take a look. I have to run, so it will be tonight / tomorrow morning before I can take a look...

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:53 pm Reply with quote

Np, theres a lot of other things i couldve done...defintley some better design but like i first said i was in a hurry to get it done. If there is interest id defintley be up for improving, such as adding a wikki type of thing with certain types of syntax, keywords, etc.
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