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Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Jan 02, 2003
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Location: Vancouver Island
Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:16 pm |
My 850 members have sent approx 80,000 IMs since 2003. They would not be happy campers without this module. I'm working on the upgrade for the production site and would like to have as few errors as possible before the final data set.
And maybe this module has some bad 7.6/3.x standards too. It's spooky putting old apps on Raven's beautiful new distro without a clear clue how to upgrade. (btw, SM at FN was once free and is not now. And the forums were deactivated on the support site. There hasn't been an update since 2003.)
I'm buggy eyed and clueless for a solution to a js Object Expected error at modules.php?name=Site_Messenger
Viewing source points to the divEvent() at the end of the data table output.
Here is the function from functions.php
Code:function divEvent() {
if(nc) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
document.onmousemove = divPos;
It is implemented in the module/index.php like this:
Code:if ($havemessages) {
echo " <input type=\"image\" src=\"$url_button/delete.gif\" name=\"delete_messages\" value=\"delete_messages\" style=\"border: 0px\" width=\"103\" height=\"20\" alt=\""._PMSDELETE."\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"total_messages\" value=\"$total_messages\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"delete_messages\">\n";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</form>";
if ($havemessages) {
echo "<scr ipt language=\"JavaScript1.2\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\n divEvent()\n //-->\n</scr ipt>";
The error occurs when viewing the "Your Messages" table.
A tiny example of view source for the last table row and script tag.
(from my test site)
<td bgcolor="#EDD1EF" width="2%" align="center"><input type="checkbox" onclick="CheckCheckAll();" name="msg_id[8]" value="3" style="background-color: transparent;"></td>
<td width="5%" align="center" bgcolor="#EDD1EF"> <td bgcolor="#EDD1EF" width="10%"><font class="content" color="#735288">User</font></td>
<td bgcolor="#F3E6F8"><a href="modules.php?name=Site_Messenger&op=read&id=3" onmouseover="on('ebene8')" onmouseout="off('ebene8')"><font class="tiny" color="#735288">Re: heh, heh</font></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#EDD1EF" align="center" width="18%"><font class="tiny" color="#735288">06-04-01 01:27 01:27:58 PM</font></td>
<tr bgcolor="#EFDEF6">
<td colspan="6"><a href="modules.php?name=Site_Messenger"><img src="modules/Site_Messenger/images/buttons/english/index.gif" width="55" height="20" border="1" alt="You can click here to reload your instant messages." align="right"></a> <a href="modules.php?name=Site_Messenger&op=send"><img src="modules/Site_Messenger/images/buttons/english/senden.gif" border=0 width="103" height="20"></a> <input type="image" src="modules/Site_Messenger/images/buttons/english/delete.gif" name="delete_messages" value="delete_messages" style="border: 0px" width="103" height="20" alt="Delete Message"><input type="hidden" name="total_messages" value="9"><input type="hidden" name="op" value="delete_messages">
</form><scr ipt language="JavaScr ipt1.2" type="text/javascr ipt">
</scr ipt>
<!-- end Site_Messenger output -->
I suspected a conflict with a block, so did a search for all instances of divEvent() in public_html/ and only found it in the above two files.
If anyone has a moment to help me rid myself and users of this error I'd be most grateful and take you to lunch if you're ever in Victoria.
Have a happy nuking day.
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Site Admin

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Location: Arizona
Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:27 am |
CodyG, may I see the two functions "on" and "off" where they are defined? See this line of code:
<td bgcolor="#F3E6F8"><a href="modules.php?name=Site_Messenger&op=read&id=3" onmouseover="on('ebene8')" onmouseout="off('ebene8')"><font class="tiny" color="#735288">Re: heh, heh</font></a></td> |
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Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:39 am |
oh right ... I was playing around with this bit of code .... I knew there was something to do with off and on somewhere ... it's in the block-Site_Messenger.php file. Which is totally confuddling because the error only appears when accessing the module/index.php.
SCR IPT LANGUAGE="javascr ipt" TYPE="text/javascr ipt">
if (document.images){
BC_on = new Image();
BC_on.src = "<?php echo "modules/$pm_module_name/images/Themes/$themename/copyrighta.gif" ?>";
BC_off = new Image();
BC_off.src = "<?php echo "modules/$pm_module_name/images/Themes/$themename/copyright.gif" ?>";
B0_on = new Image();
B0_on.src = "<?php echo "modules/$pm_module_name/images/Themes/$themename/b0a.gif" ?>";
B0_off = new Image();
B0_off.src = "<?php echo "modules/$pm_module_name/images/Themes/$themename/b0.gif" ?>";
B1_on = new Image();
B1_on.src = "<?php echo "modules/$pm_module_name/images/Themes/$themename/b1a.gif" ?>";
B1_off = new Image();
B1_off.src = "<?php echo "modules/$pm_module_name/images/Themes/$themename/b1.gif" ?>";
B2_on = new Image();
B2_on.src = "<?php echo "modules/$pm_module_name/images/Themes/$themename/b2a.gif" ?>";
B2_off = new Image();
B2_off.src = "<?php echo "modules/$pm_module_name/images/Themes/$themename/b2.gif" ?>";
function off(offImageArray){
if (document.images){
for (i=0;i<offImageArray.length;i++){
document[offImageArray[i]].src = eval(offImageArray[i] + "_off.src");
function on(onImageArray){
if (document.images){
for (i=0;i<onImageArray.length;i++){
document[onImageArray[i]].src = eval(onImageArray[i] + "_on.src");

Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:51 am |
Not sure if this is it, but I am wondering about the two lines that are like this:
doesn't this need to be:
I think it needs to have the "dot"? |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Apr 30, 2004
Posts: 3221
Fri Apr 14, 2006 9:02 pm |
What I'm thinking is that its supposed to change the images source path
So that would be
document.images[offImageArray[i]].src |
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Sat Apr 15, 2006 10:57 am |
In block-Site_Messenger.php I added dots..
function off(offImageArray){
if (document.images){
for (i=0;i<offImageArray.length;i++){
document.[offImageArray[i]].src = eval(offImageArray[i] + "_off.src");
function on(onImageArray){
if (document.images){
for (i=0;i<onImageArray.length;i++){
document.[onImageArray[i]].src = eval(onImageArray[i] + "_on.src");
That's not working for me ... and now gives me a new js error on the home page, not just at the modules/Site_Messenger/index.php.
The error is: Expected identifier.
The script has this thing where it changes images according to some state of the block... on and off ... and this is configurable in the module config file. I turned it off. Maybe I should try turning it on.
Thanks for helping. |

Sat Apr 15, 2006 11:02 am |
I tried turning it, it is an animated gif as part of the block file, I put it ON ... but it doesn't help, it looks funny.  |