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Hangin' Around

Joined: Apr 19, 2006
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Location: San Antonio,Texas

PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:28 pm Reply with quote

I downloaded RavenNuke last nite and gotta say I love it so far as I've gotten. The docs are out of this world good.

Tried using the packages from another site and totally frustrated by the lack of bug fixes between versions. I don't wanna download the latest "stable" and have to spend a week applying patches to ongoing issues (the answers I got amounted to "This a known bug. Deal with it or buy the newest release").

Been doing tests in order practice migrating from PHP-Nuke provided by our web host, either 6.0 or 6.5, can't tell for sure, but it kinda sucks as far as I'm concerned (see above), so I was really excited when I found Raven's site.

Got doing a single site install to just a few minutes using Ravens package.
But I get stuck when trying to configure for multiple sites using single DB and common users table.
I keep the install dirctions provided open in my browser so as to follow, step by step. Here's what I've done so far towards multiple sites:
1. Edit the config.php using $prefix= "site1" and user_prefix=" users_common";
2. DB connects just fine, creates tables using install.php.
. Setup.php does fine until you hit the button, then it gives me a "nuke_users" table does not exist" error.

Ok....I went back and re-read and saw (doh!) where it says you have to edit the sql files. So, I go in and edit: rn76_core, rn76_sentinel, rn_nsngroups, changing every instance of "nuke_" to "site1_"
I manually dropped all tables from the DB in order to start over fresh.
Re-install and get : "nuke_config" does not exist".
So...go back, edit ALL of the .sql.gz (no biggie, got a great search & replace)
Clear out the DB again, reinstall, same "does not exist" error.
What am I missing?
I did look at the "setup.php file" and am wondering if the hard coded "nuke_" tables queries are the culprit.
If so, how do I make them use the $prefix?
As I am fairly new to php/mySQL, I would REALLY be greatful for some guidance. I know I am overlooking something very simple.

Almost forgot, I'm using:
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Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Apr 30, 2004
Posts: 3221

PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:36 pm Reply with quote

Unfortunately, you will need to upgrade your site to 7.6 first.. and then install NSN Groups tables and Sentinel tables. That should make it compatible for use with RavenNuke.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:09 pm Reply with quote

Thanks for the quick response. I am more impressed by this site all the time.
I was sitting here about to restate my case when the light went off, I think.
I have been accused of being very dense on occasion and am fairly new to this type of operation.

If I understand correctly, I will run the install.php and setup.php 4 times (once for each site I plan to import), changing config.php and rn76 core to the correct setting each time, thus creating the correct tables, but not running sentinel or NSN.
After the upgrade and migration of the old data, I then re-run setup.php to install Sentinel and NSN, with no changes to those files.

Sorry if this seems a little dumb, but I am very nervous about doing this and want to make sure I understand correctly prior to starting as downtime is a major concern. The nuke system provided by our web host doesn't allow for this type of configuation with their automated installs, thus we ended up with 4 site which now need to be consolidated into 1 database in order to share.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:34 am Reply with quote

I believe you just need the installSQL to create the NSN Groups and NukeSentinel tables. You still need to use the phpNuke upgrade scripts to get your site to 7.6 first

I'm not sure the setup script does anything that you would need, it is only designed to create admin accounts and default preference settings - which you should already have in your current database

PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:03 pm Reply with quote

I'm working on getting things upgraded. I have a local using EasyPHP I'm using to get things done as far as the upgrade goes. The scripts couldn't seem to change anything when I tried them through as directed in the docs, so I'm continuing with plan b.
Thanks for the info on the setup and installSQL.
Hopefully I'll have everything migrated fairly soon, my wife won't let me have a beer till the sites are done...lol

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 4:26 pm Reply with quote

well..are are partially back up and running. Had to take parts back down and do some tinkering to correct a few issues, but so far things look good.
One thing that might save a bunch of head banging would be for dupes like me to know you have to re-name the installation folder in order for the update scripts to work.
Dunno if that was already covered somewhere or not.
Managed to get some rundimentary sharing of users, althou the members list only shows sporadically. I'm working on that now.
All in all..good job folks. I hope to be able to contribute something positive back one of these days.
My next project when all my bugs are worked out is all sites under 1 God Admin and full group,forum..etc. sharing. I'll post the results somewhere else.
btw....I got finally a beer. Cheers

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:59 pm Reply with quote

Yea, it requires some changing to the table references to authors, bb tables, etc. I'm sharing users, but having multiple forums.. unfortunately the way the users table is integrated, each visit to a forum counts as read. Should I ever redo it, I'd put all the forums together under one system.
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