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Hangin' Around

Joined: Oct 03, 2004
Posts: 25
Fri May 05, 2006 11:13 am |
when i go to promote a user all the fields are blank .. why? it doesn't do this on another 442 install I have -- the only difference is that I am using the Raven 2.02 dist on this 'new' site.
tracer |
New Member

Joined: Feb 11, 2006
Posts: 5
Sun May 07, 2006 1:13 pm |
I´m havind the same problem, also if I input the information manually after clicking on "Promote User" I get the following error "ERROR: There was a problem with the database."
The only way I can add admins to the site in which I´m running Raven's 2.02.02 with CNB 4.4.2 is to use the "Edit Admins" panel in the main administration menu.
Any ideas? |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
Posts: 6799
Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Mon May 08, 2006 12:34 pm |
Did you rename your admin.php file? |

Mon May 08, 2006 12:39 pm |
nope , sure didn't.
again .. totally out of the box raven 2.02 (not 2.02.02) dist ... just added cnb 750 442
any ideas??  |

Tue May 09, 2006 11:14 am |

Joined: Nov 22, 2004
Posts: 52
Thu May 11, 2006 6:52 pm |
same problem here too, raven 2.02.02 with cnb 4.4.2. |

Fri May 12, 2006 8:31 am |
anyone? raven? any ideas why this happens? i'm a bit stuck!! pls help. |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Posts: 3312
Location: near Albany NY
Fri May 12, 2006 9:51 am |
Here is what the structure of the Nuke_users table looks like with RN 2.02
Quote: |
CREATE TABLE `nuke_users` (
`user_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
`username` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
`user_email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`femail` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`user_website` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`user_avatar` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`user_regdate` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
`user_icq` varchar(15) default NULL,
`user_occ` varchar(100) default NULL,
`user_from` varchar(100) default NULL,
`user_interests` varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',
`user_sig` varchar(255) default NULL,
`user_viewemail` tinyint(2) default NULL,
`user_theme` int(3) default NULL,
`user_aim` varchar(1 default NULL,
`user_yim` varchar(25) default NULL,
`user_msnm` varchar(25) default NULL,
`user_password` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
`storynum` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '10',
`umode` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
`uorder` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`thold` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`noscore` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`bio` tinytext NOT NULL,
`ublockon` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`ublock` tinytext NOT NULL,
`theme` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`commentmax` int(11) NOT NULL default '4096',
`counter` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`newsletter` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_posts` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_attachsig` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_rank` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_level` int(10) NOT NULL default '1',
`broadcast` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
`popmeson` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_active` tinyint(1) default '1',
`user_session_time` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_session_page` smallint(5) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_lastvisit` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_timezone` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '10',
`user_style` tinyint(4) default NULL,
`user_lang` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'english',
`user_dateformat` varchar(14) NOT NULL default 'D M d, Y g:i a',
`user_new_privmsg` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`user_unread_privmsg` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`user_last_privmsg` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_emailtime` int(11) default NULL,
`user_allowhtml` tinyint(1) default '1',
`user_allowbbcode` tinyint(1) default '1',
`user_allowsmile` tinyint(1) default '1',
`user_allowavatar` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
`user_allow_pm` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
`user_allow_viewonline` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
`user_notify` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_notify_pm` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_popup_pm` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_avatar_type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '3',
`user_sig_bbcode_uid` varchar(10) default NULL,
`user_actkey` varchar(32) default NULL,
`user_newpasswd` varchar(32) default NULL,
`points` int(10) default '0',
`last_ip` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`),
KEY `uname` (`username`),
KEY `user_session_time` (`user_session_time`)
Now if you can post what the structure is that CNB expects we'd have something to compare. In other words go into PHPmyadmin and do an export of structure only and dump it to a file and copy and paste it here.
I'd bet anything there is a structural difference (some field in one but not the other) that is causing the SQL to go bonkers. That's a technical term: "bonkers". |

Fri May 12, 2006 11:05 am |
ohh .. good point .. i'll have to compare side by side ...
here's what i have:
Code:CREATE TABLE `nuke_users` (
`user_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
`username` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
`user_email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`femail` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`user_website` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`user_avatar` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`user_regdate` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
`user_icq` varchar(15) default NULL,
`user_occ` varchar(100) default NULL,
`user_from` varchar(100) default NULL,
`user_interests` varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',
`user_sig` varchar(255) default NULL,
`user_viewemail` tinyint(2) default NULL,
`user_theme` int(3) default NULL,
`user_aim` varchar(18) default NULL,
`user_yim` varchar(25) default NULL,
`user_msnm` varchar(25) default NULL,
`user_password` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
`storynum` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '10',
`umode` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
`uorder` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`thold` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`noscore` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`bio` tinytext NOT NULL,
`ublockon` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`ublock` tinytext NOT NULL,
`theme` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`commentmax` int(11) NOT NULL default '4096',
`counter` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`newsletter` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_posts` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_attachsig` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_rank` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_level` int(10) NOT NULL default '1',
`broadcast` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
`popmeson` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_active` tinyint(1) default '1',
`user_session_time` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_session_page` smallint(5) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_lastvisit` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_timezone` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '10',
`user_style` tinyint(4) default NULL,
`user_lang` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'english',
`user_dateformat` varchar(14) NOT NULL default 'D M d, Y g:i a',
`user_new_privmsg` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`user_unread_privmsg` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`user_last_privmsg` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_emailtime` int(11) default NULL,
`user_allowhtml` tinyint(1) default '1',
`user_allowbbcode` tinyint(1) default '1',
`user_allowsmile` tinyint(1) default '1',
`user_allowavatar` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
`user_allow_pm` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
`user_allow_viewonline` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
`user_notify` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_notify_pm` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_popup_pm` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_avatar_type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '3',
`user_sig_bbcode_uid` varchar(10) default NULL,
`user_actkey` varchar(32) default NULL,
`user_newpasswd` varchar(32) default NULL,
`points` int(10) default '0',
`last_ip` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`user_group_cp` int(11) NOT NULL default '2',
`user_group_list_cp` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '2',
`user_active_cp` enum('YES','NO') NOT NULL default 'YES',
`agreedtos` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`),
KEY `uname` (`username`),
KEY `user_session_time` (`user_session_time`)

Fri May 12, 2006 11:13 am |
ok ... so what i see different is that I have additional fields at bottom, and the auto number is different
Code: `user_group_cp` int(11) NOT NULL default '2',
`user_group_list_cp` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '2',
`user_active_cp` enum('YES','NO') NOT NULL default 'YES',
`agreedtos` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
so ...  |

Fri May 12, 2006 12:55 pm |
So ... when you loaded up RN you left the your_account module the way it was previously for CNB and didn't load up the your_account programs from the 2.02 distribution?
If this is true, can you find the section of code that ties into the promote function you are talking about. Most likely we are talking about something that looks like:
Code:$db->sql_query("update " . $user_prefix . "_users set username='$chng_uname', name='$chng_name', user_email='$chng_email', femail='$chng_femail', user_website='$chng_url', user_icq='$chng_user_icq', user_aim='$chng_user_aim', user_yim='$chng_user_yim', user_msnm='$chng_user_msnm', user_from='$chng_user_from', user_occ='$chng_user_occ', user_interests='$chng_user_intrest', user_viewemail='$chng_user_viewemail', user_avatar='$chng_avatar', user_sig='$chng_user_sig', newsletter='$chng_newsletter' where user_id='$chng_uid'");
This code is from the your_account/admin/index.php of the RN 2.02. I'm guessing that there has to be something like that in CNB to update the users table. If you can find that and post it we might have something to go on.
And just by chance, there didn't happen to be any other tables that CNB created that perchance got dropped during the update? |

Fri May 12, 2006 1:19 pm |
actually ... it was rn 2.02 installed first, fresh .. no upgrade.
then, i applied cnb ya. |

Fri May 12, 2006 9:20 pm |
i'm adding the codes from CNB promoteuser.php and promoteuserconf.php so you can look over them and maybe find something more, sorry but i can't make any sense out of those tow files and why wouldn't be promoting user to admin
<Post edited by Guardian> Whitebox, please post links to files which have been saved in a plain text format. Posting tons of code like that can push the forums off the browser page.  |

Thu May 25, 2006 5:28 am |
I also am completely unable to promote users .. says database problem ... I can't go to the links to redownload the correct distribution .. how do I get what's current? Can someone pm me with a distribution they KNOW works with Raven's 2.02 dist?
New Member

Joined: May 10, 2006
Posts: 7
Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:18 am |
I'm having the exact same problem, has anyone found a solution? |

Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:10 am |
no, i never did get a solution.
ultimately i tried e107 and finally settled on joomla -- i got sick of fighting nuke. joomla was a hard transtition, but ultimately worth it. |

Joined: Oct 05, 2003
Posts: 107
Location: Illinois
Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:49 am |
LOL You fixed it by changing CMS's ? hehe
Actually I fixed this in Platinum B4 along time ago. You could extract the Your Account module from there and replace yours and it should work. You can get it at if you want to try that module out.
B5 has a heavily modified version of CNB that Ken assisted in the integration of the post fields, registration and profile fields addon so they now also work. Also I put back the TOS editor and added a few other things. B5 hasnt been released except to testers right now tho. I will post it when its ready for public use if you want to test that CNB version on RN. It should work fine. |