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Joined: Jun 09, 2006
Posts: 6
Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:21 am |
Hi to you all;
sorry to bother you with problably such an easy question, but i'm really in the beguinning of php.
My problrm is that when i try to the core install the tables it gives me an error saying:
"ERROR! The exact error message that your MySQL server reported is You have an error in your SQL syntax near '; ' at line 1."
Thank you all
oneLove&unity |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Posts: 3312
Location: near Albany NY
Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:40 am |
Could you provide us with some more details:
1. Is this an empty site that you are installing to (no previous Nuke).
2. You downloaded RN 2.02 from this site recently? Just confirm this.
3. Apparently you edited the config.php according to the instructions or you would have gotten either an "I can't find config.php" or an "I can't connect to the database using your config.php" type message. But could you confirm that you get a message when running installSQL.php that the config.php was found?
If you have access to phpmyadmin maybe you could also look at the database where you are trying to load the core tables and let us know if any were created.
Hummm ... thinking as I write. The message you report is kind of strange. Can you look in your site at the files (directly on the server would be best if your FTP client lets you view the files, but at the very least in the directory you uploaded). Take a look at the INSTALLATION directory and then within that the SQL directory and the file rn76_core_pl32.sql. The first line in that file tries to drop the authors table if it already exists. Could you confirm that line is there (as well as that file?). |

Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:09 am |
hi fkelly;
Tx for your help.
As i told before my knolege of php is very small so i´ll try to explain it the best i can.
1. I think it´s an empty site i´m installing i never worked with nuke even though i´ve downloaded it and try to play with it (i never saved any work)
2. Does RN2.02 stand for the ravennuke? if so, yes, i´ve downloaded 3 days ago.
3. I´ve edited the config.php and in the page that we install the core tables it recognizes the database, username and password. (the database i´ve created it via phpmyadmin)
At the moment i can´t take a look at the files because they are at my schools computer)
Once again thank you for your help
oneLove&unity |

Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:23 am |
Sorry for the unexplained acronymn. I hate those generally. Yes, RN is shorthand for RavenNuke. It sounds like you are on the right track with editing config.php so if you could just check out those other questions I raised maybe we can find a way to help. In the back of my mind I'm thinking maybe something went wrong with your FTP transfer up to the server, maybe all the sub directories didn't get copied, because having that error in line 1 is pretty suspicious (or I should say indicative). If you can look at that file I mentioned and tell us that will give us more to go on. |

Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:37 am |
Ok my friend.
Unfortunally, only mondey.
Just one thing...
I haven´t still copied the files to a web server, but my computer is a server..
I´m running apache and have my files in the htdocs directory.
I think it´s the same thing as having them in a web server, right?
Thanks for your time and mondey i´ll post a message about the file in the sql directory.
oneLove&unity |

Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:24 am |
hi fkelly
I´ve looking for that file that you´ve mentioned in the sql directory and it doesn´t exist. |

Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:41 am |
Welcome back fedrosilba. It's good in a way that you couldn't find that file because it explains your difficulty. There are others who are much more expert with Apache than I am but I am assuming that you have something like this in your Apache configuration file (since you mention htdocs):
Quote: | # DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your
# documents. By default, all requests are taken from this directory, but
# symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations.
# DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs"
DocumentRoot "E:/webpage/mhcc_web/test/test_active_site" |
The # lines indicate comments and the htdocs line is where Apache defaults to. I've changed it on my site to something else but if you are "pointing" document root at htdocs then that's where your files should be.
Using that directory you could have just taken the Ravennuke zip file that you downloaded and unzipped it there. So within that you'd have a html directory and within that an INSTALLATION directory and then within that a SQL directory and then within that the file I asked you to look for. If you unzipped the distribution somewhere else you could just copy the whole structure over to htdocs. But at any rate the installSQL.php program needs to be able to find that file I listed within a SQL directory within the INSTALLATION directory.
So let's start there and try to get those files in the right place from the distribution and see if your luck changes. |

Mon Jun 12, 2006 9:40 am |
Peace friend.
That´s what i´ve done. I´ve unziped the ravennuke to my desktop and then copied it to the htdocs folder.
Now i´ve tried to copy the zip file to the htdocs and unzipe it there, so I have something like this:
htdos --> rwsRavenNuke76_v2.02.00_FULL --> html --> INSTALLATION --> sql
and there is a file named "rn76_core_pl31.sql", but the file you mentioned is "rn76_core_pl32.sql"
oneLove&unity |

Mon Jun 12, 2006 11:08 am |
I think that what you want to download is the 2.02.02 version. Sorry but you'd be better off starting over with that because it contains a bunch of fixes from 2.02.00. I'm pretty sure Raven would have incremented the release number from pl31 to pl32 on that file and that would explain the discrepancy.
Sorry about that but you will save yourself time if you delete the download you got and go get the right one. |

Mon Jun 12, 2006 11:33 am |
OK my freind
Thanks you very much for your trouble and till next i wish you peace
oneLove&unity |