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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:19 am Reply with quote

Installed 7.2 over 7.0

Old members can use their webmail fine.

New members can not log in to the webmail settings page to set the pop server, etc.
Normal page but with no webmail settings section.

Any ideas ?
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:54 am Reply with quote

I believe that WebMail is no longer supported in 7.2. I would imagine that is at the root of your problem.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 12:01 pm Reply with quote

Raven wrote:
I believe that WebMail is no longer supported in 7.2. I would imagine that is at the root of your problem.

That's not strictly true is it ?!

The installer has the webmail removal commented out and presents it as an option.
All of the webmail module scripts are still in the new distribution.
It works if they'd configured webmail previously.

Why would you remove webmail anyway ?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 12:07 pm Reply with quote

Actually all of websites email has stopped.

My memebrs aren;t gettign the sdignup email anymore
Admin isn't get the news submitted email any more.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 12:16 pm Reply with quote

midigod wrote:
Raven wrote:
I believe that WebMail is no longer supported in 7.2. I would imagine that is at the root of your problem.

That's not strictly true is it ?!

The installer has the webmail removal commented out and presents it as an option.
All of the webmail module scripts are still in the new distribution.
It works if they'd configured webmail previously.

Why would you remove webmail anyway ?
It's true. The needed table nuke_popsettings is not in the 7.2 distribution. There have been licensing issues so he obviously tried to write his own and had security issue (now there's a surprise).

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 12:36 pm Reply with quote

Thanks Raven!

But the upgrade had the remove pop setting commented so my database still has the nuke_popsetting table (and it still works for old users).

Is the fact that all my notification emails have stopped, related to this, or is that just a coincidence ?
ie has he removed ALL email support including system emails ?

If so I need to backgrade to 7.0 :--(
To do that would I un-create the subscription table and just sort of reverse engineer it like that ??

If not, why would all my system emials have stopped ??

PS MySQL version is 3.23.58. Would there be an incompatability between this and 7.2 causing this ??

Oh dear Sad

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 12:54 pm Reply with quote

The 2 are unrelated, imo. I was just commenting as to what had changed. You need to determine whether it is php or nuke related. Save this script and execute it outside of nuke. If you receive the email then you know php mail() is working.

   $subject = "TEST EMAIL";
   $msg = "Mail is working";
   $headers  = "From: Somebody <$to>\n";
   mail($to, $subject, "$msg",$headers) or die('Could Not Send!');

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 5:23 pm Reply with quote

You're being really terrific about this. Thanks Raven!

Bizarely the missing emails finally arrived.
Your script didn't appear to error.
I received my 3rd messgae which I sent to the same domain as it's hosted on.
The first 2 messages to an external domain have still yet to arrive.

Maybe I just have an email bottle neck somewhere.

In 7.2 is there a way I can get the WebMail to work for new users?
It works for users who had already set it up.
I did NOT remove the tables using the 7.2 update (the default DROPS is commented out anyway).
I still have the webmail scripts on my site.

Basically when a new member goes to settings they get the email settings TITLE, but the point where it decides if it is configured already or not

if(isset($popserver)) {

is where it gives up. I get neither "make settings", nor any existing settings - which I guess there aren't - so maybe that is the branch it is taking after all??
Where does this $popserver come from anyway? Presumably it is a field for each member or it a global one?

In the popsettings table itself I have these flags set:
id int(11) No auto_increment
uid int(11) No 0
account varchar(50) Yes
popserver varchar(255) Yes
port int(5) Yes 0
uname varchar(100) Yes
passwd varchar(20) Yes
numshow int(11) Yes 0
deletefromserver char(1) Yes
refresh int(11) Yes 0
timeout int(11) Yes 0

I hope this IS the relevent table.....

In the config table I cna only see these as relevent;
email_send tinyint(1) No 1 (i'd turned compose off)
attachments tinyint(1) No 0 (I'd disallowed attachemnts and viewing)
attachments_view tinyint(1) No 0
numaccounts tinyint(2) No -1 (unlimited email accounts - though I had set that to 4 before the update)
filter_forward tinyint(1) No 1 (the header bit)

If I can add an entry to the table or soemthing - I might manage that.
If I knew where this $popserver was declared/stored.....
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