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Joined: Jun 24, 2006
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Mon Jul 17, 2006 6:52 am |
Now i have been intrested in creating my own PHP-Nuke theme, But i dont wanna do the orginal over used setup i wanted somthing new & created by me but i need to know if this is possible? Or atleast somthing like it!
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Mon Jul 17, 2006 6:55 am |
Sure.... everything can be done with time and money. |
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Mon Jul 17, 2006 7:17 am |
Lol @ money.
I planed on doing this myself but i just needed to know if it was possible and what im gonna need to do to make it possible
Cant learn to build theme's if i dont do em myself right! |

Mon Jul 17, 2006 7:29 am |
Didn't mean to imply that you couldn't or wouldn't do it...that's just an old saying in the IT world...
There is a mod that lets you do some different things with your homepage. I can't remember the name at the moment, but it might make it easier to do than modifying your theme. Another thing to consider is how you want the other pages to appear. Will the modules always appear on the right? Any other blocks on the right? Will the images always appear? |

Mon Jul 17, 2006 1:02 pm |
lol sorry i know what you meant! I just didnt have sleep at the time so i was like in "Zombie" mode.
Um ..... I know how i want the other pages to look but i think i'll make up somore templates and let you see for yourself. As soon as im done i will post them!! |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Mon Jul 17, 2006 1:18 pm |
I would suggest that you experiment with blocks administration and see how much you can accomplish there. A nuke page doesn't have to look like every other nuke page you see. You can, for instance put modules on the right. You could put news on the left although making it wide enough could be tricky. Take a look at the traditional theme too because it does something like what you want.
Just try moving the various blocks around in a couple of themes: left, center, right, up, down etc. Obviously a customized theme will give you more control but just as obviously there are major costs. |

Mon Jul 17, 2006 1:32 pm |
Here is the general idea for all other pages:
And yes i "Think" not 100% on it yet there will be other blocks on the right side besides modules.
I would like to add a user Login somewhere on the page aswell maybe the header or the right side.
*Edit* I just had an idea to make this alot easier. (i think) how about insted of the middle/right (IMG's) be blocks insted of just plain images! All i would have to do then is just add and remove the content as i wish! And it's interchangeable with blocks such as "User Info" or "Login". |
Theme Guru

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Mon Jul 17, 2006 4:47 pm |
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Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:00 pm |
I had an interesting thought regarding your initial post and then the second one with the images and also something fkelly said. This is going to sound really, really, strange, but you could possibly do this (and I am making this suggestion based not on understandability but on expedience in how to accomplish):
1) Think of the "Modules" "strip" as your "Left Blocks"
2) Think of the other "Images" "strip" as your "Right Blocks".
> Most modules allow you very easily to show/hide the "Right Blocks" which is why I am suggesting reversing these two in your mind and implementation.
3) Modify a theme to not perform the "blocksleft" function (not where I can check the right function call right now) in the header.php, but instead, in the footer.php.
4) You may be able to trick this into calling the blocksright in the footer immediately followed by the blocksleft.
5) Modify your theme main index page layout to accommodate the content being the large cell in the layout followed by the two small cells (columns).
I have a feeling none of this is making sense and I just don't have time right at this very moment to try and pull this together in my mind, but wanted to get the "thoughts" out there in case this gets fkelly's mind-juices flowing.....
It might even be worthwhile trying to find a theme which has already reversed these, which may be common with folks who's native language is written right-to-left, such as Hebrew and Persian. |
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Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:06 pm |
What he wants will work almost exactly like a theme that has both left and right blocks side by side instead of on either side of the site. Unless he has a good understanding of what you mean, Montego, I doubt that he can easily make that work. The simplest and best way to practice and learn would be to take apart one that exists with that format already. What you said makes sense and should work but would be much harder then picking apart one that is ready made lol. Either way, I wish you luck in your theme making! |

Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:08 pm |
Jaded, is there a theme that you would recommend as a starting point for blind? I am just not up on all the themes out there. |

Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:28 am |
lol guys! Im very glad to see that people are intrested in seeing me "LEARN" and yes it makes sense to me very much so (i realised after studying the setup).
But i do think if i was to fiddle with a theme setup that is already like this it would help better teach me and also make it easier for me to create new things from it!
So as "montego" said, jaded do you know the name of the theme that i am looking for ? I have seen one like this before but i dont remember where i seen it! |

Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:32 pm |

Tue Jul 18, 2006 5:45 pm |
Thank You VERY much!
I'll let you know how i do  |

Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:27 pm |
I really hope that it helps. The concept is almost identical. |

Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:32 pm |