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New Member

Joined: Jul 25, 2006
Posts: 13
Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:50 am |
First of all want to say what a joy it is using your version of nuke php...I had installed so many buggy version b4, and being very new to this it was a breeze installing
now...It seems that if im not logged on as admin no one is able to access the forums If I am logged on they have access as to the forums as well as admin stuff...the minute I log out people who try to register will get a "you are trying to access a restricted page"...I have tried to disable/enable certain blocks such as the one you guys use here, the user info one, tried to use the default login panel as well, but no luck...I set to the default theme in case my theme was giving me grief. reinstalled the most of the nuke files via ftp...but still no luck...we are a small time gaming site and trust most peeps with the admin
as well dont know if this is part of the same problem but all the text in my admin area has an undersore in front of words like: _BLOCKS or _BANNERS
I would give my website info here but with the admin panel open I prefer not to
thx for any help in advance |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 29, 2004
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Location: Arizona
Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:26 am |
Quote: |
as well dont know if this is part of the same problem but all the text in my admin area has an undersore in front of words like: _BLOCKS or _BANNERS
This is a bit suspicious. Are you using English as your site preferred language? If so, you definitely should NOT be seeing this. This indicates missing language files for the language that you have selected.
Given the above, it may still be possible that not all of your files were FTP'd correctly.
Actually, do you have the Forums module active? It does not come active by default. You must activate it within the Modules administration tool. There is where you set up what category of user is allowed to access the module. |
_________________ Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:32 am |
I will reinstall the language files...I did up load some mods where you have to update english.php...perhaps I fudged on that.
as far as activating the module, yes...there is a thriving forum going on..
what I meant before about access to the admin area..I meant the people have access to the ENTIRE website, including mods and blocks etc..I have tried to set the permissions for admin only..but no luck.
If I wanted to start over fresh but keep all the users and forum info, would it be a matter of deleting my html folder > reinstalling nuke > and restoring my bb with a current backup? (or would I use the backup feature included with nuke?)
Thx:) |

Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:51 am |
Quote: |
what I meant before about access to the admin area..I meant the people have access to the ENTIRE website, including mods and blocks etc..I have tried to set the permissions for admin only..but no luck.
Still unclear. Only admins that you have set up should see the admin control panel pages (i.e., login to admin.php). Regular users will NOT be able to see the ACP pages unless they are using your computer and you were still logged in as admin at the time.
Are you really trying to say that your admins can see everything as apposed to only the few modules you have given them? |

Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:29 am |
Is it possiable to set admin up for the forums only? or are they one and the same? forums = nuke site..
because I did set some site admins for the forums only (using the permission tab in phpbb not the tab in modules..perhaps this is where my confusion is setting in? |
The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Feb 21, 2006
Posts: 1497
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Wed Jul 26, 2006 4:23 pm |
ahh I see, you want to limit the movement of the admins, ok, try this.
Go into edit admins and youll see username, e-mail and then youll see a bunch of check boxes, One of those checkboxes is called superuser. DONT check that.
Each checkbox refers to a different part of the site, ie forums are forums.
Check only the places you want them to be able to move.
This is only for admins and not users. |
_________________ For those who stand shall NEVER fall and those who fall shall RISE once more!! |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
Posts: 6799
Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Wed Jul 26, 2006 5:40 pm |
You have not 'downgraded' from a higher version of nuke have you?
I just discovered a peculiar problem with new registered users automatically getting moderator status in the forums due to a screwed up DB someone asked me to look at. |

Fri Jul 28, 2006 11:18 am |
no I have not downgraded...I didnt click "superuser"...what I did was give the "user" site admin status within the fourum the bottom under the permission tab...was hoping he would see the "site admin" icon at the bottom of the page only...but when he logs in through nuke he has the admin panel..a bit weird no? |

Fri Jul 28, 2006 12:15 pm |
I have never had the need to create a forum admin so I have no history of whether this might be an inherent core bug with nuke in general. I do not think the a 'forum admin' created in the forum admin area should see the main nuke admin page but if they did, they should only be able to see the 'Forum' admin link.
I will try to test this over the weekend if time allows if no else replies. |

Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:20 am |
orbis25, I am in agreement with Guardian. phpBB was integrated in PHP-Nuke and the way that was done, I believe, it is always better to use the PHP-nuke admin setup rather than phpBB, but that is just a personal opinion. I, too, have never tried to manage the forums strictly through phpBB admins.
Since I know solely use RavenNuke, I set up groups using the "Edit Groups" ACP function and then set up individual forum permissions based on these groups. |

Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:01 am |
ok will give it a whirl...this new to me I will try and figure out all the "edit Groups" function thanx for your imput! |

Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:13 am |
You might want to remove all your exisiting phpBB groups stuff you have set up (I noticed there is quite a lot).If you need a hand you know where to find me  |

Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:31 am |
is the user groups/permissions in phpbb the same as using the edit groups in nuke..? if so why is it redundant?...the edit groups in nuke is slightly cryptic and a little hard to follow lol |

Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:43 am |
I will agree with you on that entirely!!!!!!!!!!!
Believe it or not, I have never fully 'played' with 'Groups' from the nuke perspective. I was under the impression that you created different 'Groups' to limit access to specific modules/blocks but I did see it mentioned that it can also be used for forum access too.
I am just doing some testing now. |

Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:54 am |
darklord wrote: | This is only for admins and not users. |
so...if I delete all the admins in nukephp section..I should be able to set them up through nuke and give them access to forums (check box) what will they see when they logon? an admin panel? > forum mod button? will they see all the other options in admin as well? (it seems to me there are more modules then check boxes in the edit admin section)..and to make moderators I would first create a group (lets say called "moderators")...I would still have to use the phpbb to assign different sections to different moderators.
and last...correct me if im wrong is the edit group in nuke, the same as the group admin/management/permisions in phpbb? and if so isent that sorta redundant? |

Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:00 am |
Right, I think I have a handle on this now.
Using the Edit Groups in nukes main admin area allows you to create specified Groups to which you can add specific users.
These Groups can then be used to control access to specific modules/blocks on your site - For example you could create a special group for 'trusted' users so they can access eqdkp (whatever it was called ) and thus eliminate access to it from any old Tom, Dick or Harry that registers on the site and who might want to sabotage your efforts.
As an added bonus, when these 'Groups' are created, they are also automagically added to the list of available 'Forum Groups' - these would normally be set up from the forum admin area.
Forum groups are used specifically to control access to individual forums.
So, for, lets say a gaming site you could create one special Group in nukes admin for 'Players' you could use that to control access to mdules like eqdkp or whatever (there may be no point allowing anonymous access and it saves you bandwidth and page load time).
The Group 'Players' automatically gets a forum group set up, so you could use that as a 'general access' condition to game related forums where you want only 'players' to be able to see.
If you had a lot of forums for 'players' and wanted to break then down a bit more, say by 'Rank' you could use the forum groups to limit access to specific forums depending on whether a user is also in their 'rank' group.
I hope that helps. |

Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:01 am |
Ah, when I refered to ranks, I menat purely from a 'group' perspectve - it has nothing to do with the forums 'rank' settings. |

Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:42 am |
okey thx a work in progress:) |

Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:53 am |
totally unrelated to admin stuff...and seeing how I have a small audience..(ive searched through the forums..found some topics, but...) I cant get my ranks within phpbb for members to display...I have made sure the path is correct: images/ranks/image.gif (with no slash in front) made sure the rank folder was either chmod 777 or 666...dble checked the path in config...still wont display
if I right click on the rank image within the forum and go to properties it points correctly eg:
any suggestions? |

Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:05 am |
Shouldnt the path be to forums?
Perhaps modules/Forums/images/ranks/whatever.gif |

Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:08 am |
When you got to the Rank Administration where you enter the path to the image it should say something like Quote: | Rank Image (Relative to phpBB2 root path): |
So the path you actually type in should be /images/ranks/ or images/ranks/ |

Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:12 am |
Guardian2003 wrote: | Shouldnt the path be to forums?
Perhaps modules/Forums/images/ranks/whatever.gif |
you know...I tried many combinations of different paths...but not that one..such a noob thx:) |

Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:21 am |
Actually, confession time - that message lies!!
The path to enter is modules/Forums/images/ranks/whatever.gif |