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New Member

Joined: Mar 23, 2004
Posts: 21
Fri Mar 26, 2004 2:06 pm |
I have searched for the problem/fix and have found otherw w/the same issue but no resolution. I am running:
Running 7.0 w/Patches
Approve Membership 4
Protector System
Nuke site is running great but... I cannot add Admins/SuperUsers.
When attempting to setup a new Admin/SuperUser, it is just going to: (Totally Blank)
Any input/fix on this would be very much appreciated.
Thank You
Miss Vicky |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Fri Mar 26, 2004 2:09 pm |
At what point did it stop working? When this happens it usually means that the nuke_authors table is not accessible, usually the result of having added a column to the table and the sql code that is trying to access it isn't aware of the column. |

Fri Mar 26, 2004 2:23 pm |
This is a new site that I just launched and had not attempted to create any Admins/SuperUsers until today. I did not have any problems w/the initial install of "God" Account. However; I have added patches, modules, etc. since that time. The only one that I can think of that may have affected it, is the Approve Membership Module, because I did add custom required registration fields for my members for approval. Below is a view of my nuke_authors, does it look correct?
aid varchar(25) No Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
name varchar(50) Yes NULL Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
url varchar(255) No Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
email varchar(255) No Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
pwd varchar(40) Yes NULL Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
counter int(11) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radminarticle tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radmintopic tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radminuser tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radminsurvey tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radminsection tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radminlink tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radminephem tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radminfaq tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radmindownload tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radminreviews tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radminnewsletter tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radminforum tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radmincontent tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radminency tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radminsuper tinyint(2) No 1 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
admlanguage varchar(30) No Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
radminblocker tinyint(2) No 0 Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext
Thank You
Miss Vicky |

Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:36 pm |
The last field is not standard nuke. My guess is that when you installed the mod that changed/added that, you may not have installed the corresponding code to some other file that needs to know that the table has been modified. One thing you could do is to turn DEBUG=1 in includes/sql_layer.php and see if that throws the error on the screen. You could also remove that column using phpmyadmin and prove that that is the problem. |

Fri Mar 26, 2004 4:17 pm |
Excellent! You gave me the starting point and found the error, thank you. When editing the admin/modules/authors.php for the Protector System, I had 2 " ' " symbols in the wrong place. I straighened it out and now it works beautifully.
BTW: I want to personally thank you for managing such a geat forum. This is the most 'responsive' nuke forum that I have ever experienced in the last few years and it is really appreciated!!!
All the Best to You!
Miss Vicky |

Fri Mar 26, 2004 4:23 pm |
Thanks so much for the encouragement! Feel free to contribute to the forum and site. The more help I can get in the forums, the more time I can spend in developing and writing code  |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Nov 07, 2003
Posts: 928
Tue Mar 30, 2004 10:17 pm |
Miss Vicky,
I have a similer problem and I have protector installed. Quote: |
I had 2 " ' " symbols in the wrong place.
Where were those? |

Tue Mar 30, 2004 10:21 pm |
It was my fault when I pasted the code from the Protector Readme.txt file. It was the 2nd code posted in the nuke_authors.
Let me know if this works for you!
Miss Vicky |

Tue Mar 30, 2004 10:35 pm |
This seems to be a problem with radminblocker. I will have to hunt it up tomorrow.
Thanks for the help. |

Tue Mar 30, 2004 10:41 pm |
YES... You are correct. It IS with your Random Blocker.
As per the README.TXT of Protector:
You must do some "hacking" in /admin.php and admin/modules/authors.php
if you have a clean admin.php/authors.php (that means a file where you have done no changes to)
,I have in the folder extra/PreHackedFiles put a admin.php and authors.php which have the changes already made for you.(NUKE 6.5 and NUKE 7.0)
You can use those files if you are not comfortable making the follwing changes.
(open admin.php)
Find around line 157 (it's under the function GraphicAdmin())Code:$sql = "SELECT radminarticle, radmintopic, radminuser,radminsurvey, radminsection, radminlink, radminephem, radminfaq, radmindownload, radminreviews, radminnewsletter, radminforum, radmincontent, radminency, radminsuper FROM ".$prefix."_authors WHERE aid='$aid'";
tip: if you have modified this row already just add ,radminblocker
Replace withCode:$sql = "SELECT radminarticle, radmintopic, radminuser, radminsurvey, radminsection, radminlink, radminephem, radminfaq, radmindownload, radminreviews, radminnewsletter, radminforum, radmincontent, radminency, radminsuper, radminblocker FROM ".$prefix."_authors WHERE aid='$aid'";
Find around line 174Code:$radminsuper = $row[radminsuper];
Add directly underCode:$radminblocker = $row[radminblocker];
open admin/modules/authors.php
Find around line 395 Code:$result = sql_query("insert into ".$prefix."_authors values ('$add_aid', '$add_name', '$add_url', '$add_email', '$add_pwd', '0', '$add_radminarticle', '$add_radmintopic', '$add_radminuser', '$add_radminsurvey', '$add_radminsection', '$add_radminlink', '$add_radminephem', '$add_radminfaq', '$add_radmindownload', '$add_radminreviews', '$add_radminnewsletter', '$add_radminforum', '$add_radmincontent', '$add_radminency', '$add_radminsuper', '$add_admlanguage')", $dbi);
Replace withCode:$result = sql_query("insert into ".$prefix."_authors values('$add_aid', '$add_name', '$add_url', '$add_email', '$add_pwd', '0', '$add_radminarticle', '$add_radmintopic', '$add_radminuser',' $add_radminsurvey', '$add_radminsection', '$add_radminlink', '$add_radminephem', '$add_radminfaq', '$add_radmindownload', '$add_radminreviews', '$add_radminnewsletter', '$add_radminforum', '$add_radmincontent', '$add_radminency', '$add_radminsuper', '$add_admlanguage', '$add_radminblocker')", $dbi);
tip: if you have modified this row already just add , '$add_radminblocker'
Miss Vicky
[Note: Admin edited this and added formatting as it wanted to run off the side of my screen into the next room ] |

Wed Mar 31, 2004 5:46 am |
OK....Found the problem.....Raven you might want to make a note in the 6.9 security update on the front page. The authers.php in that does not have the '$add_radminblocker' in it.
WOOT WOOT! thank you Miss Vicky and Raven
It's a HAPPY thang! |

Wed Mar 31, 2004 8:13 am |
Dawg wrote: | OK....Found the problem.....Raven you might want to make a note in the 6.9 security update on the front page. The authers.php in that does not have the '$add_radminblocker' in it.
WOOT WOOT! thank you Miss Vicky and Raven
It's a HAPPY thang! | Not sure I understand That column is not a part of base nuke. It is an addon. It will not and is not supposed to have that column by default. |