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New Member

Joined: Aug 04, 2006
Posts: 23
Location: Portugal
Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:29 am |
Ok, I just installed (I think) RavenNuke 7.6 2.02.02 and after all is done, I get this message when accessing the website:
There seems to be a problem with the MySQL server Configuration Table - It's missing.
If you are installing this for the first time, did you remember to run INSTALLATION/installSQL.php file?
Otherwise, please report this to the Administrator ASAP.
We should be back shortly.
I follwed the userguide. What did I miss? How can I fix this?
Thanks. |
Sells PC To Pay For Divorce

Posts: 5661
Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:04 am |
step 1
go to INSTALLATION/installSQL.php and run it..
the you see a link afterwards to run the setup....
make sure your db info is set in the config first.. |

Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:15 am |
I did. I set the config.php, then runned the installation, everything was ok. Th einstalation finished fine and I got a message saying to proceed with teh next step, which was to set the config file, which i already had. I found that part weird but still, everything was set.
Then I tried to access the website and got the message i posted above in yellow. |

Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:18 am |

Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:37 am |
and did you deleted the INSTALLATION folder ? |

Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:53 am |

Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Posts: 252
Location: OKC, OK
Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:20 pm |
Do you have PHPMyAdmin or some other tool to go check to see if the tabels were created? I guess what I am saying is this a problem creating the database or of accessing it after it has been created?? |
_________________ ------------------------------------------
To strive, to seek, to find, but not to yield!
I don't know Kara-te but I do know cra-zy, and I WILL use it! |

Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:06 pm |
The tables were created. This is the result of a check done in CPanel:
Quote: | MySQL Account Maintenance
Checking Database
sogmcla_sogweb is now being checked.
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_authors OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_autonews OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_banned_ip OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_banner OK
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sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbauth_access OK
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sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbconfig OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbconfirm OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbdisallow OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbforum_prune OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbforums OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbgroups OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbposts OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbposts_text OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbprivmsgs OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbprivmsgs_text OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbranks OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbsearch_results OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbsearch_wordlist OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbsearch_wordmatch OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbsessions OK
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sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_bbsmilies OK
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sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_topics OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_users OK
sogmcla_sogweb.nuke_users_temp OK
Check Complete |

Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:09 pm |
well this is going to be a topic with a lot of guesing...
perhaps we can have a look with some login..... |

Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:23 pm |
ok you are not getting all the installSQL.php to run.
Looking at your list I see that Nuke Sentinel and NSN Groups has not been added to the list
there are about 2 dozen tables missing.
Go back and start over, and make sure you are running steps 1, 2, and 3 in installSQL.php before going on to setup.php or trying to access the site. |

Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:02 pm |
ok, i'll start from scratch again. I'll post here the results. |

Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:11 pm |
And the results are:
There seems to be a problem with the MySQL server Configuration Table - It's missing.
If you are installing this for the first time, did you remember to run INSTALLATION/installSQL.php file?
Otherwise, please report this to the Administrator ASAP.
We should be back shortly.
Check it live and in colors, here: Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
I followed these steps:
1 - Create a database on your server
2 - Create a user and password for the database
3 - Grant permission for that user to the database
4 - Edit config.php and udate the MySQL settings for the database you just created
5 - FTP the CONTENTS of the html folder to your root nuke folder but not the folder itself
6 - If you are on a *nix server, chmod 777 .htaccess, .staccess, ultramode.txt
7 - Point your browser to http://www.yourdomain.tld/INSTALLATION/installSQL.php and create the tables
8 - Point your browser to http://www.yourdomain.tld/INSTALLATION/setup.php and configure your site
9 - Rename or Delete the INSTALLATION folder
10 - Point your browser to http://www.yourdomain.tld/index.php and you should see your site
11 - Point your browser to http://www.yourdomain.tld/admin.php and login to the nuke Admin Control Panel (ACP)
12 - Select NukeSentinel(tm) from the ACP
13 - Scroll down to where it says "Administrative Settings". If you do not see "Admin HTTPAuth", skip to step
14. Otherwise, if in the dropdown for "Admin Auth:" you see "Admin HTTPAuth", select it and scroll down to the bottom of the ACP and click "Save Changes". You should be prompted to log into NukeSentinel(tm). Use the username and password that you entered in the "setup.php" routine.
15 - Now, please point your browser to http://www.yourdomain.tld/HowToInstall and read up on what you missed
If you installed the files in a subfolder, then adjust the paths accordingly.
My table structure is this:
Quote: |
MySQL Account Maintenance
Checking Database
sogmcla_sog is now being checked.
sogmcla_sog.nuke_authors OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_autonews OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_banned_ip OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_banner OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bannerclient OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbauth_access OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbbanlist OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbcategories OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbconfig OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbconfirm OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbdisallow OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbforum_prune OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbforums OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbgroups OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbposts OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbposts_text OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbprivmsgs OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbprivmsgs_text OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbranks OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbsearch_results OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbsearch_wordlist OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbsearch_wordmatch OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbsessions OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbsessions_keys OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbsmilies OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbthemes OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbthemes_name OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbtopics OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbtopics_watch OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbuser_group OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbvote_desc OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbvote_results OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbvote_voters OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_bbwords OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_blocks OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_comments OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_config OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_confirm OK
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sogmcla_sog.nuke_modules OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_nsngr_config OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_nsngr_groups OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_nsngr_users OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_nsnst_admins OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_nsnst_blocked_ips OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_nsnst_blocked_ranges OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_nsnst_blockers OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_nsnst_cidrs OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_nsnst_config OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_nsnst_countries OK
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sogmcla_sog.nuke_related OK
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sogmcla_sog.nuke_reviews_comments OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_reviews_main OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_session OK
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sogmcla_sog.nuke_stats_month OK
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sogmcla_sog.nuke_topics OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_users OK
sogmcla_sog.nuke_users_temp OK
Check Complete
Step 10 is where I get that message, exactly llike the first time. So... any toughts? |

Wed Aug 09, 2006 3:05 am |
please provide some login etc so we can do it for you...
you can pm the info.. |

Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:01 am |
Thank you for your help.
Will ftp access do? I can create the database and pm you the data. The reason for this is that this is a clan webspace and more than one people pay for it and I would have to ask them for permission, which could take some time, considering some of them are on vacations. |

Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:04 am |
well for now ftp access will do..
and i need an EMPTY database with its CORRECT username and password
database name
and same goes for ftp..
and include in pm what username and pass you prefer for the setup.. |

Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:47 am |
Ok, thank you. i will do that.
Do you want me to upload or do you prefer to do that to make sure everything is correct? |

Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:49 am |
well best thing is that i install it in the root...
yes i upload it myself.. |

Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:58 am |
Ok, I just sent the data to your PM box. Thank you for your help! |

Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:00 am |
Thank you very much for your help, hitwalker. I was stuck there and you gave a precious help.
I still don't know what I was doing wrong, but the site is now up. Did a backup in case i crash anything else, hehe!
Thank you!  |