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Joined: Aug 15, 2006
Posts: 66
Wed Aug 16, 2006 5:26 am |
Hi I have white screen of death.
I first uploaded 7.8 - worked fine.
I then uploaded the patch - worked fine. (3.01)
I then uploaded sentinel and edited the core files.
I then went to the admin page on my website it was blank... but I continued and put in the nsnst.php bit and it was still blank....
I then checked the editing of the patch files and everything is fine. I've checked three times.
I have also edited out the bit about the url to the site in the admin file as directed in a post above. Still nothing.
PS. I am using Sentinel Version: 2.5.02 70-79. I've tried to download the upgrade from nuke scripts but I get the error :Access to NukeScripts(tm) by way of scripts is not permitted. Please use a properly configured web browser." I'm not using a script to download.....
I also use firefox.. (noticed someone had a problem with that as well but I also checked on explorer and white page there as well)
I have error reporting turned on and still have a white screen.
Desperately need to have a working version... I had my site hacked over the weekend by some thug. I was using 7.5 with sentinel with config outside the main directory when he hacked me. The site was up for nearly two years before someone hacked it  |

Wed Aug 16, 2006 6:40 am |
I guess I will just have to uninstall sentinel for now... hate to do it but I've just waisted my day off work trying to get it all to install. |
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Joined: Aug 29, 2004
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Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:01 am |
Sorry that in your frustration that you could not wait more than an hour for a reply... Many of us did not have the day off yesterday.
By the way, the white page is almost always a parse error and most likely means that one of the edits you made introduced this. I find that ending semi-colons on statements and having mis-matched brackets (such as is found on IF statements) are the biggest "culprits". |
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:52 am |
Well it was about 10pm at night by then for me and as I had to go to work the next day it was unlikely that I would get to do anymore work on it until now and I wasn't going to leave a blank white page up on the site, so the uninstall was the best solution at the time. My 'bad' was posting my frustration about it!
With the edits, I copied and pasted everything from what was provided. I checked this three times, printing off the code and going through it with a ruler. I have had problems before with Nuke Sentinal (last year) as I like to put my config outside my web directory and once had white pages because of this and had to make edits to includes. Unfortunately it isn't the case this time.
Is it important to use the upgrade? If so, can someone send it to me since nukescripts won't let me download it? |

Thu Aug 17, 2006 6:51 am |
Quote: |
since nukescripts won't let me download it?
What browser are you using and does it have any extensions loaded? |

Fri Aug 18, 2006 3:21 am |
Firefox and no extensions. |

Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:39 am |
Actually I think the sentinal issue is a problem to do with a slight difference in the language used... ? I went through editing the core files again and I noticed the code is a little different in one of the parts that I was to comment out. I believe I am using patch 3.1.
The sentinal instructions has this:
#-----[ COMMENT OUT ]------------------------------------------
//$checkurl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
//if((stripos_clone($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'AddAuthor')) || (stripos_clone($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'VXBkYXRlQXV0aG9y')) || (stripos_clone($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'QWRkQXV0aG9y')) || (stripos_clone($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'UpdateAuthor')) || (preg_match("/\?admin/", "$checkurl")) || (preg_match("/\&admin/", "$checkurl"))) {
//die("Illegal Operation");
The original code I am editing has the following code and the language is different towards the end. Is it possible that this could be causing a conflict in / with other files? Even though I know the code that is commented out shouldn't effect anything as its commented out - my concern comes with the extra nuke files I have uploaded and the rest of the changes to the coding in the core files. I have almost no experience coding myself, so its a pretty far fetched thought.
Code://$checkurl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
//if((stripos_clone($checkurl,'AddAuthor')) OR (stripos_clone($checkurl,'VXBkYXRlQXV0aG9y')) OR (stripos_clone($checkurl,'QWRkQXV0aG9y')) OR (stripos_clone($checkurl,'UpdateAuthor')) OR (stripos_clone($checkurl, "?admin")) OR (stripos_clone($checkurl, "&admin"))) {
// die("Illegal Operation");
[ Goes to investigate further. ] |

Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:17 am |
I don't believe that is the right code. You are still using 7.8 right? And are you looking at the mainfile7.8.txt file for the core edits to make? I don't see that FIND code there. |

Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:55 pm |
Yes using 7.8.
That code is part of the edit for the admin.php core file, not the mainfile.php.
What I have discovered is that I am using patch 3.2 for 7.8 not 3.1. |

Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:33 pm |
Here isthe error message I get at Nukescripts...
You have arrived at this page for one of the following possible reasons:
1) The file you have tried to download has been improperly linked from outside the NukeScripts™ site.
2) You are running an "Anonimizer" that causes the site to think your linking from outside the NukeScripts™ site.
3) Your Internet Security system is set to block the passing of the referering page.
What needs to be done:
1) Goto NukeScripts™ to find the download you are wanting.
2) Turn your anonimizer off while you are downloading files from the NukeScripts™ site.
3) Set your Internet Security system to allow passing of the referering page for downloading.
While this can and will be inconvenant for some it is a part of this sites security.
What's an anonimizer and how do I turn it off? |

Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:38 pm |
So... I just opened explorer to attempt to download the file I wanted from nukescripts (thinking it was an issue with firefox) and now I've been blocked from the site as I attempted to spam it ???????????????????
You have been blocked from entering this site.
You have attempted to flood this site and force it offline.
All of the following information has been gathered to assist the webmaster should this need to be reported to local or federal law enforcement.
If you think this is a mistake you can contact the site webmaster at webmaster(at)nukescripts(dot)net.
Be SURE to include the following information in any email!
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
Remote Address: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (removed for posting here)
Client IP: none
Forwarded For: none
Date Blocked: 2006-08-18 @ 21:35:19 EDT GMT -0400
Block expires: Unknown
I can still access nukescripts (so I haven't been blocked) however I still get the same error with explorer. |

Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:41 pm |
Problem with Nukescripts appears to be my firewall. I turned it off and its downloading fine.
However I tried to download Nuke 7.6 thinking I'll just attempt to install that with sentinal since others seem to have little problem with it... however the download archive is corrupt. I think this could be caused by the extension of the file which it is trying to dowload which is tar.tar Everytime I try to extract it just wants to add the file to an archive instead of extracting.
Is there anywhere else I can download this version where the file isn't corrupt? |

Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:24 am |
This is a known issue with IE / WinXP SP2 (I believe). I have been able to save it and change the extension of it to .tar.tar to .tar.gz and then open it just fine. You could also try it with FF.
With regards to your original question, my bad on thinking this was mainfile.php. No wonder I was
You should be able to comment that out and be just fine. Maybe it is another edit then? |

Sat Aug 19, 2006 8:51 pm |
Ah okay, cool.
I kinda gave up on installing 7.8 and have decided to use 7.6 instead. I've had less problems with the installation of sentinal - the only issue I have at the moment is the forum admin page which is white - everything else is working fine.
I've had the issue of the forum admin page on a different installation of 7.7. At that time it was because my config was outside my main webspace and I had to make changes to a few files because of that. But, this is not the issue this time, as I haven't got that far, my config is still inside the main web space and the forum admin page won't open. Any suggestions? |

Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:34 am |
I would suggest attacking this other 7.7 issue in a different thread as it is not related to the original one.
Regarding moving your config.php outside you web domain, that is completely unnecessary as is renaming the admin.php file. These were lame attempts by the author of PHP-Nuke to give people a false impression of security.
The config.php can be exploited even outside of your web root if they can guess where it is. Probably the absolute best defense against getting hacked is using a nuke version 7.6 or less, fully patched, loaded with NukeSentinel and then be careful about the add-ons that you install. Check the forums here and Google for possible exploits FIRST. Any nuke installation is only as good as its "weakest link".
Regards and good luck! |
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Joined: Sep 09, 2006
Posts: 9
Location: Nelspruit, South Africa
Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:04 am |
tina wrote: | Hi I have white screen of death.
I first uploaded 7.8 - worked fine.
I then uploaded the patch - worked fine. (3.01)
I then uploaded sentinel and edited the core files.
I then went to the admin page on my website it was blank... but I ( |
6 Months old working installed Sentinel as per "read me" and "Sentinel Guide", patch 3.2.
Got blank screen, changed config.php to display errors.
Site is now working with error on top of screen:
Warning: main(includes/sentinel.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xx/public_html/xx/mainfile.php on line 7
Warning: main(): Failed opening 'includes/sentinel.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/xx/public_html/xx/mainfile.php on line 7
Maybe the error is because this is an Addon site?
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I really would like to solve this because there is quite a few similar problems mentioned but everyone get fixed without answer or they down grade to Raven's 7.6 with Sentinel.
Everybody takes the easy way out leaving no solutions - Let's look for a solution to this
We must learn this one day so why not now?
Still waiting......
Making more coffee.....
Taking a "thinking nap"
montego if you are willing I am listening!
Team_Roadhog |

Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:11 am |
team_roadhog, I not appreciate the tone of your post. Your issue is that you have not removed the old sentinel files. I do not recall when the author changed this (I believe it is in the README file towards the top), but you still have a reference in your mainfile.php to the old includes/sentinel.php script. You should be using includes/nukesentinel.php only. Your mainfile.php edits need to match what the installation instructions state. No more. No less.
You need to compare your latest NukeSentinel distribution files to what you have installed on your site. If you have extra "sentinel" rather than "nukesentinel", you should remove them.
Next time, you may want to lose the sarcasm or be left with no-one willing to help you out...  |

Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:03 am |
montego wrote: | team_roadhog, I not appreciate the tone of your post. |
Sorry but I feel I must refer you to:
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"- Do not over-react to replies. We have a diverse staff (nations) with different natural languages. Please remember this when you think you read a 'tone' in the reply. Written words are most easily understood when just taken at face value"
No intended tone or disrespect intended, sorry for the misunderstanding!
Let me state my intentions with previous message again:
I, (for myself and others with the same problem), would like to solve the problem for future reference.
I have an existing PHP-Nuke 7.8 installation working now for 6 months without Sentinel.
I would like to install Sentinel for obvious reasons and have run into some lack of experience (mine) problems.
As I do not see any similar problem with a solution, (because all those that I found, the problem was bypassed by somebody else doing the job or the user with the problem downgrading), I would like to put in effort in finding an answer for myself and others!
My mainfile.php edits match what the installation instructions state,
and then I get with error on top of screen:
Warning: main(includes/sentinel.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xx/public_html/xx/mainfile.php on line 7
Warning: main(): Failed opening 'includes/sentinel.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/xx/public_html/xx/mainfile.php on line 7
Maybe the error is because this is an Addon site?
(The include_path not reffering to the sub domain "root"?)
This is the first try to install Sentinel.
My first try to access the site resulted in the "You have attempted to access this site with an invalid IP." message:
Is it possible that the Sentinel install was going OK but my firewall interfered?
I have read somebody mention this and if this is caused by my firewall, how do I solve this without de-activating the firewall?
After this I scoured the guides and readme again till I got the "blank screen" and then modified config.php to show the errors mentioned above!
Sorry again if you felt any disrespect - none intended, I have the utmost respect for anybody with more experience than me!
(But on the other hand - so many submissions hammer you guys wrongfully - I will not mind a slap on the wrist!)
I am going to say this again, (again with a smile)
montego if you are willing I am listening!
(The word "team" in my Nick was not chosen without reason - my concept of learning has been and will always be to do so as a team!)
In other words: I would appreciate being part of this team! |

Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:46 am |
Update on:
Warning: main(includes/sentinel.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xx/public_html/xx/mainfile.php on line 7
As montego said:
"you still have a reference in your mainfile.php to the old includes/sentinel.php script"
This had to happened with my experimenting! Changed all to nukesentinel.php in mainfile.php
Got "Invalid IP" screen again.
Did as suggested - must remember to follow this up! (Is this perhaps a temporary solution, not to be left commented out?
Right, busy with Sentinel Administration - will report back!
Team_Roadhog |

Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:50 am |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
Posts: 6799
Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:44 pm |
I think the include reference was changed in around version 2.4.1 from sentinel.php to nukesentinel.php
As Montego stated, you need to remove all the old Sentinel files.
If you are unsure which ones to remove, download the version you had before upgrading and follow the instructions in reverse. |

Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:49 am |
Thanks for your input Guardian 2003!
Quite correct - The mentioned reference to old sentinel.php came with my experimenting to get the installation started.
(between the readme and the online guide)
Unfortunately I did not remember the reference of the change to "nukesentinal" as mentioned in the readme!
Eventually with the help I got here and some mind boggling moves I "saw" the errors in the right light to make the neccessary changes.
Thanks for a superb security addon to PHP-Nuke - now all that is left is to learn how to do the correct setup.
I must say that I am quite enjoying this awful learning proccess!
I hope that we were able to answer this for other users too!
(Starting with the "white screen" and the "invalid IP" and finally the "Warning: main...." problems)
Team_Roadhog |

Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:33 am |
Well to be honest, they have been answered before in the Sentinel forums but I am pleased you are learning as you go along.
The site has a great wealth of information so if you are stuck on something, it is always a good idea to try the forum search facility - I even have to use it myself sometimes  |

Tue Sep 12, 2006 5:50 am |
Yes, good job Team_Roadhog. Sorry I could not get back to the forums until this morning. I usually only get an hour a day, but yesterday was too hectic. |