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Joined: Mar 16, 2006
Posts: 12
Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:19 pm |
Howdy all,
last night i installed a clean copy of PHP-Nuke-, this morning, and all afternoon , i have been trying to get NukeSentinel_2502_70-79 to work. I edited the core files, per the instructions and uploaded with no probs. sample.staccess and sample.ftaccess were renamed and chmod to 666, sample.htaccess was uploaded and chmod to 666 as well but not renamed, yet!
I was able to access, the tables were populated, so no probs there, (verified by checking in phpmyadmin). However, when i try to go to sentinals admin page everything goes blank (white page). I searched the forums and found a couple things that didn't totally fit my situation, but came d*** close. One of which said to comment out the refernces to sentinal in the mainfile.php: more specifically:
as well as:
Code:if(!file_exists('includes/nukesentinel.php')) {
This did bring my pages back from the white abyss . Yea !! So now, when trying to access sentinals admin page i get:
Quote: | It appears that NukeSentinel(tm) has not been configured correctly. The most common cause is that you either have an error in the syntax that is including includes/nukesentinel.php from your mainfile.php, or you have not added the NukeSentinel(tm) code to your mainfile.php. Details for including this code are included in the download package in the Edits_For_Core_Files directory. |
So needless to say, it's becoming a vicious circle and i'm truly stuck
Todays my not so lucky day, earlier i tried to post this very question, and i included my mainfile.php----well i got banned from the site.....ROFL, so im not going to post those just yet. If anyone has any ideas i would greatly appreciate it !!
some additional info, I'm running -
Apache 2.2.3
MySql 5.0.24
PHP 5.1.24 |
Sells PC To Pay For Divorce

Posts: 5661
Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:11 pm |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:28 pm |
ahhh. don't be amazed..........i already tried that distro too!! , had very similar problems. I kinda think it may be my apache config, or maybe even something in my php.ini. I'm really not sure.
So i was turning to some pro's that may at least be able to help me narrow things down. |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:31 pm |
well try it again....
php ini files dont tell us what to do...
do it again and will help you.. |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:39 pm |
ok, i'll give raven distro another shot, (actually that was my first choice). Right now i'm at school, i'll have to give a go later tonight  |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:42 pm |
oh ok...were in different timezone so ill probable wont be onle...
if that php.ini error or whatever shows,then create a new descriptive topic..
others will help you... |

Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:49 pm |