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PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:51 pm Reply with quote

Basically, I have most of the hosting module built already, Im working on users and news now. This module will have standard packages, Professional packages, user interface(with support ticket and server stats for THEIR server). server stats of current server, News part for news on the hosting environment, Basically, This will have enough IMO to qualify for its own cms, But Im currently keeping it a nuke addon module that is not yet complete. I have this on my plate as a personal venture and effort.

First thing Im looking for is people to debug/test the module, Im also looking for people to help develope parts of it, Ideas sudjestions, all of it.

This may seem simple but Its no where near simple and Id like to make it the best hosting module out there. I am not sacrificing security, Id like you all to take a look at this before you begin, pm me for a site link on my system, Its an ip so I will not post it.

If interested please pm me, Ill need to build a news interface, users interface and built in chat system for the host to communicate with people. This is no small task, and time is not something Im too conserned about.

Thank you to all who are willing to venture into this.

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Sells PC To Pay For Divorce

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:45 pm Reply with quote

Ideas sudjestions, all of it.

mmm no replies yet...ok let me be the first again to break the ice and open the discussion if its possible to use a hosting module in nuke.

personaly i dont think so,but that has a few reasons.

Im sure every developer likes the idea that his work is used by thousands of websites.
But thats just it..how many people will actualy use a phpnuke hosting module.

Problem i see is that if you wanna show off as being a professional host (including design) then nobody will be impressed if anyone uses a hosting module with a phpnuke site,developing a mod is nice....but looks are great as well..
There are a few commercial scripts out there that handle hosting requests and they work with some payment systems.

I can name a few persons (with lot of knowledge and run phpnuke sites) but they dont use phpnuke in any way to sell their hosting.
So that does shows a few things...

And another thing is,it has to interact with all kinds of services so every sold hosting account can be created on the spot,but it shouldnt just work on u.s hosting services..

For example.....here in the netherlands a pdf file is created and that has to be printed out at home,fill in the required field and faxed or maild to the host,and im sure other countries have similar ways of finishing up hosting requests.

so if thats not possible then the development is only good for people of the u.s

As for any other developments...
You ever saw this one? :
(ok its ugly...but it excists)
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:08 pm Reply with quote

I don't see a problem with using a web-based script hosting, if that's what your users need.. something simple and easy.

But for real features that people would pay for, Cpanel and Plesk are far superior. I know there are even some free ones that work just as well, though probably not as full-featured.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:20 pm Reply with quote

well what i mean is...what sells,and what dont.....
And people who go for cheap s..t will be sorry some day,its always been like that..
Im still waiting for my hosting selling stuff script to be finished....
is absolutely not nuke but a fully automated hosting sellers site,does all the work from a to z..
thats a bit different ...

but people that just arrived into nukeworld dont know anything and they might go for a $1 host and might be impressed if they see such a site with a hosting module...
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:33 pm Reply with quote

I admire your determination, you are taking on a massive project.
If it were me, I would steer clear of making it a nuke module.
Make it a stand alone script and then if there is the demand, build the hooks required to synch it with the nuke users table.

There is already a hosting module out, a helpdesk module and also, very recently a cpanel module.

I, like Raven, pay hundreds of dollars for commercial software and even that has bugs but if you are looking at other software for comparison purposes you definitely want to check out 'Lpanel' - I used it breifly for testing and it is certainly easier to use than WHM/AP.

One thing I have NOT seen <hint hint> is a module for domain name registration.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:41 am Reply with quote

I hope D doesnt look at this as pure criticism Laughing
with all said i hope he will make the right choices. Wink

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:51 pm Reply with quote

Actually, I just saw this and am very pleased to see the responses. Im glad that I got so much feedback, Actually Guardian I have stayed away from the nuke_users table in an effort to keep the username and password seperate from the nuke_users username and password, Now that I have done that, The reason I stayed with nuke, is only one, and its not security(Thats for sure lol). I developed this module so far on Ravennuke and I like the sql layer that nuke uses, because it makes it compatible with so many other sql databases. Ive made my own nuke_hosting_users table and when you sign up, you go into nuke_hosting_users_temp until and admin approves you, Then you can logg into it with the same information as you set for your password and username(going to be seperate from the database for security reasons).

Originally, I was going to make the account username and password the same as the hosting account username and password, This is now raising red flags, It is md5 encrypted already but still doesnt make me feel safe enough. I am staying away from nuke functions as much as possible and will probably make my own sql layer and security checks along the way. Then it wont need to be a nuke module but will be offered to be considering I dont want to steal or use nukes layer in the process.

And as for the setup, No it e-mails the contact on submital of hosting considering that most automated setups can be conned by cancelling payment imediatley after setup so the host should verify that funds are there and make himself aware.

So the interaction between cpanel whm or whatever hosting environment is offered wont be there, It could be upon request but I have decided for my own benefit not to make that the standard, Id rather not be responsible for money lose.

And Guardian, domain registration isnt a bad idea, not sure how to do that Just yet, but I might get started on that, building it in.

Hitwalker, yes Ive seen that hosting module, It was the main reason for why I want to develope this one. Its limited in soooo many ways it bothered me so in order to improve it, Id pretty much recode the whole thing. Thus the reason I am trying to develope this.

Guys the feedback is Great, thanks for the idea Guardian.

Final notes, Ill build this as a nuke module and branch it into a CMS of its own.
Then Ill have 2 versions, anyone know where I can pickup on making a sql layer like nuke uses? Security vulnerabilities would be Great too.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:15 pm Reply with quote

For passwords, you may want to salt them with another crypt such as SHA5.

Domain registration, you would need access to a registrar's server. I'm not sure that's possible. Maybe you'd just have the script to pass it onto another company like GoDaddy or 1and1

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:07 am Reply with quote

I use the API from enom.com
There was another reason I forgot to mention why I said keep it away from nuke - you dont want all that hard work to get gobbled up by the GPL license.
It's not a problem if you were to write a 'wrapper' for it to work within nuke as only the wrapper would be GPL leaving you free to make the choice of whether you wanted to charge a fee for 'the script'.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:47 pm Reply with quote

I like that idea evaders, curious, I should be able to md5 the password, then SHA5 the password, then enter it in.

And I could do the same for the password inputed for verification. Guardian, Id need you to explain that in Greater detail For the wrapper.

Thanks for the input Guys this is making this more applicable. And with that evaders, I believe I could use the same username and password for the database.
Im still weary though of it. Thats all.


PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 8:03 pm Reply with quote

In this context, 'wrapper' would be something that allows your script to interact with nuke whilst still allowing your primary script to remain independant i.e it does not require to nuke to work but can work with nuke if desired.

There is I believe a third party module called 'nukewrap' which allows some stand alone scripts / html files to work within nuke and that would definitely be worth looking at in terms of what they were trying achieve. You are going to use a seperate DB/tables so you wouldnt need to create anything for that to make it work within nuke, only the files themselves.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 8:21 pm Reply with quote

Perhaps a definition would be necessary, what about a line in config.php that states:

$installed_nuke_module=0; If not installed within nuke set to 0, if installed, set to one.

Then I can create if statements to include certain configuration settings That nuke would user whereas my script would Just have information in it that it wouldnt need.

See where Im going with this, I stayed away from the Nuke syntax's as much as possible, no nuke functions that were not benefitial. The only thing Id need is to create my own sql_layer.

BTW, The project has not been updated these past few days, but come saturday, GAME time lol.

Im having trouble developing a chat system for clients on board, Im going to create a support ticket part of the users account. Anyone interested in taking on a little bit of the work, If I charge and it would be discussed with the person(s) helping, Id give you a percentage of the profit.

Thanks for all the feedback, Guardian Good Ideas.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:12 am Reply with quote

Btw D , ive send you a pm with some extra info...with some practice stuff.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:08 am Reply with quote

Sounds good to me. Only the wrapper part of the code should have any native nuke functions etc to ensure the stand alone script doesnt get gobbled up by GPL
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:55 am Reply with quote

I believe Sweetphp (author of TotalCalendar as well as other software) allows you to freely download a wrapper he's written. It might be worth checking out. www.sweetphp.com.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:02 pm Reply with quote

Thank you all for this information, You know previously I had the idea that this module would take a few weekends and if I had stuck to my original plan, It would have but who here has ever stuck to the original plan killing me

I have found that the demands of this module would/is consuming more and more time and frankly, I love it!!!!

But there is no set date to when this will be released now, considering now I have decided, with your advice and my own conserns to make this its own cms. It has recently been made aware to me that on my own, This will take close to 6 months to completely develope, My wants are far more then Id care to admit. LoL.

Heres my to do list:
Amin panel:

Host name
Link to Main e-mail
support e-mail
billing e-mail
abuse e-mail
sales e-mail
Professional packages enabled.
Dedicated servers enabled.
Main server ip to use, if more, make manually add.
Process or host e-mail to use with the process of form.
Phone number.
Users approval.
Create admin interface for server management.
Need to inform admins how to set MASTER password to get into the system.
Create admin interface for Clients currently online.

Things I need to alter to make work correctly:

Ban users with $hacks.
Also set check for if you always want to be remembered.
Sessions must still be made.
Must make verify usercheck second time at least.

Create a session table, Assign Random number to them using a cookie if username is empty, Do a check with block or something that continually refreshes, part of the sessions table must be a waiting chat invitation, if chat invite is there, open chat window, on window close, update session table, If session is not updated for more then 30 secs, delete from sessions table. Have session table show location as well.

User things to be on display:

Server information.
Admin password.
Dedicated server situations.
Server uptime
Support input(like a small private forum).

This is what I have written down, This will be a FULL CMS and I will not copy code, Ill make every character by hand. Examples are ok, A lot has already been made, page by page I work this out.

Time for more to do though. I think I might want to find a way to integrate ssl into this for secure sites that would like to use this, and Ive started developing the crossover with nuke/standalone. Hopefully it will all stay within grasp of time and money.

Anyone interested(seriously interested) in helping me develope a page or 2, please contact me via yahoo or msn, This so we can have a discussion on how this will work and such, BTW kguske if you havent taken a look at this so far, you need to it is a lot like that discussion we previously had about ddoss.php.

I am setting the time for release about 6 months from now, but that is not set in stone until I get a few willing people to help, It would take me longer then 6 months, This would be built similar construct to nuke.

Jaded, if your reading this, please contact me, Id like to make this theme compatible as well and would value your input on that.

Thanks you all for helping me learn php, without these forums, I wouldnt know <?php from ?>

Update : Believe I have the userlogin secured very well, a lot of echos and print_r's for testing still in the code, Id like a few beta testers for security, Funny thing is, Im the only person on my yahoo friends list and msn list who interested in coding php. So if interested, contact me.
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