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Joined: Oct 09, 2006
Posts: 413
Location: UK
Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:59 pm |
Hi Guys
After several hacks, i had decided 'enough of this...' So went and got your latest 7.6 distro. And So far, im pretty darn impressed, All the db setup went perfectly. I have imported my old nuke_authors table into the new db. So that all my admins are set up. However im stuck on step 11 of the quick install guide.
I can see my domain, and all the header and stuff works, however i cannot access the Nuke admin page... 'Access denied' appears as a nuke message, not a white page with custom text.
How can i fix this and get into the admin, and finally set up all my modules, blocks and forums?
I apologise if this has been asked before, im sure im not the first. However i have searched, and i just cannot see the answer
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Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:21 pm |
Well, the first thing admin.php does is include mainfile and to check if you are an admin. If not you get that "access denied." So I'm wondering first off whether the import went well. Can you look at your authors table in phpmyadmin and see if the correct record is in there for you? |

Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:02 pm |
yes, the author data is correct. I was logged in as God, however when i tried to logout (to try another admin account) Sentinel blocked me
Well i havent had chance to set it up yet, so I assume its banned me now too |

Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:18 pm |
Hummm ... I just looked back at the Quickstart and recalled that in step 7 the setup.php program sets up your authors table for you. So now I'm wondering what effect your import had on that.
Do you recall running setup.php and what you put in there? It creates a god admin and password. I'm not sure if either your import didn't work because the record was already there or perhaps an extraneous record was created? You could always "hack" that table by using the md5 function against the text of a password to be doubly sure what password you have in the table.
Once you get past this point you'll really need to go the detailed instructions, (Not Quickstart) to get Sentinel configured. The setup of security for Sentinel and CGIauth or HTTPauth really is pretty intricate and you have to follow the instructions in exactly the order they are written in order to make it work. I can testify to that from experience. The instructions ARE accurate but there is some "backtracking" among screens that seems counterintuitive but has to be done. |

Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:24 pm |
Yeh when i imported the authors table, i deleted the one that the install set, first and then imported the new one, it is an exact copy, except has the other admin accounts and pw's already set. So there definatly is no doubling up.
Ive just discovered that im not actually banned (pheeww). However i cant set-up sentinel, untill i can get to the admin page, or can i? |

Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:34 pm |
I'm sorry that I'm not being that much help, I am just facing a deadline of my own to "get out of town" here (vacation with family). I just have an instinct about that import of the table ... it could be that setup.php ... okay, I just looked at setup.php and it writes to then nsnst_admins table so it could be that there is a check going on there and you may be getting locked out of sentinel because of it.
I think that, if at all possible I'd go back to setup.php and let it do its thing and defer importing your authors table until you have everything set up and even then consider just adding the old authors (admins) by hand in the new system. There is a step also where you have to have Sentinel scan for new admins and that could be missed with the process you are using.
If you are conversant with php code take a look at setup.php and you will see what I mean. Otherwise maybe someone else with expertise in this can step in here and help.
Raven and his team did a lot to simplify and automate the installation process but there is still the risk that when you stick a manual step in the middle, results (as they used to say back in the IBM mainframe days) can be unexpected. |

Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:40 pm |
very true m8, i hear what ur saying. Although there is nothing unusual in that table. Who knows with programming
Ill not delete anything but ill re-run the installer.
BTW Raven if you read this.. d*** nice package m8, it really does help us newbs; who have been dropped in as admin on a complex site. We have been hacked since i dropped in, and now they expect me to sort it, jeez
Keep up the excellent work, and in case this doesnt work i would appreciate more input.
Cheers guys |

Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:02 pm |
ok i re-ran the installer.
i have checked in phpmyadmin and its reset the authors table to the default install.
Same results |

Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:09 pm |
I'm out of gas for today. Maybe someone else can help? |

Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:11 pm |
np cheers m8, i appreciate everyone has a life to lead. Despite me being in the mire. I dont expect miracles. I am a newb but not un-realistic  |

Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:16 pm |
Good news...I sorted it.
but only after editing the admin.php and completly breaking it . So i go to my original unzip to re-upload it. Et fixed it.
I therefore assume that something must've corrupted it during my original upload.
Hopefully that may help others.
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Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:23 pm |
One thing to be wary of using the first procedure you described is that when installing Sentinel it would have grabbed the God user/pass/IP that was fed in during the initial QuickStart (install) and if you then wiped your nuke_authors table and re-intstated from a backup AND you used a different God user/pass this could have explained why your were blocked.
I'm not saying that is what happened in your case but its an FYI |

Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:28 pm |
yes i suspected i might have problems with that.
So maybe i should express.. You must use your old God login details on the install, if you intend to import the old nuke_users table. If you dont, then you must alter the 'old' God details to match the new one. Either way you do it, the God details must tally up.  |