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Joined: Dec 27, 2005
Posts: 296
Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:33 pm |
So a bit of a continuation of the previous thread...
I downloaded NukeEvo to see what they did to make NSN News work properly. And it looks like its not the 2.0 buggy beta version, but kind of like the 1.6 version. So before I give up and go back to the boring old news, how should I downgrade to 1.6 to give that a spin?
Should I:
1. (My personal favorite)
Just delete the 2.0 files and upload the 1.6
2. Uninstall the module entirely then install 1.6 (Not my favorite)
Is there a considerable difference in the database structure that would prevent me from doing #1? |
Last edited by srhh on Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:16 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:09 am |
Have you looked at the sql files or installer files for both? That would maybe anser your question. |

Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:17 am |
I just looked at the install instructiona bit more closley. Apparently, 1.16 still uses the old core News files soooo....short easy uninstallation, good bye.
I'll let ya'll know if 1.1.6 does the trick.

Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:59 am |
Cool, let us know  |

Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:12 pm |
Ok, so I uninstalled NSN 2.0 and re-uploaded the old news files I made a back-up of.
Then I uploaded the 1.16 files and ran the install.
So, my center blocks (the messages and my center forum block) take up the center and where the right blocks should be. The right blocks are ON the page, but don't show until you scroll down and appear under the first story.

Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:18 pm |
I should also mention the center blocks and right blocks were doing this same thing when I had put back the old New module w/o NSN. So I re-uploaded some files from my theme as I had modded some of those...but its still being FUNKY. |

Sun Oct 15, 2006 3:01 pm |
It was high noon in Nuketown.
Srhh wore black.
NSN News wore red.
Shots rang out and the dust slowly settled on the praririe...
No one is sure who won that battle, but some say on days such as this, you can still here srhh moan...."!%#@*! NSN News"
Ok, so its not quite that dramatic. I ended up deleted and unistalling everything that had to do with NSN News and re-uploaded the News files from a fresh copy of RN.
And the right and center blocks are STILL being funky....Help!! |

Sun Oct 15, 2006 3:48 pm |
Got it.
I had to delete the two stories I posted when I was using NSN2.0.
That solved the problems. |
The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Feb 21, 2006
Posts: 1497
Location: In front of a screen....HELP! lol
Sun Oct 15, 2006 6:38 pm |
Glad to hear it, sorry Kinda busy on a small project to respond. |
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