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PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:13 pm Reply with quote

No, Your_Account just does not handle BBCode. The only way to get a consistant signature for both is to use HTML.

Really since most people use the Forums anyway, it is more likely you'll want the signature to be working there. Could probably care less about the YA

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:18 pm Reply with quote

Thank you saber, but I already did as much, and it's not a problem with the forum, but the nuke part. The Your Account module doesn't incorporate the random extended tags, nor does it set the signature variable the way that the forum Profile does.

That is the gist of the issue, and my php skills are severely lacking. I can easily change stuff once I know where to look and what to look for, but I'm not proficient enough to actually find such myself.

And I am fully aware of the limitations of the YA module myself evaders, unfortunately, for many of the users the Your Account and Profile links are considered one and the same. I'm not asking for any wonders really, just if such a thing as "fixing" the YA module to incorporate the tag is easily possible, or if not. If it's not, then that's fine too, I'll just tell everyone to not change the sigs in there if they want working links.

As for HTML, while possible, it's much easier for many of my users to use the BBcode tags, as those can easily be tested within the limits of the posts before putting into signatures. And because most people don't understand html, and I don't need any sigs outside of the forum, I don't really care about how it looks elsewhere, this site is a news front for a gaming guild, with a forum for communications, not something very elaborate that truly utilizes the capabilities of the nuke system Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:11 pm Reply with quote

Not an easy fix - the YA module would need to be integrated directly into the phpBB files to support BBCode

Syntax-wise, there are few differences between basic HTML code and BBCode. I don't see where your users would have a really hard time with it
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:25 am Reply with quote

OK so, I did a little testing on my site. It seems that if I viewed my sigs in the Your account -> Your Info module it would reset the Japanese characters to the html code. I had to go into the forums sig panel to fix it. I also notice that in the Your Account section that when it displayed the sig, it did so by messing up the BBCode and the Japanese characters. I took out the section that displayed the sig and the section where you type the sig I put in instructions to set your sig in the forums. I did this in the \modules\Your_Account\index.php. Here are the lines I edited:

Just commented out:

/*$userinfo['user_sig'] = nl2br($userinfo['user_sig']);
if ($userinfo['user_sig']) echo "<br /><b>"._SIGNATURE.":</b><br />".$userinfo['user_sig']."<br />\n"; */

And changed to this:

echo "<tr><td bgcolor='$bgcolor2'><b>"._SIGNATURE.": Please set your signature in the Forums section.</td>"
."<td bgcolor='$bgcolor3'></td></tr>"

This keeps the sig from being shownin the Your Account section.

I also removed:

, user_sig='$user_sig'

From the save user function, you do this because if you don't when the user saves the info in Your Account it will blank out the sig.

I think that will keep anyone from messing up their sigs by simply saving changes in the Your Account section.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:30 pm Reply with quote

Thank you saber, for that piece of code, I'll likely adapt my own page to do the same.

As for the "problem" I've been seeing, I did a bit more testing with the database and that user_sig_bbcode_uid field.
Upon entering a completely random 10 digit alphanumeric code into this field, and extending the BBcode tags in the signature over the YA module with exactly the same code, I have managed to get all signatures working. So even with the YA module not really working together with BBcode at all, I can still make the sigs work in the forum when entering them this way.
Considering the extended tag changes with each saving of your forum Profile, even if you change nothing, but does not affect the sig in any way if you enter something by hand, I must assume that it's a randomizer that creates it. I can merely assume here, but wouldn't including such a randomizer and a tiny search & replace function be fairly easy to include into this module? Something like "Find BBcode tags, and replace all ] with :random10digits] then save same random10digits to user_sig_bbcode_uid"

*shrug* thought I'd share, seems simple enough, and for those that are working on a replacement of this module, it might help a tiny bit.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:32 pm Reply with quote

Been thinking about this, and for your_account to work with bbcode, you would need to be sure that forums are included in each site owners website, unless you duplicate the functions needed OR grab the $uid(name of the variable used) out of the sig first then, strip it before the input is applied, then reinsert the uid before it saves it to the database. There are a couple of other options and Im thinking of ways to grab the uid from the signature. Actuallly I think I know how, let me work on something and Ill get back to you on that.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:43 pm Reply with quote

OK, heres the best I can come up with right off hand. it will turn it from img:jkl123 to img^, Like I said, best I can come up with off hand.

This was tested on RavenNuke7.6 (windows platform) and standard 7.6 nuke(linux platform).

In index.php of your_account, if the standard module, find:
if ($userinfo[user_timezone] == $i) {

                echo "<option name='user_timezone' value=\"$i\" selected>$dummy</option>";
            } else {
                echo "<option name='user_timezone' value=\"$i\">$dummy</option>";

Add below:

 $sql='Select user_sig_bbcode_uid From '.$user_prefix.'_users WHERE name=\''.$userinfo[username].'\'';



<td bgcolor='$bgcolor3'><textarea wrap='virtual' cols='50' rows='5' name='user_sig'>$userinfo['user_sig']</textarea>

Find in line:

Replace with:

This is to change it back before inserted into the database.


$user_sig = check_html($user_sig, 'html');

Below add:

$sql='Select user_sig_bbcode_uid From '.$user_prefix.'_users WHERE name=\''.$userinfo[username].'\'';


To put a note in Find this in index.php:

<td bgcolor='$bgcolor2'><b>"._SIGNATURE.":</b>

Then change it to:
<td bgcolor='$bgcolor2'><b>"._SIGNATURE.":</b><BR>your notes, for example, To make this work correctly, you must type code in a different syntax, for example, [ img] would now be [ img^] and [/ img] would now be [/ img^].

Hope this helps.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:11 am Reply with quote

If anyone has anything they can alter this code with to make it fuind the bbcode, then I will be happy to change this code to where it will work with anything without entering something in, I will do my best to do it, Im working on something right now.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 6:13 pm Reply with quote

OK, now after a LOT of time, I came up with some stuff you might be interested in,
This alters the your_account bbcode, both before you edit it and before its inserted, yes it works.

There youll find only one file, ya_functions.php
put that file in your includes directory(root of site/includes)

In index.php of the your_account module,

Add below:

Find :
if ($userinfo[user_timezone] == $i) {
echo "<option name='user_timezone' value=\"$i\" selected>$dummy</option>";
} else {
echo "<option name='user_timezone' value=\"$i\">$dummy</option>";
Add below:

<td bgcolor='$bgcolor3'><textarea wrap='virtual' cols='50' rows='5' name='user_sig'>$userinfo['user_sig']</textarea>

In line replace $userinfo['user_sig'] with $usersig

$user_sig = check_html($user_sig, 'html');

Add right below:


Now this will make all your [img:blah15451] turn back into [img] when looking at the signature and it will turn it into the correct syntax before inserting as to not mess up your forums. This will probably not be necessary with later releases, This function will turn any code aloud by the forums(that I know of) into the correct syntax, img was only an example.

Now I hope this helps you out in your plite, but now I can use the the your_account module to edit my signatures and it WORK.
Very Happy

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:07 pm Reply with quote

Just to reitterate this topic, Perhaps others will find it usefull but does anyone want to test this code out? I wouldnt mind if someone could send it through some serious debugging.
Im open to criticism and advice, but dont openly insult me, I am not the creator of the your_account module, Just the creator for this addon.

If I had ftp access, Id change only one thing, The settings in which it locates the = sign, Id create it to check for url= and the other things, so that it didnt split and write the wrong Junk of code when the user uses an equal sign. Ill do that when I get back, Sorry but I cant think of everything lol.

Thanks to anyone who will test this.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 11:10 am Reply with quote

Hey Darklord

I tested it and unfortunatly no luck for me

I added
to my YA and it saved as

and when i view my forums signature it looks like below, ie no image just the code

When i saved to my forums profile
in my forums profile it saved the output as

but again in the forums it just put up the code and no image and this was after i added your ya_functions.php and the edits
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:56 pm Reply with quote

It would appear that the img you are using is not a vaid image. Use an image that you know works, if you like use this one.


PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:23 am Reply with quote


Nope, phpBB should process PNG images correctly. Not sure what the issue is

PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:50 am Reply with quote

I also applied this little hack afterwards http://www.ravenphpscripts.com/posts11687-highlight-.html

and as you can see it woks, but sill displays in your account as

Its not a problem, at least the signature works where it should be working now !

PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 5:10 pm Reply with quote

In the edit you made from that post, In line replace $userinfo['user_sig'] with $usersig

I know this works the way I intended, Im just not sure why yours is not.

Let me know, I'd really like to look at the code incase there is something I missed

Ohh yeah, When I put that url in my browser last night, the image was not there, got me an 404 error, page cannot be displayed.
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