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PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:49 am Reply with quote

Just installed and created super user no problem. Problem is, on the admin page I have underscores in front of all the section names. For example it reads _BANNERS or _BLOCKS. I am also unable to edit the default news story....the one that links you to creating a super user.

This is probably an easy fix but I'm not too bright you know.... Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:08 am Reply with quote

Also get this error when trying to get to forums....

phpBB : Critical Error

Error creating new session


SQL Error : 1054 Unknown column 'session_admin' in 'field list'

INSERT INTO nuke_bbsessions (session_id, session_user_id, session_start, session_time, session_ip, session_page, session_logged_in, session_admin) VALUES ('0074ed28aaa2f5b024350c6ae2415306', 2, 1162138032, 1162138032, '44c9957c', 0, 1, 0)

Line : 187
File : sessions.php

and this one when trying to get to members list

phpBB : Critical Error

Error creating new session


SQL Error : 1054 Unknown column 'session_admin' in 'field list'

INSERT INTO nuke_bbsessions (session_id, session_user_id, session_start, session_time, session_ip, session_page, session_logged_in, session_admin) VALUES ('f65a5047491e72e2a9da0b2d5672e500', 2, 1162138081, 1162138081, '44c9957c', 0, 1, 0)

Line : 187
File : sessions.php

PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:57 pm Reply with quote

I have reinstalled and cleared up the errors. Well, I had to add a line to the nuke.sql file that added the field to the nuke_bbsessions that for some reason wasn't there. The field session_admin. That not being there was causing that error.

Now I still have all the underscores preceeding all the icon names on the admin screen. That can't be normal and I am having problems such as editing news or adding blocks and such. I have seen these underscores on the admin page before a while ago and I know you smart people have too and can tell me how to fix it.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:26 pm Reply with quote

It sounds like you have missing language files. You might want to redo the FTP process and make sure that it completes successfully.

Your first note says you just installed but it doesn't say what. Ravennuke 2.02??? Did you just download it? How did you get the files on the server. Even the fact that you were missing a field in the table indicates that something didn't go right with the file copy process.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:32 pm Reply with quote

oh yeah.....downloaded the RavenNuke from here. It's the latest 7.6 version. I used FlashFXP for FTP. I have done it twice now with the same results. The missing field thing.....I opened the nuke.sql and it indeed was missing the statement that adds the field session_admin so redoing it will get me the same thing. What is the deal with that.....did I get a bad file?

What do you mean by redo the FTP Process? I hope you aren't telling me to delete everything and then start completely over?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:49 pm Reply with quote

The download you should have is for Ravennuke 2.02. It doesn't have a nuke.sql file, that I think is a file from an older PHPnuke distribution. The file that has the database definitions in Ravennuke is rn76_core_pl32.sql and it's in the INSTALLATION/SQL directory. If you aren't seeing that then you don't have the right files.

As for FTP, one common problem is that folks get cut off from the server before the process completes. It can be hard to tell. If you re-FTP the files and monitor the process you will get an idea if it completes. It won't do any harm to write over files from the same distribution. You might want to save away your config.php and .htaccess and .staccess if you've customized those but everything else should be okay.

Both of the symptoms you listed make it sound like (a) you might have the wrong set of files and/or (b) the files may not have been completely copied up to the server. I can't say that for sure, that's just a educated guess based on what you've stated.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:01 pm Reply with quote

I used the wrong file....wasn't the m76 one you listed above. I am just going to dump the database and make another one and fill the tables with the correct one which I did find. I shouldn't have to touch any of the Nuke files correct?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:25 am Reply with quote

If you have the correct Nuke files that is correct. It is just puzzling to me that you'd have Nuke.sql with your distribution because if you do then it's not the correct distribution. And if it's not the correct distribution then your files will be incorrect also, and incomplete and you'll have problems forever.

There is a whole set of instructions with the rn2.02 distribution and an automated installer that steps you thru it. If you aren't using that then you aren't going to get it installed correctly.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:35 am Reply with quote

The file I used was named xxxORIGnuke and found in


Wrong one I know now thanks to you and I found the correct one. However, I am now just as puzzled because I am getting the same results with the "correct" file. I completely wiped my site and the db and started over as well.

So anyway....I'm going to try the automated installer that is located at:


I have been creating the db through phpmyadmin and then importing the sql file to fill the tables. But I see now that I have found the correct sql file that there are two other ones in the INSTALLATION folder that I am assuming need to be included.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:37 am Reply with quote

Also, there is a forum for post release fixes. Be sure to review these two:


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:47 am Reply with quote

There is a howtoinstall directory with an index.html in it. You could save yourself a lot of time in the long run by reading that and following the instructions. Sorry to be so brief this morning buy some new software is giving me fits. Smile

There is also a quickstart file and you can look at that but you'd just be better off slowing down a bit and going thru the step by step.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:33 am Reply with quote

Ok....I was unaware of the howtoinstall directory which is what I've been cursing under my breath, not having one that is. This is due to exactly what fkelly says about slowing down a bit.

Ok so anyway, I'm doing it step by step and so far I have uploaded all the nuke stuff and created a db. Nothing else. The db is empty. I have changed the config.php to reflect the appropriate connect information.

So I navigate to my site but I do not see the message that I am suppose to according to the index.html mentioned above. Instead it says,

"There seems to be a problem with the MySQL server Configuration Table - It's missing.

If you are installing this for the first time, did you remember to run INSTALLATION/installSQL.php file?

Otherwise, please report this to the Administrator ASAP.

We should be back shortly."

Ok, so i think I have done everything correctly thus far. I just want to make sure here with y'all that the next step is to navigate to http://ww w.mysite.us/INSTALLATION/installSQL.php

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:32 am Reply with quote

Please be sure to follow every step, in order, in the left hand READ ME frame. This is vital to the successful setup of your site!

Step 1. Prepare/Install the db. Done

Step 2. Install RavenNuke76(tm) Tables To The Database - By typing in http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com which there is nothing there because the nuke files haven't been uploaded. see step 4.

Step 3. Setup and Configure Main Site Configuration Settings Point your browser to http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/INSTALLATION/setup.php See step 2.

Step 4. Prepare/Install the Files Edit config.php so you can connect to db. Save the file and exit your editor. Now, FTP ALL of the unzipped files contained in the "html" folder to your root web folder.

Ok, so is it just me or is this a bit confusing. Rolling Eyes

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:50 am Reply with quote

You are right about installSQL.php. As to the instructions, I'm sure that if you wanted to post what to you would be a clearer version they would be considered for future releases.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:47 pm Reply with quote

I wasn't trying to be a smartass although reading my poat above it would appear that way. I was looking for clarification...sorry about that.

I guess step 4 should be after step 1?

So I did that and now I have everything uploaded yet again and the db created. I followed the instructions to the "T". Everything went smooth for the most part. Everything seems to be working just as the instruction say they are. I am in the process of configuring everything now but I STILL have those underscores. I don't seem to be having any other issues though.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:01 pm Reply with quote

The underscores mean either some language files did not upload or they were corrupted during the upload process.
If you can be specific about which ones are displaying with underscores we might be able to locate the exact file so you can try uploading that specific file.

I assume you are using the default english language?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:10 pm Reply with quote

Guardian, is master of the language files and knows far more about how they work than I do. But as I posted this morning you are probably going to need to re-ftp them. This won't create any difficulties if that's all you upload and you can work with him to isolate the particular one that you need. Usually however, when a FTP process goes "bonkers" more than one file gets corrupted or not uploaded.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:20 pm Reply with quote

I will list everything out. If I type it with an underscore....then it has one.

_ADMINMENU ( <--has one as well)

Edit Groups
HTTP Referers
IP Ban
Nuke Sentinel(tm)
Optimize DB

_MODULESADMIN ( <--has one as well)


Additionally the 5 blocks below those have underscores in the title;






I hope this information helps and I certainly appreciate your time (and everyone else's). Cool
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:05 pm Reply with quote

Heres a slightly edited version of the instructions for you.

Please be sure to follow every step, in order, in the left hand READ ME frame. This is vital to the successful setup of your site!

Step 1: Create a Database and assign a user with password(*remember all of that).

Step 2: Upload all files in the webroot or subfolder of the webroot.

Step 3: Edit the config.php to get your database name, the username and password you did in step 1.

Step 4. Install RavenNuke76(tm) Tables To The Database - By typing in http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/INSTALLATION/InstallSQL.php.

Step 3. Setup and Configure Main Site Configuration Settings Point your browser to http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/INSTALLATION/setup.php See step 2.

Step 4. Goto http://yoursite.com(/subfolder if one)/admin.php.

Hope this helps.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:15 am Reply with quote

Guardian2003 wrote:

I assume you are using the default english language?

For got to mention that yes I am using english.

I posted the underscore list above. Should I just start uploading and overwriting all the language files? Question

btw....I can't find the download for the Site Info v2.2.2 block. Is it available?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:47 pm Reply with quote

GUNZ wrote:
I wasn't trying to be a smartass although reading my poat above it would appear that way. I was looking for clarification...sorry about that.

I guess step 4 should be after step 1?

So I did that and now I have everything uploaded yet again and the db created. I followed the instructions to the "T". Everything went smooth for the most part. Everything seems to be working just as the instruction say they are. I am in the process of configuring everything now but I STILL have those underscores. I don't seem to be having any other issues though.

Just so you know, this out-of-order issue was fixed already in the 2.10 release. So, you weren't the only one... Wink

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 10:08 am Reply with quote

That's great and sry again if I came across the wrong way......frustration levels tend to rise when I mess with the stuff.

Anyone seen Guardian?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:35 pm Reply with quote

Was missing the the english language file in the admin/languages folder. d***.....finally.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:30 pm Reply with quote

Glad you got it resolved.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:56 pm Reply with quote

Ok.. I am having the same issue and none of the above fixed anything. Here are the ones on my home page effected.

· _WLINKS: 0

Admin login block:




Frome the user info block:


Any ideas? Where are the language files for these blocks?
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