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Joined: May 13, 2006
Posts: 89
Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:03 pm |
Hey...thought I would see if anyone might have a guess as to what is causing this problem.
Yesterday, my web provider decided to move my website to a new piece of server hardware. Wish they would have told me, first, but they didn't.
Anyway, after the move, they told me that they were able to restore all my nuke tables, except for nsnst_tracked_ip. I tried just recreating the table, but that did not worked. I then went back to a backup from a couple weeks ago, restoring the entire table of tracked IPs.
In both cases, whether getting new "hits" or just trying to list the tracked IPs, using the Display Tracked IPs function, it always tells me that their are no IPs tracked, even tho by looking in the database, I can see hundreds and hundreds.
IP tracking "is" turned on, but I fear something happened during the migration that changed my environment. The only "known" change is that my IP address for my domain changed. That's it.
Ideas as to how I might get the tracking going again?
Spurt |
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Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:32 pm |
You might want to ask your host what mysql and php version they are using and what server configuration differences there are between this new server and the old one. |

Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:01 am |
I will check that you. They had told me that all that was changing was the hardware, but we shall see.
Spurt |

Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:10 pm |
It may be they didnt copy the account across properly, the table may have been 'locked' as it might have been in use when they did the move but it shouldnt stop you from creating a new table. |
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Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:29 pm |
Also make sure they got all your files over... Can't believe they didn't involve you in the move. That is just so irritating to me. |
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Sun Nov 26, 2006 5:34 pm |
| is the "interesting" thing. They eventually sent me an email that pointed me at a "different" IP address for their "PLESK" admin interface. So I was running under the assumption that my domain IP address had changed. In fact, nslookup resolved to that same IP. What I did not know is that was a "mid-step" in their process, and they had intended to put me back on my original IP. Unfortunately, they did not bother to tell me this.
SO, here I was loading data into the table for the WRONG server. ARG. So, once we got that squared away, at least that part was now working again.
Only thing left is that my site does not seem to be able to send emails (like for "talk to webmaster" and when folks say "notify me to responses to this thread" Outbound mail does not seem to work.
I assume they may not have sendmail working, or something, but do not believe that this is a nuke problem (assuming they did not change my smtp server, etc). Waiting on a response from them at this time.
Anyway, thanks for all the encouragement and kind help! It got me focused in the area that needed it!
Spurt |

Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:54 am |

Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:49 am |
Let us know how you get on
Incidentally, if you are dealing with a lot of POP mail from your hosting account in your email client, it usually works faster to use the IP address instead of  |

Thu Nov 30, 2006 10:42 am |
hey...sorry for the delay...we worked through the initial problem and then found another.
Basically, what I noted above regarding the issue with IP tracking turned out to be a comedy of errors where DNS was pointing me at one system, and the ISP was looking at another (by IP). We were looking at different systems. So, I have the tracking issue resolved.
What surfaced after that was the fact that email notifications were not working. They had "jailed" their Sendmail function around some new security that prevents it being used by spammers, and effectively locked me out, as well.
What was happening is that emails normally generated by "Talk to Webmaster" link, or even my Vwar add on, were not being delivered. I had a webmaster@my.domain email user set up in php as admin email. However, the emails being generated were going in to the bit bucket. They eventually fixed this, BUT, I still have a small problem.
While the emails generated by "talk to webmaster", etc are now working, the emails we used to receive, for example, when you click "Notify me when a reply is posted" at the bottom of a thread (like this one), or when you have asked to be notified of a new PM, are still not working. It would astound me to find that these are somehow using different processes than the "talk to webmaster" direct requests, but this may/may not be true.
Any light you can shed? This setting off any alarms?
Spurt |

Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:41 pm |
I don't use vWar as its unsecure so cannot help you on that one. You would need to look at the code but I suspect it would use php mail. |

Thu Nov 30, 2006 4:31 pm |
Thanks...actually, vwar works fine. It is the nuke notification (not sure what to call them) that do not work. Like PM Notification or "Notify Me when a reply is posted" notifications.
I should not have mention vwar...I think I obfuscated the problem. It is either a php-nuke problem or an ISP problem. Just not sure why some notification of our nuke work, and other types do not.
spurt |

Sat Dec 02, 2006 9:56 am |
spurtus, what Guardian is getting at is the rest of PHP-Nuke/RavenNuke uses the PHP mail(), unless your forums are configured to use SMTP, so finding out what vwar is using might help give you a "clue". |

Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:28 pm |
I checked on the vwar web site, and they noted that you can "not" use SMTP for email. They reference that it uses the mail functionality of my website, which I presume is php mail(). Vwar mail functionality does work.
Meanwhile, I guess what I was trying to say for a moment is "forget vwar." By that I mean, if I did not have vwar running, I would then have a problem only with Ravennuke, wherein certain notifications work, and others do not (as described earlier in this thread). Forum and PM generated emails do not work. I am using SMTP for messaging from the PHP-BB settings within ravennuke, or at least I have set the server up, so I assumed it was using that.(???) |

Sat Dec 02, 2006 6:24 pm |
So, you have confirmed vwar mail is working, therefore it is fairly safe to assume you can use php mail (as thats what vwar uses).
You state you are using smtp mail for forums (which would include PM's, topic reply notifications etc) so how about you turn that off so it will use php mail then by default.
If you find that now works ok then it seems it is something to do with your hosts new 'jailed' smtp - ask them to tell you exactly what their 'security measures' entail - they should know as they set them up. |