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Joined: Apr 07, 2006
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Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:22 am |
did some searching and couldn't come up with any solutions...
Running Raven 2.0 with the fisubice theme..
Decided I wanted to try running right blocks on the forums, so added the appropriate code in the forums index.php to get them to show up..
the problem is, they show up on the left side after the forum.
as shown here:
it appears to be on the forum module only, I tested some other modules with right block on and they show up as they should. I also tried other themes and they all seem to be working correctly, so this appears to be related to the theme and the forum module.
Thinking I messed with the theme at some point, I reuploaded it from the distro here and am getting the same results.
Any ideas why it could be doing this on this theme/module only?
Cory |
Sells PC To Pay For Divorce

Posts: 5661
Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:49 am |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:59 am |
Just as a caution, in the link that Hitwalker referred you to, since it was from 2003, it says to set index to 1. In Ravennuke 2.02 (really this stems from the patched series) the approach to controlling right blocks is to define index_file. You can find the code for that in the modules in Ravennuke and as far as I know news is the one that turns right blocks on, the others usually don't.
Now as to the fisubice problem, while I haven't looked into it in any detail, you should be aware that fisubice and deepblue are the only two themes that have their own forum themes associated with them. So if you are using either of those themes then when you go into forums it will automagically use their forums themes (really called templates in forums). On the other hand if you are using any of the other themes then forums will use the subsilver template.
The consequence of this is that you may need to look in the forums directory of fisubice to diagnose your problem. And I gotta be envious of you because you must be using a monitor with awfully high resolution to want to show the right blocks together with Forums. |

Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:02 am |
Thanks for the link...
I think that information is for the older distros -
to get the right blocks on - I added
define('INDEX_FILE', true);
to my index.php file which seems to be working...the problem is the placement of the right blocks
I could be wrong, but I don't think the newer patched version the $index=1; has been replaced by adding
define('INDEX_FILE', true);
thanks |

Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:25 pm |
hi guys, i just posted the link as a result of searching by topic title.
to me it seemd relevant to the question / problem...
raven addresses more then just one solution to check. |

Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:43 pm |
I thought the link was relevant and helpful Hitwalker. I just didn't want CoryS to start coding index=1 but he/she figured it out for him/herself. I apologize if it came across otherwise. |

Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:50 pm |
fkelly wrote: | And I gotta be envious of you because you must be using a monitor with awfully high resolution to want to show the right blocks together with Forums. |
you mean everyone doesn't run a 23" monitor
I actually just wanted to turn on right blocks to see how it looked and see if I could get away with it...
I will do some digging in the Forum folder in the Theme folder and see if I can see what's causing it..
thanks |