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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:49 pm Reply with quote

emmaphp wrote:

One small problem I am having though, is that in the description of one of my current events, just after the text, I would like to embed a video that is hosted on You Tube, (this is because the video shows a clip of the event when it took place last year).

The problem I am finding is that the calendar does not recognise this part of the text/code when I include it in the event description.

I have tried adding the tages used (which are <obj ect>, <em bed>, <par am name>) to the list of allowed HTML tags on the calendar, but this does not help.

The filtering software I am using automatically filters out things like object, embed, etc. I may consider removing that, but you would be leaving a wide open hole in the security of your site, especially if you allow users to add events. If you really want to do this, find the file gcInputFilter.php and edit the $tagBlacklist and $attrBlacklist arrays accordingly (remove the tags and attributes you want to add).

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 5:00 pm Reply with quote

emmaphp wrote:
Hi evenyone again,

While I await a reply to my 1st posting about this calendar module, I have found 2 other small problems.

Firstly, if I enable the 'Enable Auto-Links' option in the calendars admin section, it displayes a small 'box character' after each . (dot) in any URL shown in the description text of an event on the calendar. On further investigation I note that this problem occurs in Internet Explorer and not in Firefox.

This is only a problem with IE6. I have not observed it with IE7. What I am doing is inserting a supposedly non-visible soft-hyphen character into the link at strategic points to prevent super long links from stretching out the display. Finding a solution for this problem that worked on most modern browsers was difficult. Since I have only seen it affect IE6, I am not inclined to change it. This is discussed in the documentation in section 3.2.5 #12.

If this really bothers you, you can edit displayEvent.php. Find the line that looks like this:


   $shyMatch = preg_replace('#(\.|/|=)#', '$1' . $shy, $match);

Change it to this:

   $shyMatch = $match;

emmaphp wrote:

Secondly, if I try to make a 'plain text' posting with the 'Enable Auto-Links' option selected/on or if I make a posting using HTML and the 'Enable Auto-Links' option deselected/off, when the link is clicked it opens in the same window, even if the HTML uses the TARGET="_blank" tag. On further investigation I note that this problem occurs in BOTH Internet Explorer and in Firefox.

Did you allow the TARGET attribute in the options? If you do a view source on your event is the TARGET still there?

Joined: Aug 22, 2006
Posts: 192

PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:21 pm Reply with quote

Hi Gremmie...Thanks for replying so quickly to my 2 original posts.

The first problem I have tried to address is the one that does not allow me to make a link in the description of a posting, open in a new window.

As suggested, I have tried adding the word 'target' to the 'Allowed HTML Tag Attributes:' option in the options part of the admin section, however this does not help.

To confirm, if I include the target tag in the html of a posting, when the posting is made and the code of the posting page is veiwed, the target is no longer present and has apparently automatically been removed.

After making a posting which had the target tag present in it, when you select the edit option for that posting, the text/html also subsequently has the target that was included in the original text/code missing.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:46 pm Reply with quote

Hi -

I just tried this and it worked for me. I set my Allowed HTML attributes to be href,src,border,alt,title,target.

I am also using a development version though, but I think it should still work in the latest released version.

In the next version, GCalendar will have RavenNuke WYSIWYG editor support, and you can also add target attributes with that editor. That works as well.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:55 am Reply with quote

Hi again Gremmie,

I now agree!...Your solution of adding the 'target' information to the 'Allowed HTML Tag Attributes:' field works just perferctly.

Have you possibly worked out yet, why it did not work for me after I initially tried the advise in your original reply?!

Well, if you are none the wiser, it is simply because I had been trying to add the 'target' to the 'Allowed HTML Tags:' field!

Anyhow, I will now investigate your solutions to my other problems and hopefully this time I will not make such mistakes.

Thank you for your timely responses, moreover echoing eveyone elses comments, thank you so much for this excellent calendar module!

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:03 am Reply with quote


The side block for my GCalendar is slightly too wide. I think this is being cause by the size of the letters/font used to display the days of the week.

Please can you guide me to where the css for this is or if not css, then how I can reduce the size of this font.


PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:34 am Reply with quote

Hi -

Yes, target is an attribute of the a tag. Wink I've done that before as well...

As for your block, yes, that can be easily fixed by tweaking the CSS. Usually one can change the font size in the block, and/or the spacing/padding, and I've also seen the need to change the font size used in the TH tags in the block on a couple of themes. But it could be a number of things and often depends on what theme you are using and what CSS it already has. If you PM me or post a link to your site I could be more specific.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:29 am Reply with quote

I was thinking about your YouTube issue also. I just realized I am filtering inside the admin area. I could change it so that you could add any tags you want in the admin area. That is how a lot of modules work.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:19 am Reply with quote

Gremmie wrote:
I was thinking about your YouTube issue also. I just realized I am filtering inside the admin area. I could change it so that you could add any tags you want in the admin area. That is how a lot of modules work.

Gremmie I think this would be a much better solution as it means you can always 'undo' changes to allowed tags and attributes at a later time without having to trawl through the code in core files.

How long with this modification take for you to achieve?

If you are going to offer this option then I would rather hold off from acting on your additional core file code change advise.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:29 pm Reply with quote

I have to look into it. If it is fairly easy, and I think it is, it can go in the next release. I've been meaning to get another release out, so hopefully "real soon now".
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:44 pm Reply with quote

Yea!!! You go Gremmie! Dance-Stick

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